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Everything posted by Pims51

  1. Thank you
  2. Great work man! Would you mind posting the portrait.cdf and portrait.iff files once you're done with all of these? Thanks!
    Thanks, looks great!
  3. Amazing! Thanks!
  4. Actually portraits are the only thing that you use for 2k11 lol. And since apparently I was the only one working on 2k11 recently and have switched to 2k12, I guess it'll be tough. Sorry.
  5. Yep that's what I saw! I already looked through AAA and AA and corrected what could be. Among minor problems (but hey it's normal it's only a beta version) I've seen Devon Travis has got a bad cyberface (white player) and Frank "Graces" on the Padres should be Frank Garces. Amazing job nevertheless, I can't imagine how much time it took you to do this chef d'oeuvre!
  6. Which portrait pack is recommended with this roster? I am using Scottybilly's latest portrait pack and there are some problems. Nothing major, but I am just curious. Again, thank you for your awesome work!
  7. Pims51


    Change Billy Burns' portrait number to 654
  8. Pims51


  9. Thanks BSU Fan!!! The time updating values is absolutely crazy, that's true!
  10. Well done Scotty, a 5 star rating from me. I can recognize them all!
  11. Thanks man, that's great!!
  12. Would it be possible, once you're done, to post the portrait.cdf and portait.iff files? I can't get TiT to work (blocked by my virus scanner though it's a false positive)
  13. Thanks Scotty, these look very nice!
  14. Check your mailbox!
  15. I can help on player ratings according to stats! I've already done my spreadsheet and can share it to whoever wants. I could also help out with creating top prospects! Let me know if you need me, I'd be glad to help and start asap.
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