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  1. Version 1.0.0


    I hope that this roster can serve as a base for the community to build off of for this 2021 MLB season! Take care, and lets finally get some baseball on PC!
  2. Use Blender. There are tutorials in the MLB 2K12 Tutorials section.
  3. It should work just fine if you follow all the steps. Unless something went wrong. The default roster is so that you can just quickly copy and paste those two tabs without having to worry about breaking anything. If you try to do it with any old roster player ID's won't match up correctly with some of the team parameters and it may cause crashing. It should work just fine if you follow all the steps. Unless something went wrong. The default roster is so that you can just quickly copy and paste those two tabs without having to worry about breaking anything. If you try to do it with any old roster player ID's won't match up correctly with some of the team parameters and it may cause crashing.
  4. This mod is going to be INSANE! Big PROPS! 👏 bctrackboi, how difficult is it to modify stadiums in Blender? I'm contemplating a high school baseball mod for the game, but I want to go all out on it just like you are here. I have a pretty solid understanding of modding/programming, but I'm newer to modding the MLB 2K series in particular.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This tool will allow you to generate a fully fictional roster from the MLB through Single-A with just the click of a few buttons! This was made with an emphasis on realism, so I tried to make the formulas as robust as possible to generate the most lifelike players possible. BUT at the same time I wanted there to be a random factor, so it still provides MUCH freedom so you'll never get the same player twice and a wide variety of different player types! : ) Feel free to customize any formulas to fit your needs! This should make the roster portion of some mods A LOT easier! README file included inside the download! **Something I forgot to mention** - This is meant for franchise mode. So what you should do for the best experience is start a franchise, turn on fantasy draft with a Fixed order, and then either manually draft or simulate the draft so that the rosters are properly reordered!
  6. Hello, I am very new to the community. I remembered the fun of MVP 2005 so I went out and bought a copy. I then decided to look for an updated roster set. I found one from daflyboys and I was ready to play. When I started the exhibition the game crashed! Then I came to the forums and found out that I also need a cyberface pack which I thought would be included with the MVP 13 Total Conversion Mod. That is why my game is crashing, because I do not have a cyberface pack. And, Im super new to this and I would much appreciate an in depth tutorial on how to install cyberface packs. THANKS!
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