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Files posted by Dirtdog

  1. Brayan Bello

    Here is a cyberface of young Red Sox starter Brayan Bello
    ID Official
    Brayan Bello 260 replaces Pedro Baez
    Use TIT or EAGraph to install
    If you downloaded this face prior to 5/3/2024. Please download it again, the first official ID was incorrect


       (1 review)



  2. Jung Ho-Lee (SF)

    KBO Superstar and New San Francisco Giant.
    Official ID:
    Jung-Ho Lee 455, replaces Yoshihisa Hirano
    Use TIT or EAGraph then BigGUI to install


       (1 review)



  3. Jordan Diaz

    One more face,
    23 year old Rookie for the Oakland Athletics - Jordan Diaz
    Official ID#
    Jordan Diaz 563, replaces Daniel Descalso
    Use TIT or EAGraph then BigGUI to install


       (1 review)



  4. MVP 2023 - 3 pack of faces

    Today I release a 3-pack of faces for MVP Baseball 2005 (MVP 2023)
    New Faces: All official MVP Mod face ID's:
    Edouard Julien 682, replaces Cristhian Adames
    Xander Bogaerts 643, (my version)
    José Quijada 813, replaces Nathan Jones Skin = 7
    Use TIT or EAGraph/Big Gui to install


       (2 reviews)



  5. MVP WBC 2023 Facepack add-on

    16 faces in total.
    Some new and others are my version of pre-existing player faces.
    Screenshots are included, in order for you to decide if you prefer my version to use or the version that came with the mod?

    Read the text files and explore the folders.

    All faces have exclusive to this mod face ID's and use MVPedit to adjust the skin tones to match the text file.
    Important, back up your files before you install anything

    and Most importantly



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  6. High Heat 2004 - (2023) Updated Heads.mf

    This is an updated heads.mf file for High Heat 2004.
    This heads file is an update to the one that was released with the High Heat 2004 - 2023 updated mod.
    These will work with every 2023 Opening Day roster that was previous released and all future rosters to come.
    This file adds new or updates 60 players.
    Just drop this into your Art/player folder.
    Read the post in the High Heat 2004/ Bleachers forum for more information.
    Thanks for downloading,


       (0 reviews)



  7. 2023 Opening Day Rosters & 20th year Anniversary update!

    2023 Opening Day Rosters & 20th year Anniversary update!
    For more details please read the online Readme (Link below) or the one included in the download.
    Decrypt Key: 18EY9pj_xVFlkEE08Yhu-whbj0ItvuZQJTPwQM2S73w


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  8. MVP 2023 - 6 pack of faces

    Today I release a 6-pack of some long awaited faces for MVP Baseball 2005
    New Faces: All official ID's
    Andres Munoz 219, replaces David Phelps
    Dean Kremer 155, replaces Adam Warren
    Nick Martinez 452, replaces Steve Cishek
    Kyle Wright 137,
    Spencer Strider 112, replaces Rick Porcello
    Rob Refsnyder v2 694,
    Use TIT or EAGraph to install


       (1 review)



  9. Oscar González

    Here is a cyberface of
    #39 Sensational rookie and clutch hitter for the Cleveland Guardians, OF Oscar González
    Nicknamed "Spongebob"
    On October 8, 2022, González hit a walk-off home run in the bottom of the 15th inning to eliminate the Tampa Bay Rays
    from the 2022 American League Wild Card Series.Three games later, in the division series, with Cleveland down
    to its final strike in the ninth inning, he hit another walk-off, this time a single.
    That's pretty clutch for a 24-year-old.

    This is not my best face ever, but the lack of any real good photos, i think it's good enough to be released.
    ID Official
    Oscar Gonzalez 582, replaces Eduardo Nunez
    Use TIT or EAGraph to install


       (0 reviews)



  10. Juan Marichal - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Dominican Republic Legend, Hall of Famer & 10x All Star Juan Marichal
    *This face replaces the 04 face that came with the game and is of Billy Williams not Marichal.
    Remember this is a 05 Face,
    Known for his high leg kick, variety of pitches, arm angles and deliveries, pinpoint control, and durability, he pitched 52 career shutouts.
    Marichal played 16 seasons for 3 teams, prominently with the San Fransisco Giants where he played the first 14 years of his career.
    From 1960-1975
    His career spans 9 different total classics mods as well as TC10
    I have given him face ID #456 which is the universal # being used for all 9+ TC mods
    But you can use MVPedit to re-number him your liking,
    Screenshots are from TC69, released in 2008. Credit stecropper for such a great total classic mod.
    IMPORTANT: In MVPedit change the 04 Face tab from Yes to No. Because he will now have a 05 style face.
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (2 reviews)



