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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 6/10, 101 seconds. Bleeeaaah.
  2. 5/10, 126 seconds. Two tough ones in a row.
  3. 5/10, 109 seconds. Tough one today.
  4. Windows XP was the current OS when the game was released. I believe it plays best on that OS, but plenty of others play the game on Windows 7.
  5. 3/10, 86 seconds. Terrible start to the week.
  6. 5/10, 101 seconds. Not a great day.
  7. The next time I play on the PC, I will have to grab a screen shot after my results are displayed so that I can show you the questions I answered. I can PM the images to you after you play so you can compare my questions to yours.
  8. Am I playing a different game than you guys? Neither of the questions you guys mentioned were in my 10 questions. Today I got 9/10 in 58 seconds. I missed one of the World Series questions.
  9. 7/10, 119 seconds. I’ll take it.
  10. 8/10, 84 seconds. It would have been 9/10 if I had read one of my answers more closely.
  11. Most of the time when I play, I am away from. PC, or I do it at work at lunchtime and I can’t do it there because our IT department blocks game sites (as well as other types of sites).
  12. 7/10, 78 seconds. I'm definitely much faster playing on a PC than on my phone.
  13. Impressive time Y4L! 10/10, 62 seconds for me.
  14. 9/10, 68 seconds. The one I missed I narrowed down to two answers and I guessed wrong.
  15. 8/10, 106 seconds. I’ll take that. Lots of guessing today.
  16. 8/10, 119 seconds. Today was a better day.
  17. How are you installing the mods? Are you installing them on top of a default installation of the game? If so, have you confirmed that the existing files are not set to be read only? Finally, what version of Windows are you running?
  18. I am enjoying it. I shouldn’t have waited so long to join in.
  19. 4/10, 159 seconds. I guess starting over didn’t help.
  20. 4/10, 136 seconds. Pretty terrible. Luckily the slate is wiped clean after today and we all start back at zero tomorrow.
  21. 10/10, 65 seconds. Oh so close . . .
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