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Posts posted by HAWK233391

  1. Here's a quick progress update:

    Added 7 new menu songs (kept 2 from the 1994 Mod that were too good to get rid of)

    Finished all 28/28 teams as far as putting players on the correct major league teams

    Finished all 28/28 Pitching Rotations

    Finished 20/28 Batting Orders

    Still To Do:

    Batting Orders for Dodgers, Expos, Giants, Indians, Mariners, Marlins, Mets, Orioles

    Need to clean up the minors a bit (specifically AAA)

    Need to set any minor league rotation/batting order issues to avoid notifications

    Awaiting another pack of 1993/fresh portraits from RisingSon

    Edit the Jukebox text in the game

    Need to shoot Kyleb the roster to fix one minor all-star mistake

  2. Okay we should all be very grateful for RisingSon. In less than 2 days we was able to create 53 new portraits for significant players that changed teams between 1994 and 1993 so they are now wearing their accurate uniform and cap. Here is the full list he made. They look great in the game! Hopefully he will be willing to complete some more for the remaining 8 teams once I finish them!

    Dwight Smith
    Greg Hibbard
    Jose Vizcaino

    Kevin Reimer
    Juan Bell
    Ricky Bones

    Otis Nixon
    Ron Gant
    Sid Bream
    Damon Berryhill
    Pete Smith

    Blue Jays:
    Rickey Henderson
    Tony Fernandez
    Jack Morris

    Dave Henderson
    Lance Blankenship
    Shawn Hillegas

    Eddie Taubensee
    Mark Portugal
    Doug Jones

    Luis Polonia
    Rene Gonzales
    Tony Lovullo
    John Farrell
    Steve Frey

    Dion James
    Spike Owen
    Steve Farr

    White Sox:
    Ellis Burks
    George Bell
    Bo Jackson
    Tim Belcher

    Brian Harper
    Willie Banks

    George Brett
    Mark Gardner

    Alex Cole
    Jerald Clark
    Butch Henry

    Mark Leiber
    David Wells

    Bip Roberts
    Roberto Kelly
    Chris Sabo

    Red Sox:
    Tony Pena

    Julio Franco
    Rafael Palmiero
    Charlie Leibrandt

    Bob Walk

    Terry Mullholland
    Mitch Williams

    Guillermo Velasquez
    Gene Harris

  3. Thanks Homer!

    More good news:

    #1: I finished three more teams in the past couple days: Padres, Phillies, and Pirates so that's 20/28 teams down.

    #2: RisingSon has volunteered to make some updated portraits for this mod. I gave him a list of approx. 50 players that he has agreed to do. These are players that either have no portrait (because I had to create them) or a portrait with an outdated uniform/cap (Rickey Henderson, Julio Franco, Rafael Palmiero etc). The players I gave him were either players in the starting batting orders, 5-man rotation, or closer role. I didn't want to overwhelm him, so this will be a solid start. I will list the full list of portraits once I receive them.

    Thanks again RisingSon!!

  4. Jim/Yankee - glad to be given the "green light" on this - thanks! I'll probably need some more help along the way, especially in a couple weeks when I anticipate being finished with a V1 to release and need to pack it up. I'm not familiar with .exe installations where it automatically puts files into the correct folders.

    Kyle - thanks man. I'll probably shoot you a message once I try to add a few portraits to learn the process on that. I think I'll also need some help editing the AL/NL All-Star teams.

    Laroquece - I liked that Rockies team too - they had a lot of great hitters - I'll post every once in a while on where I'm at with progress.

    If anyone out there would be interested in helping out with creating any additional original content for this mod please post or PM me - especially someone good with portraits - that would be great!

  5. oobr7.png

    First, let me introduce myself. I’m a new comer to the MVP Baseball series, but not a novice to online gaming and modding. Some of you may have seen my work as I founded/created (with the help of some others of course) the very popular Ultimate Base Roster Mod Pack for NBA2K12 and NBA2K14. This mod contains every NBA season from 1960-2014 with complete courts, jerseys, cyberfaces, portraits etc and can be found/downloaded at http://www.UltimateNBA2K.com for those interested. In fact, I collaborated a bit on some NBA mods with MVPMod’s very own, Stecropper a couple of years ago, and must say I’ve enjoyed downloading his work for MVP in recent days too!

    I used to be super into baseball growing up in the early 90’s. The 1993 White Sox was my favorite team. I was a huge Frank Thomas fan. I can still recite the starting lineup and pitching rotation for that team (like I’m sure many of you can do for your favorite teams). When the strike hit in 1994 I kind of fell off the map with baseball and turned my attention to the NBA (which was easy to do since the Chicago Bulls were so great). Somewhere in the late 90’s, after the Bulls had their run and Sammy was slammin’ homers, I slowly got back into baseball (just in time for the 2003 Cubs meltdown). I remember owning Triple Play 2000 and High Heat 2003 and then being so disappointed when they discontinued making the games (I think they did anyway – during my college days I wasn’t into gaming as much).

    These days, as evidenced by my mention of NBA2K, I’ve gotten back into modding and PC sports games. It’s always been a hobby of mine, I take enjoyment out of doing it and sharing what I’ve created. I’m really happy to say I recently stumbled across this site, purchased the game, and have spent most every minute of my off-time from work the last week coming close to completing what I believe to be a pretty accurate representation of the 1992-1993 Season.

