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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 9/10, 71 seconds. Finally, a good score this week.
  2. 6/10, 85 seconds. I should have gotten more of these right.
  3. The question asked who the coach was after Dennis Green.
  4. I missed questions on soccer stadiums, cricket, NCAA basketball tournament opponents, and the college an NBA player attended. I lucked out when there was a question on Minnesota Vikings head coaches.
  5. 6/10, 76 seconds. I was lucky to get that many correct. There were only 2 questions where I was confident that my answers were right.
  6. You're not kidding. 3/10, 59 seconds. My worst score ever!
  7. 10/10, 42 seconds. Today was a much better day.
  8. I enjoyed being in first place while it lasted.
  9. 5/10, 107 seconds. Bleeaaahhhh. Not the way I wanted to start the weekend . . .
  10. 8/10, 56 seconds. Some tricky ones today.
  11. 7/10, 83 seconds. Once again, I narrowed down two questions to two answers and answered both of them wrong.
  12. 7/10, 77 seconds. Considering the subject matter today, I'll take it.
  13. I could have said the same thing about you yesterday when you beat me by 1 second.
  14. 9/10, 42 seconds. Somehow I forgot to answer one question, however, looking at it, I probably would have gotten it wrong so I'm very satisfied with this score.
  15. 10/10, 43 seconds. A good way to start the day . . .
  16. 4/10, 98 seconds. Tough one today. It should have been 5/10 but I broke my own rule and changed one of my answers.
  17. 9/10, 55 seconds. The roller coaster has come to a stop, at least for now . . .
  18. 9/10, 43 seconds. The roller coaster ride continues . . .
  19. I’ve done that as well. I found that more often than not, sticking with my first answer is the best one. As soon as I start questioning myself, I usually pick the wrong answer.
  20. 6/10, 71 seconds. The roller coaster ride continues. Up one day, down the next.
  21. 8/10, 49 seconds. I guess I need to brush up on my rodeo trivia.
  22. 4/10, 92 seconds. Great score one day followed by a terrible score the next.
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