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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. At least you’re getting wins. I keep getting close but then someone beats me by a few seconds to sneak ahead. Look at today’s results. I think I’ve got more 2nd place finishes this month than anyone. At least it’s keeping me close to the top of the leaderboard.
  2. 9/10, 65 seconds. I missed a cricket question but did get a cycling question correct, so I'm very happy with this result.
  3. 7/10, 86 seconds. I'll take it.
  4. 8/10, 97 seconds. I was happy with that result.
  5. 10/10, 48 seconds. Not my fastest time but I'll gladly take it. There was one question that I had to think about so that slowed me down.
  6. I use those tools to create batter walk up music.
  7. 6/10, 93 seconds. I was lucky to get that many right.
  8. 9/10, 39 seconds. My only miss was a question on the 1993 NLCS. Not necessarily an easy question. Arrggghhh....
  9. 9/10, 83 seconds. I'm shocked. With questions on cricket, the WNBA, Formula 1 racing and Euro Cup soccer, I definitely got lucky today!
  10. Another day, another 5/10 (100 seconds today). This is getting annoying.
  11. I think I had one baseball question. I had a women’s college basketball question and many international and World Cup soccer questions.
  12. 5/10, 56 seconds. Another subpar day.
  13. 3/10, 73 seconds. My worst showing in quite a while. My questions were tough.
  14. 10/10, 39 seconds. I even got a baseball card question correct!
  15. 6/10, 128 seconds. I agree that these were especially tough today.
  16. 10/10, 37 seconds. Good way to start my day.
  17. 6/10, 50 seconds. A number of guesses today, all of them wrong.
  18. 5/10, 94 seconds. Tough one to start the month. I was lucky to get that many correct.
  19. 9/10, 54 seconds. A good way to end the month.
  20. I had the same question and guessed the same answer you did.
  21. 4/10, 73 seconds. Time to move onto November.
  22. 5/10, 85 seconds. I've given up on this month and am looking ahead to next month.
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