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    Pretty much any sport you can think of, graphic design, modding, traveling, discovering new exciting places to eat. Might be a Food Network star. Probably not charismatic enough for that.

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  1. Hello friend, excellent work, what are you doing? I wanted to ask you if you could create the stadium of the twins of mennesotas target field

    1. BallFour


      Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I'm not planning on creating Target Field, because there's a great Target Field mod already released. Here's the link:



    2. leivis


      It's not okay, friend, I was just asking you why it would be good for the twins of mennesotas to have their original state, I don't know, since that mod is the stadiums of the Cleveland Indians


      but anyway thanks for your answer friend

    3. BallFour


      I don't know what to tell you. Any mod I do would be a resemblance of Progressive Field in Cleveland as well. 

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