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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 10/10, 54 seconds. Good start to the day.
  2. Excellent job. 8/10, 184 seconds. Plenty of guessing today.
  3. 6/10 155 seconds. Tough one today.
  4. 6/10, 98 seconds. Guesses weren’t working today. The work I did on the Total Classics mods definitely helped me today.
  5. I’ve done that before. I now double check my answers before submitting them. I will sacrifice speed if it means the answers I think I selected are the ones I actually submit.
  6. 10/10, 100 seconds. There should be a lot of perfect scores today.
  7. 10/10, 119 seconds. Definitely got lucky on my two guesses today.
  8. 6/10, 126 seconds. Bleeaahhh.
  9. I could have done even better. On two questions I was waffling between two answers, and on both of them, I picked the wrong one.
  10. 7/10, 113 seconds. I’ll gladly take that. Lots of guessing today.
  11. 7/10, 174 seconds. I second guessed myself on one question and changed the answer which cost me. I should have stuck with my first instinct, since it was the correct answer. I also waffled between two answers on another question and picked the wrong one.
  12. 9/10, 65 seconds. I thought I had the top score but realized I blew it on the playoffs question.
  13. 7/10, 99 seconds. Lots of lucky guesses today.
  14. Very tough today. There was a lot of guessing. 6/10 154 seconds
  15. 6/10 141 seconds. It should have been 7/10 but I fat fingered one of the answers and the wrong one was selected. A number of the answers, however, were lucky guesses.
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