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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 10/10, 41 seconds. Satisfied with this but should have been a little faster.
  2. 6/10, 89 seconds. I'll take that.
  3. 10/10, 41 seconds. A good start to the month As I keep finding, however, how you finish the month is a lot more important than how you start.
  4. 4/10, 68 seconds. Yankee4Life - You got TWO baseball questions? According to section 14, paragraph 5 of the Trivia rules, participants are allowed no more than one question from each of the major U.S. sports in the general questions. First offense is forfeiture of that week's points. Second offense is forfeiture of the previous two weeks' points and the third offense is forfeiture of all points that month. It appears you have to forfeit all of your points this week. It's unfortunate, but I don't make the rules . . .
  5. 4/10, 117 seconds. Barring a miracle tomorrow (like Yankee4Life forgetting to play), that probably cost me at least a share of first place this month.
  6. 6/10, 65 seconds. For this category, I'll take it.
  7. 4/10, 86 seconds. Bleeaahhh. I narrowed a number of them down to two answers and guessed wrong on all of them.
  8. Unless we get more players, I can easily see this month's contest finishing in a tie. Yesterday's results were evidence of this. Three of us played. You had a perfect round and I had 4 correct yet we both got the same score for the day.
  9. 9/10, 41 seconds. I read this question too quickly and didn't notice the word "not"
  10. 4/10, 54 seconds. Very tough questions today.
  11. First I got caught by a trick question: How many home runs did Mark McGwire hit in the first 10 games of the 2003 season? Answer: 0. McGwire retired after the 2001 season Next, I missed the following question, which I didn’t think was easy: What team reached 100 wins in 2005 and 2006? Answer: The St. Louis Cardinals Today’s results will keep the standings close.
  12. 8/10, 59 seconds. An off day for me today.
  13. Your score won’t really hurt you much in the standings. Lately, only 4 of us have been playing consistently and the top two scores typically get 4 points and the two lower scores get 3 points. That’s why the standings are so close.
  14. 10/10, 58 seconds. I had a few lucky guesses today.
  15. I was confident on six of my answers, fairly confident on two others and guessed on two questions, with one of my guesses being correct.
  16. 9/10, 44 seconds. A very pleasant surprise today.
  17. If nothing else, you finished with a great time!
  18. 8/10, 64 seconds. Two soccer questions, a tennis question and a "Where did he go to college" question. Another very lucky day for me today.
  19. 6/10, 59 seconds. Definitely tough ones today. I got lucky on some of my answers.
  20. The answer is Bonds but he wasn’t listed as an option so the answer to the question was “None of the above.”
  21. 9/10, 42 seconds. Arrrggghhh. I need to do well on Easy Baseball days to stay near the top of the leaderboard. I missed on a question asking the first player to walk 200 times in a season.
    Congrats on the update Dennis. I haven't grabbed it yet but I know I can rate it 5-stars sight unseen based upon the other work you've done individually and on our many Total Classics collaborations.
  22. 3/10, 73 seconds. I was lucky to get that many correct!
  23. 9/10, 39 seconds. The only question I missed was a "How many games were played in the xxxx World Series?"
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