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Everything posted by zurlocke

  1. In Franchise mode, at the end of the last regular season's game, the client crashes to my desktop. No errors or anything. All of my teams have a full 25 players and I have 1 reliever that has a black cross, (DL). I don't know if that has anything to do with it, though. I'm also using a batch file to launch my game. The bat file simply changes the game's date to October 2nd, 2012. Since it's past that date closely in real life, could that be effecting it? I'd also like to note that I need to run the bat as admin a couple of times over since yesterday because I get an error sometimes that says... "Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17), hexadecimal (0x11), or octal (021). Date changed to October 2nd. Starting MLB 2K12... Press any key to continue..." Then my game proceeds to freeze at the title screen as it usually would without changing the date. Like I said, If I try to run it again after that it usually doesn't come up with an error. For simplicity's sake, could somebody that's currently playing MLB 2K12 just fine with a batch file give me the text that's in the file, so I can test my game that way? Thanks.
  2. Like the title says, this minor bug I'm experiencing in 2K12 is in the "My Player" mode. Also, I'm genuinely sorry if this question has been asked before, couldn't figure out how to search the forums. ( Long time lurker, joined about a month ago and this is my second post xD ) Anyway, in detail, my General Manager keeps sending me blank messages after I complete a game, doesn't matter if I lose the game or win it. So this is stopping the GM from sending me anything actually useful, like HoF or Milestone goals I just completed. The message seems to stop the team manager from sending me anything too. I have at least 200 messages from the dimwit. Is there a solution to this, that doesn't include having to restart?
  3. I'm addicted at this point to 2K12 with mods, so I'd be excited if another MLB 2K game was released for PC, (pray 2K would even release it on PC), as long as it wouldn't just look like an expansion of 2K12 and 2K13, lol. The Show already blows the game's graphics out of the water so 2K would have to improve on some things...
  4. Wow, that's amazing! It's weird because just a couple weeks ago I was searching if it were possible edit the files, and learned it was impossible as of then. Thanks for this, already edited the jukebox myself. Also before I download the updated version that was just uploaded, which Fox theme is it? Because to my knowledge Fox has been messing with the theme throughout the years. It was actually just the NFL theme for a bit. Is the updated version just the NFL theme or actually the real MLB Fox theme that we all love and adore?
  5. How did you replace the music files? I thought they were encrypted!
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