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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. I'm not trying to be a member of the grammar police, but you may want to consider using punctuation marks or some capital letters when you write your posts. Without those, it makes it very difficult to determine where one sentence ends and another begins. I had to read these posts numerous times to figure out what you were saying.
  2. Jim825

    new mods?

    Since new versions of the MLB series were produced after 2010 (MLB2K11, MLB2K12), new mods weren't really developed after a new version of the game came out. It was a similar situation with the MVP series. Once MVP2004 came out, mod development stopped on MVP2003. Once MVP2005 was released, you didn't really see any MVP2004 mods released. Since there were no new MVP versions after 2005, that's why you continue to see MVP2005 mods. The same is true with MLB2K12. Since that was the last game in that series,it's the version that is still being modded. So the short answer to your question is that it's doubtful you will find any MLB2K10 mods after 2011.
  3. Have you read through this thread?: http://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/57332-the-mvp-2005-and-windows-10-thread/ There is a lot of information there about getting MVP2005 running on Windows 10.
  4. Sorry, but it is against the site rules to discuss cracks or provide support for them. Seeing how you've been a member here for over 10 years, you should be well aware of that. We can't help you.
  5. In no way am I saying that there isn't or shouldn't be heightened sensitivity or scrutiny. I'm just saying that it's not fair to make blanket statements. Of course, that's easy for me to say. I'm not in Paris or Lebanon and didn't lose a loved one in last week's attacks. I can understand why people directly involved or affected would feel that way. I just think it's dangerous to make generalized statements.
  6. What exactly is your point and how is it relevant to this discussion? Was it an easy way to get in a little Obama-bashing?
  7. Why is that so hard to believe? You can't condemn an entire group of people because of the actions of a subset of that group. Here's an example to illustrate this point: We've all heard the horrific stories about Catholic priests molesting children in the past. By your logic, I shouldn't believe any of my Catholic friends who are outraged by this. Because they are Catholic, they must be in support of this. See what I mean?
    I haven't downloaded this yet, but having worked with Dennis and having used his uniforms in the past, I know that these will be great!
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