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  1. I'm interested. I am assuming this comes with a key as well?
  2. And I would feel much better if I was paying $20 for the base game and giving $40 to the modders. But unfortunately I have to give all my money to the resalers
  3. Dang. Okay. Just canceled that order. See what I can do with getting a game below $60
  4. Does disk two only have install files or is that the boot disk? I have an image of disk two if it only includes install files.
  5. Alrighty! Thanks! I just bought Disk 1 CD + Key on Ebay. We will see if I can't get it up and running without disk two..
  6. Hello everyone! I stumbled upon an article regarding your MVP 2014 version of this game and I thought it was fascinating. I figured I would go ahead, and find a download for the game and give it a shot. Turns out it doesn't work with a downloaded copy of the game and you guys don't support that sort of thing. (Which is cool. I don't mind buying the game.) But everywhere I look I see the game $50+. While I don't mind paying for a game, I can't justify paying that money for a 10 year old game and the money going to a Chinese resaler. I could see if the money was going to the developer, but that seems ridiculous to me. Could someone point me in a direction where you guys buy this game? Any suggestions? Thanks!
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