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Everything posted by Dirtdog

  1. Thank you very much for this roster. It is a thing of beauty! The 3 levels of minor leagues is unprecedented, love the work and detail put into it. Yes, I think just about every crash is fixable, you just have to know what to look for and the reason why? Most likely, faces, portraits, stadiums. But once you get it all right, you can't go wrong with this roster. Looking forward to the new 2022 roster Thank you, alfre2jose
  2. 10 minutes? He easily takes 2-3 hours @ minimum. A bad photo can take up to 10 hours That is my experience, especially if you are 0-editing the headshape But I work super slow, others should be and are much faster, better and enjoy it more.
  3. Hi, BallFour Can you explain this? "Changed league names back for 2022" Not sure what you mean by this? And if you have any clue of the txt wording or where it is at in Loklook to manually change this in my FEENG file? Would be great. I am using yours from a V2.0 but i have made so many personal preference changes since, i would have to do make these changes manually. Thanks for all your hard work, i love the file i am using as well 👍
  4. Dirtdog

    Mike Greenwell

    Version 1.0.0


    Here is a classic cyberface of Boston Red Sox star from the late 80’s and into the mid 90’s Mike Greenwell. Finished 2nd in MVP voting for 1988. 2 Versions included, Works best in the 1987, 88, 93, 94 or 95 total classics mods. Use MVPedit to re-number to your liking, so as to not overwrite another player in the mod. Use EAgraph, BigGui or TIT to install.
    These are some of the best faces I have ever seen in-game. Incredible realism!
  5. Hi, Still waiting for my face ID #'s?
  6. This is a beautiful update. Looks great in the game! Thanks Muller_11 But be careful when installing it. If you use TIT to install this, you will get an error, and then you won't be able to use TIT again. You will continue to get that FIFAFS error. Unless you go back and put in a back-up of your Logos.big file (which you should have backed up in the first place before installing) and then try again and install it manually using BigGui or EAGraph. Works fine afterwards if you if you install it manually with these other two programs. Looks great and works great. Don't know why it causes this error to happen? But it does, I tried it 3 times for 3 separate mods.
  7. Hi, here is my 3rd cyberface for MVP 2005, I hope you like it? Mike Greenwell of the Boston Red Sox. He played 10 years for the Sox; from 85/86-1996. Two versions will be available one with Eye Black and one without. Different topic: Probably not the section for it? But since I am previewing a face, I thought I would talk about my face and how I got to this point of making them. Since I don’t like to take and not give back, and since I needed to fix the problem I was having with TIT not working for me and also the multiple crashes I was having because my roster (and every other roster I downloaded) tested and tried using were not matching my .big files and would sometimes crash back to the desktop. I would get crashes @ different points and for different teams roster to roster. Very annoying and since MVPedit is not my strong point yet; I was unable to fix them all. So I took it upon myself to fix these two problems I was having and at the same time mod the hell of out of this game! I am going to tell you, not having TIT and having to manually import hundreds maybe even thousands of files by hand using Biggui, EaGraph , Nfshtool and some other programs was for the birds. Not to mention time consuming and I probably would of never have finished and actually start playing this game. This past weekend I had it, Why should I do this when TIT works so damn fast, with hardly any errors, something I was still getting sometimes even though I was installing files manually, especially that uniforms.big file while importing the uniform select screens, I never got that to work without crashing?? Tried every possible way, TIT did it quick fast and works fine now. TIT is amazing! Even though I did get that FIFAFS error one time, I caught it and went back to the .bak up file I had and imported that batch of files in manually and after putting the .bak up file back in no more error and back to a working TIT. I am not putting these other tools down, they are all great in their own right, great for creating, opening and other uses, but TIT for installing is unmatched. Is it possible to still donate to EAmods? While I am ranting on, by the way who owns this site, MVP MODS? How can I donate here as well? Getting back to this, and before I talk a little more about my Mike Greenwell face and the others that I have planned next. My starting point to a crash free, fully modded game was the TC15 Mod, May 8th 2015. I chose this point because that Total Conversion mod is flawless, works beautifully with no crashes. Then I proceeded to download every face, uniform, portrait, audio file, EVERYTHING! From that date on, with everything downloaded I am slowly doing one . Big file @ a time, importing one year @ a time, backing up every step of the way. This is Important!! I started by completing 2015 of course, and then updating the roster using one of the season end ones that I preferred, then playing games and testing every team for crashes. Then moving on to the next year, I am currently on 2016 and plan to import every single file using TIT. Hopefully finishing in time for opening day in a few weeks? I sure hope when I am done, I will have no more crashes and can use the most updated current roster? Because some of them look really good, different ways the ratings were calculated and in depth especially the Minor leagues. Well enough on this, thanks for letting me rant, I just wanted to let it be known just how much taking I been doing. No. I also hope this can help some other members who I have read about that don't know what to do because TIT all of a sudden stopped working or they couldn't play because of all the crashes? Before I decided to take on this huge project, first I tried to comprehend the FIFAFS installer program and use that, since that seemed to be the reason TIT was giving me the error, But I was unable to get it to work. I followed the translated directions to a tee, couldn't get it to work. So I went this route instead, and learned a lot and found some minor league files I didn't know existed along the way. Now let's get back to how I plan to give, because Yes I have been taking very often, so here is my opportunity to give a little back to this community. I decided to make a few faces for all Mods. Since I am a big fan of the classics and the minor leagues, even though all the work above will be an attempt to mod this game to its most updated form I will also be starting a MLB 2022 dynasty as well. I will also try to start a AAA season, well see how far I can get with that? Because while I was downloading everything this past weekend, I did notice just how much AAA stuff there is that has already been created. Good stuff! I will also do one classic dynasty, just not sure which one yet? Probably the 1971 classics mod, that one seems excellent and pretty well modded up with additional items since its release. Yup, I plan to play!! A lot, Since I finally got back into this after 16 years, Kids are pretty much grown, life is good, I will be retiring next year, so I will have more time to do this stuff that I love, Plus I needed a hobby, love baseball. Perfect fit! I am so happy I kept my Windows 7 computer just lying around: because this game works perfect on it. So, most of the faces I will probably be doing will be of a player from one of the classics mods or a AAA ready for the Majors guy. I want to choose players with multi use with multiple mods possibilities. I am slow, I take hours doing a face and the current MLB players are mostly all handled anyway and in good hands. Well, I took a little break yesterday from installing (meticulously year by year) and created one of the more popular Red Sox players from the late 80's and early 90's. I like creating these kinds of faces, because they can be used in multiple Classic mods. Mike Greenwell here can be used in the 1987, 93, 94 & 95 classic mods. I also don't think faces from the classic mods need designated face ID #, like the current players do. I could be wrong? I think you can use any number you choose for the classic players; you just have to change the number? On Deck: Dick Drako (KC-1971) for the 1971 mod and some of the other classic mods from the 70's. He played on 5 teams, K.C. in 1971 and played until 1981. A starter and pretty good pitcher, very useful. I already started work on him. Gene Garber: Same as Dick Drako, played on 4 teams until 1988. I believe he was a closer @ times and always in the bullpen. He was on Pittsburgh in 1971. I plan to put some time into his beard and look. Juan Beniquez: If I could find a good photo? He played from 1971/72 to 1988.Long career, quite a few classic mods he could get use in. Andres "Big Cat" Galarraga. Not sure if he has been done already? If not, I have plans to create him, 1985-2003/04 touches a few of the classic mods. Here is the preview Let me know what you think about Mike Greenwell? Thanks
  8. Great work as usual!
  9. Hi, I am interested in that Fifth Third Minor league park you created over 10 years ago.