  11. Fergie Jenkins - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Hall of Famer & Cy Young award winner Ferguson "Fergie" Jenkins
    *This face replaces the 04 generic face that is being used in all total classic mods from TC67 to TC79
    Talk about a workhorse, in 1971 he pitched 30 complete games!
    Fergie pitched 19 seasons for 4 different teams.
    From 1965 to 1983
    His career spans 9 different total classics mods as well as TC10
    I have given him face ID #447 which is the universal # being used for all 9+ TC mods
    But you can use MVPedit to re-number him your liking,
    IMPORTANT: In MVPedit change the 04 Face tab from Yes to No. Because he will now have a 05 style face.
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (1 review)



  12. Jose Miranda

    Here is a cyberface of Twins outstanding rookie 1st baseman Jose Miranda
    ID Official
    Jose Miranda 766, replaces Jarrod Dyson
    Use TIT or EAGraph to install


       (0 reviews)



  13. Rob Refsnyder

    Here is a cyberface of S. Korean/American, former Yankee 5th rd draft pick & Boston Red Sox outfielder Rob Refsnyder
    ID Official
    Rob Refsnyder 694, replaces Kyle Kendrick
    Use TIT or EAGraph to install


       (1 review)



  14. Dave Righetti - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Dave Righetti "Spaghetti"
    Not sure if that was his actual nickname? But this is what we called him here in Boston.
    He played 16 seasons, from 1979 to 1995
    1st pitcher to pitch a No Hitter, and then later lead the league in Saves
    1981 AL ROY 
    Converted to a closer in 1984
    His career spans 7 different total classics mods.
    Use MVPedit to re-number him your liking; so as to not overwrite another player in your mod, I gave him #618 which in TC93 is an open slot.
    Screenshots are from TC93 although he was SF Giant @ the time, he also wasn't #24, but #19 as a Yankee
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (2 reviews)



  15. Total_Classics_1993_Cyberface-Update_Mega Pack Add on

    Total Classics 1993 Add-On, faces (161-226 New or Updated)
    An updated KiwiLifter roster 1.2 for Dynasty play .mbe file included.
    Before using this, download the Total_Classics_1993_Cyberface-Update_Mega Pack first and install that.
    There you can read about everything you need to install and other information.
    Credit for these additional 66 faces is in the .txt file included.
    Complete list of players and credit is also in the "Anyone Interested" thread
    Special Credit goes to HAWK233391, dennisjames71 and everyone else who helped to create this excellent mod, without them these faces wouldn't
    be needed.


       (1 review)



  16. Total_Classics_1993_Player audio update

    Total Classics 1993 player audio Updates (105 Players)
    An updated KiwiLifter roster 1.2 for Dynasty play .mbe file also included. (All new player ID#'s are updated in this roster),
    and some other fixes.
    Or you can use MVP edit to edit your roster with the new player ID #'s included in the .txt file.
    I also included portraits, some new with the changed ID #'s as well. To make it easy
    ** Don't use this roster, unless you also downloaded and installed the Total_Classics_1993_Cyberface-Update_Mega Pack & Pack 2 Add on,
    or you will get many crashes, because you won't have the faces to support the face IDs in the roster.
    If you just want the audio, then use MVPedit to manually change the player iD's from the list included.
    If not noted, then the player audio came from Total Classics 10. Credit to Jim825 & the rest of the team for creating it.
    Here are the names from the TC10 credits that would be associated with creating these fine in game player audio files.
    Who created who, is impossible for me to tell, so i am giving credit to all in the game audio department,

    <--------In-Game Audio Department------->   
    AlexTony: In-Game Audio,
    Hory *: In-Game Audio/Spirtual Advisor for Total Classics
    Krawhitham *: In-Game Audio
    Tony3: In-Game Audio
    TxDodger73 *: In-Game Audio
    Veesmack *: In-Game Audio
    Credit to Uncle Mo for his many contributions to the total classics
    TC88 Credit:
    tebjr wrote:
    Those responsible for material developed specifically for Total Classics 1988: (Audio)
    Audio: Hory, AlexTony, Homer, TxDodger73, Kraw, tebjr
    I take no credit for creating these, I just found, pulled, organized, re-numbered them to improve on this mod.
    This was very time consuming,
    I hope you enjoy it.
    Special Credit goes to HAWK233391, dennisjames71 and everyone else who helped to create this mod, without them these audio files wouldn't
    be needed.


