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Everything posted by Bostonnico

  1. scotty friend thanks for your time and effort to upgrade the roster thanks for sharing with us all, greetings
    scotty friend thanks for your time and effort to upgrade the roster thanks for sharing with us all, greetings
  2. Version 1.0.0


    skin tone = 5 change the ID face with the roster editor ty's face = 8717 enjoy thanks by Bostonnico
  3. Pero este caso es diferente mi amigo Jefer, aqui no modificaron el modelo 3d de la cabeza completamente solo tocaron el cabello y tampoco hicieron la edición de la textura con photoshop porque esta cara es original hecha por 2K la diferencia es que solo le quitaron las rastas o mechones. Hecha un vistazo esta es la cara original que trae el juego.
    gracias por tu comentario Jeferomer, como te dije anteriormente la edicion y creacion de caras de 2k no es igual a la de MVPBaseball. MVP tiene herramientas que te permiten trabajar al 100% la cara, MLB 2k no ¿Qué hacer para que las caras de MLB2k se parezcan más a los jugadores? sencillo, crear herramientas de edición mejores que las que tenemos. como tú sabes nosotros trabajamos las faces de MLB2k, con herramientas de NBA 2k thanks for your comment Jeferomer, as I said before editing and creating faces 2k is not equal to that of MVPBaseball. MVP has tools that allow you to work at 100% face, MLB 2k not What to do to MLB2k faces look more like the players? easy, create better editing tools than we have. as you know we work the faces of MLB2k, with NBA2k tools
  4. thanks for your words tomK
  5. Version 1.0.0


    skin tone 6 change the ID of the face with the roster ty's Face ID 0677
    Nice work thanks for sharing congratulations
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Skin tone = 7 Face ID= 1032
    Jeferomer what pleasure to greet one of the best creators face. 2k we have a problem with the editing of 3D model shape head, the blender does not give us all the options to edit 100% 3d models, in your case the OEdit works fine for mvpbaseball and edition of its models is better. in the case of the texture of the face, try not to look like an image. because then it is seen as a montage within the game
  7. thanks friend
  8. Version 1.0.0


    skin tone = 8 face = 6345 the only thing I can not make is to color the hair tips in yellow. Apparently the hair texture of the face is not related to the dreadlocks if anyone can do so forward, you can use this face enjoys
  9. ok prev, thanks for your comment Roster Schedule 2019.FXG
  10. Coming only mvpmods. New hair to Hanley
    MLB thank my friend, always improving every day, you send a message to your messaging box you received it.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    skin tone = 5 change the ID of the face with ty's editor face = 0409 enjoys
    DaSteelerz thank my friend, for your words I alike congratulate you for mods stadiums are the best thanks to all and always working to enhance this video game
  12. friend, I too had that problem, schedule until September and not until October where the postseason begins. I solved that problem giving the option to "simulate date" in the last game I played on the schedule. after that, he sent me to graphic classified to the playoffs and finished the World Series champion
  13. Version 1.0.0


    skin tone = 1 change the ID of the face with ty's editor face = 2373 enjoys
    very goog Jeferomer my brother
  14. Version 1.0.0


    cyberface new Boston Red Sox. change the ID of the Face with the editor Ty's Face: 1042 skin tone = 2
    very nice
    Guaro13, work excellent thank you for shared your talent whit us
    very nice thank you congratulations KC
  15. Bostonnico

    3dm tool

    Vehrin please try to install the Directx 9.0 to my it worked, I have win 7 x64 equally and with that I can already use. only download the link last comment you install and ready. luck
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