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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Great job. You now have an appreciation of everything we have to do when creating Total Classics mods.
  2. Jim825


    Not really much at all. It's just a title.
  3. Jim825


    FYI, I tried changing his status earlier but something is going on with the site because it wouldn't save the changes. I've sent an e-mail to Trues to see if he knows what is going on.
  4. Jim825


    The red and green texture typically means a file is corrupted or too graphics-intensive for your graphics card. I remember seeing this in the past on some stadiums. The text "Missing Texture" would appear in red and green text, typically in the outfield. If you search the forums for "Missing Texture", you will read about this.
  5. If you are playing a dynasty, what settings do you have enabled? It is recommended to turn off CPU initiated trades, suspensions, injuries, etc. -- i.e. anything that could change the rosters without your consent.
    Another very well done Total Classics mod from kyleb. Keep up the great work!
  6. Right now, I'm still using a regular hard drive. Maybe at some point in the future I will look into an SSD, but for now, I'm really happy with the current system.
  7. Finally got around to putting together my "new" Windows XP PC that I mentioned in my post above from April. After installing my "new" hardware over New Year's, I reformatted the hard drive yesterday and reinstalled Windows XP on it. Tonight I installed MVP2005 along with TC1956 and TC1976. I had forgotten how nice the game plays on a clean system! Everything is very smooth; even using hi-res uniforms in the detailed, hi-res stadiums in the TC mods. This PC will just be used to play MVP2005, so it shouldn't get bogged down with extra applications and junk files.
  8. Jim825

    DISC 1 Only

    Yes, since you need both discs to install the game and typically disc 2 needs to be in your CD / DVD drive to play the game.
  9. You need to provide more information -- Are you playing the out of the box version of the game or have you installed mods? If so, which mods?
  10. Send me a PM with the new name you want to use.
  11. The explodeme.exe file should be saved somewhere besides the game folder and run from there.
  12. When I created the Installer for MVP15, I used 7-Zip to create the archive file and the explodeme.exe file.
  13. When you say "every single team", do you mean all 120 teams or just the major league teams?
  14. I set everything up last night and observed the crash on May 15th when simming a season. The game didn't actually crash for me. It just hung on May 15th, so I had to stop it with the Task Manager. I looked at the rosters in MVPEdit and noticed that most of your minor league teams are filled with "x.x" for the player names. I did find that it is the same in TC1997, however, I could sim a full season with that mod with no problem. If I have time tonight I am going to try (and you may want to try this as well) to export all of the major league teams with MVPEdit and then re-import them into the default, out-of-the-box, rosters. This may not fix the issue, but it it will take one more variable out of the equation, so that every player in the game has a unique name.
  15. I'd be glad to take a look. I will let you know if I find anything.
  16. What I meant was install the original game from the discs, install the patches and then see if the game will start. If it starts fine, then the problem is with the MVP15 mod, or with the mod and the Windows 7 update issue that Gordo mentioned.
  17. Did you verify that you could start the game successfully BEFORE installing the MVP15 mod? That would rule out the MVP15 mod as the issue.
  18. You did not do anything wrong. That's just the way that the rosters were created. You CAN still play these mods in dynasty mode. You just need to make sure that before starting your dynasty you turn off some of the settings, specifically, injuries, suspensions and computer-initiated trades. In other words, you don't want the game to make changes to your rosters. The only allowable rosters changes should be the ones that you make, and even then, you should be very careful, since most of the Total Classics mods only contain updated major league rosters and do not have modified minor league teams.
  19. I paid $19.99 for my copy. Of course that was in 2005 when the game was originally released. You can check eBay. Periodically people will sell copies for less than $100, but not much less. Because of sites like ours, the game is still popular. Because the game is so hard to find, people can get away with selling it for an inflated price and know that someone will pay to get it. It's all supply and demand. Good luck.
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