       (1 review)



  17. Juan Samuel - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Juan Samuel, he played 16 seasons for 7 different teams.
    From 1983 to 1998
    His career spans 8 different total classics mods.
    Best known for his speed and sneaky power. In 1984 he had 19 triples and stole 72 bases.
    He also became the first player in major league history to reach double figures in doubles, triples, home runs and stolen bases in each of his first four major league seasons. A year later, he fell short by one triple to repeat this feat for a fifth consecutive year.
    He was a great player!
    Not the best photos of him to work with, I did the best I could with it, better than a generic. I couldn’t see him without a cyberface any longer.
    I also included two separate portraits.
    You have a choice but will only install just one.
    If you want to leave everything as is, just use #7926
    If you would like to have player audio?
    Then change his player ID using MVPedit to #5321, use portrait # 5321. Pull his audio from TC88 #5321, install then both and wala! you go everything for Juan. Face, portrait and player audio.
    If you are using KiwiLifter’s updated roster and the 160 cyberface mega pack update released last week, then no need to use MVPedit. Juan Samuel will already have face ID#647 included in the roster and a placeholder face, all you have to do is copy over that one.
    If you are not and are using the original roster or your own.
    Then use MVPedit to re-number him your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in your mod,
    I gave him #647 which in TC93 is an open slot.
    Skin tone -8
    Edit: I forgot to include, if you will be using portrait #5321/audio method.
    Please change Huck Flener ID from #5321 to #7926
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (1 review)



  18. Doug Jones - Classic face

    Here is a classic cyberface of late 80’s early 90’s workhorse Closer Doug Jones, he played 15+ seasons for 8 different teams.
    From 1986 to 2000
    He actually got several MVP votes, in multiple years.
    His career spans 7 different total classics mods.
    Use MVPedit to re-number him your liking; so as to not overwrite another player in your mod, I gave him #699 which in TC93 is an open slot.
    Screenshots are from TC193 and the Astros he played for at the time.
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (2 reviews)



  19. Total_Classics_1993_Cyberface-Update_Mega Pack

    * Please read the .txt file that says, Read me First! Before installing.
    This is a Total Classics 1993 Update (160 Faces New or Updated)
    The majority of the 160 faces are not mine. In no way am I taking any credit for creating them. All i did was simply 
    compile them, re-numbered them to fit the roster and created a handful more of my own.

    The majority of credit goes out to these 4 great MVP 2005 cyberface legends, but others contributed as well. Not sure of
    all the names?
    These 4 legends here, most of the faces came from there dedicated hard work.
    1993 was nearly 30 years ago, so most of the players that were able to be used were created just a short time after the
    games original release in 2005 or made as a classic face of some sort.
    So that is why credit is going out to these 4 great retired legends.
    But there were others,
    I included more credit for individual faces
    but if you see any of your work included in this file, PM me and I will credit you right away.
    Credit also to the Total classics 10 team, Jim825 and others. Some faces were pulled from that mod. Just not sure who made what?
    The object of this update is to improve on an already excellent TC1993 Mod, but it's just that an update, to improve the
    faces that were originally included and add a host more.

    Credit goes to HAWK233391, dennisjames71 and everyone else who helped to create this mod, without them these faces wouldn't
    be needed.
    This download is a collection of faces to replace the generic 901-915 faces, brand new faces
    and updates to already included faces. If the face was updated, The Best of Best was chosen!

    To avoid any crashes, if you will be adding these manually into your own edited roster, pay close attention to the 05/04
    face designation. Some faces that were checked in MVPedit from the original TC93 roster as 04, now have a 05 face and
    vice versa.
    But i strongly recommend using the excellent new updated roster by KiwiLifter, and it will all be taken care of for you.
    This was a labor of love, not to only improve on this mod, but also because 1993 was one of my favorite seasons to watch.

    With these faces, plus hours of crash testing and KiwiLifter's new updated roster, this mod is not only more complete,
    but it is also one of the few classic mods with a full MiLB roster, with real players, that multiple dynasty seasons can
    be played.

    This took weeks and entire weekends to do, downloading, sorting, testing & re-numbering, so I hope you enjoy it.


