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    Pretty much any sport you can think of, graphic design, modding, traveling, discovering new exciting places to eat. Might be a Food Network star. Probably not charismatic enough for that.

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  1. Hmmm not sure about the 23. I'll have to do some digging.
    This is a good first effort. I would suggest using Photoshop or other photo editing software so you can remove the background around the logo.
  2. I have been able to edit every single team name and stadium name audio without issue and here is the tutorial I created. Hopefully this helps, since I have used these exact steps to edit several teams/stadiums. If you still have issues after using this tutorial, I can't help further.
  3. Could you please post how you solved this? If someone has this issue in the future, it would be good to know how it was fixed, rather than just how you fixed it. Some people (namely myself) use the search tool to see what the solutions are. Thank you in advance.
  4. Could you please post how you solved this? If someone has this issue in the future, it would be good to know how it was fixed, rather than just how you fixed it. Some people (namely myself) use the search tool to see what the solutions are. Thank you in advance.
  5. Looks like everything is right in MVPedit but you don't have the texture downloaded for the sleeves. You'll have to rip that from a game file that does have the sleeves (which is just arm skin colors). I'm not positive, but they may be found in the initstaz.big file where you can find the data for balls, bats, gloves, etc.
  6. Make sure you've selected the correct directory for the MVP version you'd like to edit. In the options menu of MVPedit, on the lefthand side, choose the one you'd like to see the portraits and faces for. If you have multiple folders for different mods, it'll go with the default MVP Baseball 2005 folder.
  7. Last ditch option is the extractor tool, which can be found in the MVP Baseball 2005 - Tools & Editors section of our downloads. You may have to change the language to English since I think it's somthing different in the default settings, but that's how I've managed to get tricky team sound files from MVP05. Open the .big file in that, and if that doesn't work, I've got nothin'.
  8. Make sure the .big file isn't set to "read only". If the file is read-only, it won't let you load or extract anything.
  9. Only other program I can think of is bigGUI. It's not great, but it should do the work.
  10. Yeah, my plan is to have screenshots and maybe have a daily or series recap "newspaper" with screenshots and written articles. I might try to do videos for the big games, but it'll depend on the memory resources that get taken up. The computer I run MVP on is on the older side and I'm not sure if it'll be able to handle Movie Maker. As for a team, the easy answer is the Yankees since I really got into baseball watching the 98 Yanks. I do have a soft spot for the Expos though.
  11. Hey all, So once MVP 98 is (finally) released, I wanted to get a dynasty going. This has happened in fits and starts for a while (and if any mods are reading this, all my other previous dynasty posts can be deleted/archived if not already). I'm thinking about doing this regardless of responses here, but I wanted to see how many people were interested in a possible simulated radio broadcast featuring commentary by yours truly? It's truly a hobby for me, but I did go to school for broadcast journalism and want to breathe life back into these old games and the dynasties, which seems to be a forgotten (or too inconsistent) feature of this site. The medium would likely be audio only because the video takes up way too much bandwidth on my MVP-dedicated computer. So please feel free to chime in if you'd like, if you have any ideas for features, if you'd be interested in pregame/recap shows, if you have an ideas for fake sponsors, etc.
  12. I'm planning to tackle that eventually. I'm just working on MVP 98 first. Coming into the home stretch - just working on portraits and front end art now. But once that happens, I'll probably slide back into some uni modding.
  13. Just replied to your DM, but I use Photoshop to edit my uniforms and stadiums.
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