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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 10/10, 46 seconds. A nice rebound after yesterday's 5/10 score.
  2. 5/10, 89 seconds. On top one day, on the bottom the next.
  3. 10/10, 40 seconds. Just missed a sub-40 second time! In any case, a great way to start the month.
  4. Hope you didn’t lose anything important.
  5. I just looked at the Trivia site. You got 300 POINTS. It says it took 6071 seconds. That’s got to be a record. How long does it take for your PC to boot up? 6071 seconds is 101 minutes!
  6. 8/10, 112 seconds. I’ll gladly take that. Once again, on the two I got wrong, I had narrowed each one down to two answers and guessed wrong on both. Then again, it balanced out the questions I had no clue on and took a wild guess and got them right.
  7. Great job. You achieved the goal you set for yourself yesterday.
  8. 2/10, 120 seconds. My worst score ever! That takes me out of the running for finishing in first place for the month.
  9. Outstanding score. 6/10, 87 seconds. Tough one. No chance for a three-peat today.
  10. 8/10, 105 seconds. Good start to the week.
  11. All of my questions were very easy. There were a few where I knew the answer without having to read the entire question. If I hadn’t mis-clicked on one question, I would have finished sub-40 seconds!
  12. 7/10, 97 seconds. I wouldn’t especially call those “easier” questions when I’m being asked about college football announcers and teams in the NXL, which I later learned is a league for tournament paintball!
  13. How’s that old saying go? ”Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while”
  14. 5/10, 108 seconds. Tricky one today.
  15. 4/10, 113 seconds. Back to reality . . .
  16. 10/10, 50 seconds. Another good day. 😊
  17. 6/10, 140 seconds. Once again, I narrowed a couple of questions down to 2 answers and picked the wrong one each time.
  18. I was definitely in the zone today.
  19. 10/10, 41 seconds. A new personal best.
  20. 6/10, 101 seconds. Bleeeaaah.
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