       (2 reviews)

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  20. Mike Boddicker - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of early 80's Baltimore Oriolos Ace Mike Boddicker, he played 12+ seasons for 4 different teams.
    From 1982 to 1993
    He was the 1983 ALCS MVP
    His career spans 4 different total classics mods.
    I also included a portrait of him in a Orioles uniform, and if you are interested in his player audio, that can be pulled from the total classic 10 mod #4521
    Use MVPedit to re-number him your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in your mod, I gave him #620 which in TC93 is an open slot.
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (2 reviews)



  21. Vince Coleman - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Vince Coleman, he played 12 seasons in the Majors. Most notably for the St. Louis Cardinals & the NY Mets,
    From 1985 to 1996
    Known for his blazing speed, he stole 326 bases in just his first 3 seasons, won Rookie of the Year in 1985.
    His career spans 5 different total classics mods.
    Use MVPedit to re-number him to your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in the mod, I gave him #509 which in TC1993 is an open slot, I am not sure what is open in the other 4 mods?
    Screenshot is from TC 1993
    Before installing do a check first?
    Also always back up your models.big first before installing.
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.
    Happy Easter!


       (2 reviews)



  22. Bret Saberhagen - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of pitcher Bret Saberhagen, who played parts of 16 seasons in the Majors for 4 different teams.
    From 1984 to 2001
    He is a 2-time Cy Young Award winner with the Kansas City Royals (1985 & 1989)
    I can't believe his face had never been created before.
    His long career spans 8 different total classics mods. (Screenshots are from the 1993 TC mod)
    I also included a portrait of him in a Royals uniform; he could use one, and if you are interested in his player audio, that can be pulled from the total classic 10 mod.
    I didn't include it, because it isn't mine.
    For some reason, he doesn't have audio in the 1993 TC mod, not sure about the other 7?
    Use MVPedit to re-number him your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in your mod, I gave him #607 which in TC93 is an open slot.
    Back up your Models.Big file first,
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (2 reviews)



  23. Riley Greene (Complete)

    Here is a complete mod for Detroit Tigers/Toledo Mud Hens 2019 #5 overall pick Riley Greene.
    This patch includes his cyberface, portrait & player Audio.
    Riley was on pace to be the starting Centerfielder out of spring training this year, after having a monster spring.
    Where Greene hit .429 (9-for-21) with three doubles, two triples, two home runs, four RBIs, three walks and six strikeouts in 11 games this spring, with a .500 on-base percentage and 1.048 slugging percentage
    Then he got hurt a week before opening day!
    He will return, expectations were 4-6 weeks, where he should step right in and hopefully roam CF in Detroit for the next 10 years.
    Use MVPedit to make these changes, if your roster hasn't been updated to add him in yet.
    Official face ID#
    Riley Greene 098, replaces Hector Sanchez
    Official player ID# 1609
    Face & portrait- I use EAGraph to install, and then compress with BigGui, or you can use TIT.
    Audio - TIT will not work for me to install player audio. So, i strongly recommend using EAGraph to manually install the audio. BigGui not needed.
    Always Back up your files!! These 4 files below before installing, just in case something gets corrupted, or you don't like the patches.
    models.big, portrait.big and the 2 audio files, pnamedat.big & pnamehdr.big


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  24. MiLB - Minor league player replacement portrait

    This is nothing special. it took 5 min to make, but since I am using it, i figured i would share it with the community, incase others would like to use it?
    It's just a MiLB replacement logo that can be used in place of a portrait for Minor league players who don't have one or are using a generic, none (Blank black space) or a MLB replacement portrait.
    It looks decent in game and makes it easy to recognize minor league players in MVPedit.
    All you have to do is change the player or player(s) you want to use this portrait to ID #2 in MVPedit.
    This will install to player ID# 0002 which is the 2nd of the 2 universally unused non player portrait slots.
    Before installing do a check in MVPedit using the photo list tool, just to make sure you don't have a player using the #2 slot? Or this will override his portrait.
    I use EAgraph to install and then use BigGui to compress the file, or you could use TIT as well, but make sure you back up your portrait.Big file before installing just incase something goes wrong or you don't like it.


       (1 review)



  25. Steve Yeager - Classic Face

    Here is a classic cyberface of Steve Yeager, Los Angeles Dodgers Catcher for 14 seasons.
    From 1972 to 1985, played one season for Seattle in 1986.
    World Series MVP in 1981
    His career spans 7 different total classics mods.
    Use MVPedit to re-number him to your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in the mod, I gave him #468 which in TC1974 is an open slot, I am not sure what is open in the other classic mods?
    Before installing do a check first?
    Also always back up your models.big first before installing.
    Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.


       (1 review)



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