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  1. friend I need help the game closes for me when the calendar reaches the day of the draft solution ?

  2. Version 1.0.0


    -- I only updated the Rosters, Batting line ups and Pitching Rotations according to Roster resources Fangraph..... -- added all the Players who made their Debut this Season -- Replaced the Old players with New Ones.. -- suggestion to off the commentary so that you cannot hear incorrect names.. -- Edit Batting Stances -- EDITED THE PITCHING MOVEMENTS/ TRAJECTORY by Bostonico.....(thanks bro)
  3. headtrip  nice job except   Atl Braves  protrits  on a few is wrong  Ronald Acuna Jr  is Not  a caussain man he  is african american . also William Contreras  is from Puerto Cabello, Venezuela . marcell ozuna protait is wrong he is  not white   i have sent u  the true pics of  theses players. soory i  been a Braves  Fan since they moved to Atl , yes  i live in Georgia. so far   your rooster is  uptodate just the protrits are wrong on some   i wish i knew how to chnage the protriats  as u can see i cnat type  eithe r rofl.  i dont know how to mod  MLB2K12 or i would give it a try. you can go to  here too see the true protraits  of Atl Braves https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=2022+braves+roster&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 ty for   doing   the  2022  season.  if i can chnage the prtraits i would in mine    if u  could let me know  how   ty



    William Contreras.jpg

    Marcell Ozuna.jpg

    Dansby Swanson.jpg

    Travis d'Arnaud.jpg

    1. Ritchie


      Brave4Life  if you check the tools section you can download and install REDITOR II and then change the player options to what you what them to be.

    2. Brave4Life


      oh ok ty    i did not know   i dont know how to mod ,


  4. Headtrip47 - I have installed your roster and portraits (awesome) and I have downloaded reditorii and installed it, but the Cyberfaces do not match.  to change the CF ids from KC's master roster to your roster, do you have a list of your roster CF changes to edit and match?



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Brave4Life


      rooster looks good for Atl Braves     just Portraits  for  the Atl Rooster  is  not Right.  is there a way i can fix  it   so they are right  in mine  .  ty aweseom job just need to get the  protrits  right   for Atl Braves  .


    3. Brave4Life


      sorry  for the mispelling Rooster should be Roster



    4. Ritchie


      Headtrip47:  do you have a folder or file for 'player_head_xxxx' files' to install for your roster/portraits so I can have the Cyberfaces match your portraits?  thank you.

  5. Did you read before you download the roster? Portrait id and cf id is based on kccitystar master sheet. So you have to rename your cf id according on my roster or else you cannot make the cyberfaces correctly. I hope you all know kccitystar mastersheet? YOU HAVE TO RENAME your CF according to my roster... So i your cf id is 1234 and in my roster is 2234, you must rename it to 2234...
  6. That is not the reditor II... Hope you visit the download area and search for reditor II
  7. all set.  thanks a bunch for your help.  I know you put a ton of work into this already, but will there be cyberfaces added because then it would make it more realistic.


    thanks, once again!!!

  8. Headtrip:


    downloaded your portrait files. opened and extracted them as you instructed.  ran TiT program. program ran successfully but portraits are still not showing.  using your ROSTER.  even ran TiT from mlb2k folder because it could not find portrait iff and cdf files if I did not.


    see attached file -


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. headtrip47
    3. headtrip47
    4. headtrip47


      1. Part1.zip, extract this to desktop or other locations on your computer.

      2. After you extract you will see folders with team names chicago cubs etc.....

      3. Launch Tit and browse the folder, for ex. Chicago cubs folder, open it and you will see the portrait.zip.. click that and hit start...

  9. Yes i made a custom portrait id and cf id just what i said post. I hope you read that part. Incase of the skintone i already edited some and will release a roster update soon. But if you want to edit the skin color by yourself you need to do it on reditor. Change playertype to 5. And you can edit it ingame
  10. Hello:


    first of all.  I appreciate all of your hard work and effort into this as everyone else should be.

    but after I downloaded your roster and portraits (installed portraits via TiT, the portraits did not display with the player names.

    did I miss a step or 2?  using MLB2K12 original MOD.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ritchie


      tried again and was prompted portraits were not decompressed.

    3. Ritchie


      searched for the video but no longer available.  any way these can be downloaded as .cff and .iff files as I am having issues decompressing these portraits.

    4. headtrip47


      I tested again the files and it install for me properly. So ithink you have a mistake in installing the portrait. Go to youtube search for wolfof2k. There you can see his tutorial on hot to install portraits properly

  11. Version 1.0.0


    Download all parts. Extract folders, inside you will see team names open it and there is the portrait.7z install it using total installer tingy... Enjoy!!!!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I upload the roster first, portraits to follow because my internet connection is so weak... ATTENTION!!!! Do not Reupload, Copy paste on your roster without my Permission. 2022 Roster Updated.. batting line ups and Pitching Rotations base on opening day...100 top prospects included. 2022 Season Schedule Included. Salary, Contract and Service Years Updated.. 2021 Stats and Ratings for Players who played that season. Some top prospect who not made debut still has no stats and ratings.. Team Stats, Team Standing last 2021 Season updated. Batting Stance, pitching motions updated, also pitch types via baseballsavant... Portraits for all 40man roster including players made debut.. Global Id and Cf Id base on Kccitystar mastersheet... Change the birth years down to 10 years so that the age is correct at this time.. Some players need to overwrite to make some new players so you will hear different names... Make a custom global id number for new players starting at 10000 and cfid 10000... This is only beta.. thanks for the help bostonico, wuilmer... Enjoy!!!!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    portrait ID and CF ID base on Mastersheet 2021 by kccitystar... Cristian Javier - Houston Astros Ty France - Seattle Mariners Wander Franco - Tampa Bay Rays Rodolfo Castro - Pittsburgh Pirates
  14. Version 1.0.0


    hello guys.. this roster is NOT YET COMPLETE..... i just want you all to give it a try and later comment what is the problem... thanks... UPDATE: ROSTER as of June 06 2021 update Batting Stance and Pitching Motions to the closes one... update Pitch Types update minor league Affiliates team in progress... schedule stats and ratings some missing players portrait and cf id...
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Adrian Houser - Pitcher Milwaukee Brewers 2968 change eye color to gray on reditor ---- 5
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