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LA croix

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LA croix's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. WELL, As deceiving as announced: After the final 2124 saison ended, after doing a final draft (who care!?) and all the off-seasons procedures, i came back to the spring training Screen but with this option (image1): Game Over. Now: take a look at that magnificient image i had the after 120 hard-working most simulated seasons. I just can't beleive it! At the finale image (capture2), i had to click Advance. I said to myself: "Yeah here's the reward". Well ...hell no, i just got back to the main screen. So here we are, now i'll go play OOTP19 instead! Thanx!
  2. Hahahaha!! Keep'em coming! Now in 2094, Bluejays have won it all in 2093, a century in the making! i'll give it to you all, when i'll be done!
  3. Hahahahaa!!
  4. That would be disapointing! ...But sorry, it's 120 seasons. Still hell of a long way! I'm now at aproximately 45 seasons played/simmed. So nobody did that before, and ready to spoil it?? I'd like to know how much energy should invest in that quest. ...In fact, i'd love to!
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