    Now, I know modding can, at times, be a delicate and touchy subject with work being “stolen” or credit not being given. So before I release any work I’ve done I want to get the blessing from the MVP Forum Community and administrators. What I’ve done, to create the 1993 Mod, is I used Hory’s 1994 Rosters as a base. He and everyone involved did a tremendous job on this mod. The major leagues, the minor leagues, it’s wonderful! From there, I used a very methodical process of utilizing baseball-reference.com’s 1993 team pages and searched each player that played a game for every team and moved them to their accurate team using the MVPedit program. I created players from scratch who were missing, I’ve imported some players I found in other rosters, I edited batting orders and pitching rotations to reflect 1993. Trust me when I say, if a player played for the major league team at any point during the season they will be found on the major league team or, depending on number of games played, will be found in one of their minor league affiliates. Because I’m taking such a procedural approach, and because of the awesome original work done by Hory and his team, the Minor League systems are also pretty accurate. I’ve been transferring minor leaguers to their correct affiliation throughout this process so the minors is not scavenged through and left in a disaster (in fact this probably takes the most time – moving the minor leaguers to accurate teams – there was a ton of movement between 93-94 in the minors). However, I have not taken the time to differentiate between players who should be in AAA or AA – my logic is, as long as they are with the right Major League club affiliation that’s close enough. It has taken me between 60 – 90 minutes per team (I’ve completed 17/28 teams).

    In addition to the roster work I’ve also made some custom art updates to give it that “1993 feel”. Thanks to Kyleb’s help through PMs I was able to make these following art files (that look great!) for the game:

    • 1993 Splash Loading Screen
    • 1993 License Screen
    • 1993 Click to Start Screen
    • 3 different backgrounds for the main screen (Thomas, Griffey, Lofton)
    • Roster Management background
    • Game Mode background
    • MVP Baseball 1993 Logo (on all screens)

    The other thing I did, to pay tribute to Hory and his team who was able to make this possible, was I dedicated the Credits screen to him. I changed the background and wrote out a few paragraphs crediting him and his team. I also left the scrolling credits screen intact which lists individuals who had worked on various parts of the 1994 Mod.

    I went ahead and made a video preview of the mod to give people a better feel of what has been put together. In the video you will see the new splash/loading screen, backgrounds, credit screen, and batting orders/pitching rotations for the completed teams. Here’s an exact run-down of what you will watch:

    • 0:00-1:00 = Loading Screens / Backgrounds
    • 1:00-3:00 = Batting Orders
    • 3:00-4:00 = Pitching Rotations
    • 4:00-End = Credits Screen / Rolling Credits


    Things you may be wondering about after watching the video:

    • As mentioned I’ve done 17/28 teams – in the video I scroll (backwards) from the Cubs to the Rangers (these are the completed teams). I skipped the Dodgers through the Pirates because they still need to be done.
    • You’ll notice when I leave the Roster Management screen the game will give me a bunch of roster notifications (this is because I have yet to set the minor leagues and there are still 11 teams with players all over the place that still need my attention).

    As I said, modding can be a touchy subject for some. I’ve always believed in the collaboration-style philosophy of crediting others where it’s due, and creating and releasing unique content for others to use. I did reach out to Hory through e-mail to see if he would give his blessing for this, but from what I’ve been able to gather, it seems pretty well documented that he doesn’t visit here much anymore. As I mentioned earlier (and as seen in the above video) I’ve gone through and credited him extensively in the game, and would also do so in any readme files or forum postings. There has also been an extensive amount of time put into this on my end with the rosters and new art files to differentiate it from the original 1994 Mod.

    My main reason for making this post is to ask the MVP community, specifically the administrators or people who helped work on that 1994 Mod, how they would feel about a release of this well-intentioned 1993 Total Classic mod for others to play.

    A second reason for me posting is that I wanted to ask to see if there might be a person or two out there who would like to help make additional loading screens (when you begin matches), music, or more importantly, prominent player portraits who changed teams between 1993 and 1994 (Ricky Henderson in a Blue Jays cap for example). If someone were to volunteer, I could give you a shortlist of portraits that would be nice to have.

    For what it’s worth, I would also be open to any community members adding onto this or improving it in any way in the future. This happens to be my personal favorite MLB season, so I figured why keep it for myself when I can share it with other baseball lovers.

    P.S. It would also be highly rude of me to not give great thanks to the forum member/admin Yankee4Life for answering question after question of mine over the past week or so. This modding stuff comes pretty naturally to me, I’m a quick learner and I always do my best to read the forums before pestering people, but I must admit I asked him A LOT of questions and he was extremely helpful and patient! I feel I was able to learn a ton about this game and how to mod it (in a short period of time) from his help, Kyleb, and reading the helpful threads!

    Thanks guys – let me know what you think - if you're willing to help out with some of the remaining tasks please post!

  6. So I'm well aware of the issue of needing to change the date to get past the home screen... I have no issue with this. What I'm having a problem with is the following:

    I've downloaded a couple of custom rosters and put them in the SAVES folder. When I load the game and load the rosters everything works fine. I can go to roster management, I can edit players, I can even play some drills. But when I click the "HOME" button the game freezes/stops. The only way to start the game up again normally is to remove the roster from the saves folder (because the game tries to load the last roster at the main screen).

    It's like I can't get to the matchup home screen after loading the roster. I've tried it with two or three different rosters. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

    I'm new to this particular game so I apologize if there is an easy solution.

    P.S. I'm playing on PC

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