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Everything posted by cujosevic

  1. 132 downloads

    In order for this to work, you have to use MVPedit and make a minor change. Go to Matt Stairs, click appearance and change the 04 Face tab from yes to no. Export to database and you're done.
  2. No, it's not that either. It doesn't matter which team I choose for the dynasty, it will crash during the 5-6th game of the dynasty. It crashes even when I simulate, so the stadium shouldn't be the problem. I've also done a thorough seach in the forums, and there seems to be quite a few identical recurrences of this problem. But it doesn't appear that any of those posts have come up with any solution.
  3. Nope, I've been playing with the real cd for years. The crash problem only occurs when I freshly start a dynasty and it won't get past that April 8th game.
  4. I'm also having the same problem. I've got all the updated downloads, so I don't think that's the problem. It seems to be the ol' April Dynasty crash problem. I remember someone saying it was caused the hist.dat file, but I'm not sure if this is the case. Hope you can find out what's wrong KG. Love your rosters. Thanks.
  5. 624 downloads

    For the following faces to work, you must change the player's face number (with MVPedit) to the follwing numbers: Jeremy Accardo - 881 Adam Lind - 427 Howie Clark - 286 Casey Janssen - 887 Jesse Litsch - 746 Brian Wolfe - 703 Enjoy!
  6. I used your recently updated rosters to start a new dynasty, and it crashes on April 7th everytime. I know this was an issue in the past, but I thought it was fixed. Think you can shed some light as to why this may be?
  7. 282 downloads

    Here's an update on a few Blue Jays players: Accardo: new headshape and face (must change face # to 881 for it to work Lind: updated headshape and face Clayton, Hill, Rios, Towers: updated face Marcum, McGowan: Updated hair and facial hair
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