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  1. What roster file does this work with?
  2. You the man!!! Thanks
  3. This happened to me now on both 360 and PC. I'm in year 3 of my franchise and there is no all star game on the schedule. Has this happened to anyone else? What is causing this to happen?
  4. Why does it say something about a hex editor? What is that?
  5. I just want to say thank you to all the modders. I just got my hands on a disc copy of MLB 2k12. I've been playing it on 360 since it came out and wasn't really happy with it. I recently bought a decent computer and started getting in to PC gaming. All I can say is WOW!!! With all the mods that you guys put out for this game and video settings set to max it makes the experience a whole lot better. And they are quite easy to install. Now with that being said let me be a noob and ask a question. I'm trying to install an overlay and can't figure it out. How do you go about doing this?
  6. I just got lucky and bought a disc copy of 2k12 on ebay for $25 bucks!!!!
  7. I'll buy it if it you still have it
  8. I know it still has 3 days left on it.
  9. This one doesn't come with the case so that's why i was asking. Didn't mean to break the rules. I went out the other day to every game store pawn store and this huge indoor garage sale place and had no luck. Unfortunately game stores and pawn stores don't sell PC games anymore. So I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and buy it. I have 2k12 for 360 but with all the mods for PC its just not as good. The background adds and updated player pics makes the game so much better. It's dumb that 2k took down the download for mlb on steam and amazon.
  10. My bad. I wasn't asking anyone for the code. Just didn't know if there was a way go get a code without being illegal. Sorry
  11. The code that you have to enter to install the game
  12. Hey there's a copy on eBay but it doesn't have the key gen. How hard is that to get??
  13. I had my eye on this game for awhile. I'm probably gonna buy it. Might be annoying you guys on how to get the mods going
  14. I just looked. is that a good price for it?
  15. Wanting to get a copy of MVP 2005 for PC. Let me know. Thanks!!
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