I've noticed that in day games, the darker players skin tone is correct, but it seems lighter in night games. Are there any mods that address this? Or is there a way I can adjust the settings to fix the issue?
Yesterday, the Reds picked P Chris O'Grady in the Rule 5 draft. I'm working on updating my rosters but can't seem to find this guy anywhere. Does anyone know if he is on any of the roster sets? I could create him, but I'm really not good at doing ratings and like to leave that up to the experts. Thanks!
Nice work, BSU Fan. A couple of portrait issues on the Braves. Brandon Cunniff is showing the Rangers Alex Claudio's portrait and Andrew McKirahan (sp?) is showing some player from the White Sox.
Again, thanks for all the hard work!
For some reason, the cf for Jace Peterson is not working in the game. In the roster management, if you go to edit player, he has the face that scottybilly created. But in the game, it's generic. Anyone ever see this and if so, how do I fix?
When I first got the game, it would come on and show logos of all 30 teams before the game started. Now it just shows the start up screen and I have to hit enter to get the game going. It's like that first part disappeared. Anyone know what happened? No big deal - just curious. And I kind of liked that logo screen.
I never knew that about the Single A teams. That kinda stinks. Not that I was really planning on playing any Single A games, but you would think that if they had the rosters, you could play with the teams.
I know it's early, but just wondering if anyone was planning on updating the logo for the new Class A Daytona Tortugas (formerly the Daytona Cubs).
Also, I've searched but I don't seem to see where anyone has ever made correct unis for the Single A teams. Would be a cool addition to the game.
If I enter the 2014 stats using Reditor, is there a way for those to be the stats shown as "Last Year's stats" during a game, or does it always default to 2011's stats?
Thanks for the input. Hate to sound like a total newbie, but where can I find a download for the NBA mod tool that works? I tried to download one a while back but for some reason, had no luck getting it downloaded.
This game would be nothing without the dedication of you guys who mod and make it 100% better. Hate that some people think that the world revolves around them. Hope this impatient person's response doesn't discourage you or any of the others who mod. Your work is much appreciated and even more so now knowing the other more important responsibilities you have in your life.
1. My 1B coach always has a jacket on. Is there a way with Reditor to fix this?
2. Is there a way to change the uniform numbers assigned to the base coaches?