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    Harrisburg, Pa

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  1. better than what I got, he's white on my game lol
  2. Looking for a Gerrit Cole and Starling Marte cyberface. I'm using this roster right now http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8434
  3. Yeah nothing seems to get it working :/
  4. Interesting I just tested the same file on my girlfirends laptop that's running Windows 8 and it works. Wonder if it could be a firewall or Avast blocking it?
  5. Yeah that's the one I'm using, it opens to where I can select the year (2012) then does nothing after I click ok. It never launches
  6. Iv'e tried uninstalling Java and re installing it, nothing works. Sucks because I know I can contribute to this place. If I can find another program that can extract the files like that mod tool does i'll be good. That NBA Mod Tool is outdated at this point IMO.
  7. Latest Java is installed (Version 7 Update 51)
  8. Having issues trying to open the mod tool. It opens to the selection screen asking for the year which I selected 2012 but after that it closes and doesn't do anything at all. I'm running Windows 8 on a beefy system.
  9. Hey everybody I am a experienced graphic designer and was wondering how I could learn how to mod player faces? If somebody could tell me what programs I would need as well as if Photoshop could be used i'd appreciate it. Any mods I make would be for this community! Thanks guys!
  10. Nevermind, fixed on it's own.
  11. Can't wait for a release of this mod. This looks truly amazing man!
  12. McCutchen22

    No Sound?

    Just installed the game on my PC running Windows 8.1 applied the recent patch which didn't fix the freezing issue. I set my computers clock back to 2012 and it works. One issue is I don't any sound at all! Everything else on my computer has sound except the game? Anybody know how to fix this issue?
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