    By the way great work!


    I tried downloading it. Something is wrong because the .rar file comes back 0kb's with no files.


    Do you have a updated fresh link with the stadium files inside?



    Thank you

    1. KiwiLifter


      I've had the same issue with the Portland, Durham, and Drillers stadiums. 


      They look great in the previews, and I'd love to try them out. Thank you!

  10. Hi, I am requesting two ID #'s for some players I am working on. Darwinson Hernandez (BOS) Riley Greene (Det) Not sure how good they will come out? But either way I would like to share them with the community. I have done faces in the past for NBA Live 01-05, actually several for my NCAA mod way back some 17 years ago. Very similar method, I haven't read up yet on how to add these ID numbers to the roster yet? I am yet to open up MVPedit or MVP2005 editor, so I may need help doing that? But the face creation thing I have pretty much down, I am not the greatest, but the players should resemble his real-life counterpart. I made much progress this afternoon and have one of the .BMP's completed already. and re-packed into the .fsh file. Starting work on the other now, I am trying not to have to use Oedit to re-model the headshapes, because that is time consuming, so instead I am searching for the closest and best head models to use; even if I have to edit the .bmp some to make it fit? Question: Is there a thread or post showing the faces of the original players who came with the game and are in the original models.big file and what they look like? That is where i am looking, because I don't want to use anyone else work. By the way, what is the rule on using .ord files that other people created? Besides giving credit, is permission needed? If so, that may be hard since the game is 17 years old and i am sure most of the modders are long gone. Just asking Thank you,
  11. Nice Work!!
    Excellent Work! Looks great
  12. Is it just as simple as right clicking and renaming them? Or does more have to be done to change this from c348 to c627? Asking, because I am getting back into this, and have never messed around with MVP 2005 before, But being a EA Sports product from the early 2000's lots of it seems very much the same. Did some mod work on NBA Live 2000-05 @ NLSC and HH2002, which seems like a lifetime ago.
    Spectacular!! It’s like a whole new updated game. Definitely not 2005 anymore, Graphics are beautiful, and the added features since I played last are great. Appreciate this. Thank you very much
    After listening to the Black Diamond's podcast. I had to download this great work! Thank you, I can't wait to play it
  13. Searched along time for this thread. This is what i needed................Thank you
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