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Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Huh, I have finally fixed the issue. Not really sure what was wrong in the first place but thank you for all the help here, I appreciate it. One last thing, now that I have everything backed up, is there a way to get the legends again with the 2013 mod? I've said before that I'd like to make a profile with the all time rosters, is this possible? I did find a mod that has all time rosters, but I'd like to do it myself, most of the fun IMO is making them all myself.
  2. So after trying to re-install it twice, for some reason I can't seem to get the original classic stadiums back. I hate to ask, but can someone upload their stadiums file to mediafire or something similar for me? Also, I haven't checked but does the mod remove the legends from the game too? I don't recall seeing them and I'd like to make a account with some all-time teams, so it'd be a real bummer if they were also all removed as well.
  3. Thanks everyone, and yeah I should had searched for it first, that's my bad. Anyway, I've tried to replace the stadiums file but nothing seems to have worked, so I'm going to re-install it and make sure I save a back up of the stadiums (which I should had done in the first place, I thought the mod would just update the rosters/logos/jerseys, not change the rewards.) Again thanks everyone, and sorry for being a little dumb there for a bit.
  4. Yeah but I'm not really sure what he means.
  5. I'm sorry I'm confused about what you mean. How would I do that?
  6. Hey everyone, I downloaded the 2013 mod and was excited to play, but I noticed that the mod replaced the classic stadiums with some minor league ones. How can I use the classic stadiums with the mod? I see poloday.big in the Stadiums folder so I know that they must be there, but how can I get them back?
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