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    Go Jays!

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Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. you can't get it on either of those sites anymore as of January 1st, well maybe a Disc copy on amazon if you are willing to spend 200$+. http://www.polygon.com/2014/1/6/5281150/mlb-2k-games-webpages-pulled-offline-2k-sports This is the cheapest I have seen it anywhere lately, but there are only 7 copies left apparently: http://www.amazon.ca/Major-League-Baseball-2K12-Standard/dp/B006476322/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398954945&sr=8-1&keywords=mlb+2k12+pc The USA site has the same product on for 500$
  2. hey, sorry I am late to this party but I had this exact same problem. I actually contacted 2k about it as I couldn't find a solution anywhere and they basically told me they don't support in game controls or how the product runs only if the game failed to start and things like that... Anyways I randomly out of frustration hit a bunch of buttons when in the controls menu and came accross the answer there.. I use a PS3 controller with DS3 tools but if you go to the options panel, then my controller click in the left stick or L3 and you will see where you can make adjustments for total control or classic control for both batting and pitching Not sure about your second question but this solves the first at least.
  3. thank's Tom, thats exactly what I was missing.
  4. So I installed everything in the following post: It looks like everything did work, however when I go to play my first franchise game the portraits and roster work properly but the in game faces do not look anything like they should. An example is RA Dickey looks like an extremely pale skinhead haha. Did I do something wrong?
  5. Thanks so much for asking this. I'm in the same boat and just started modding my game myself. I'm not sure if you can do online play anymore but if you can add me to steam: bizkit_109
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