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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. You can also find it periodically on eBay.
    I played around with this a bit while creating the installer and thought it was well done.  Thanks for adding to the Total Classics collection of mods!
  2. The general policy is not to announce release dates.  That way if things get delayed or life gets in the way you don't have people getting anxious about it being late.
  3. Jim825

    Site Upgrade

    The site is evolving to be a place that caters to all baseball gamers, not just those who play MVP and Mlb2K.  We've had some High Heat and The Show mods for a while and hope to attract people who will upload mods for other games as well.  Having a separate section on the front page for each game isn't really feasible based upon this new vision.
  4. Jim825

    Site Upgrade

    ​It looks like it's PHP code.  Something got messed up when the Total Classics section was setup.
  5. No problem.  Glad to help.
  6. You can find the Total Installer Thingy here:  http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/6581-total-installer-thingy/  
  7. Jim825

    Site Upgrade

    Just finished reading through them. Good job.
  8. ​ Every player in the game has a cyberface ID assigned to him.  That's how players can have different faces.  Each face ID corresponds to a particular image file embedded in the MVP Baseball 2005\data\models.big file.  When you start the game and go through the steps to select your teams, select the uniforms, select the stadium and go to play, the game looks at the rosters on each team, and checks to make sure each player's assigned face ID has an image file in the models.big file.  If it can't find the image file in the models.big file, the game crashes. As MVP2005 was modded over the years and new players were added, new face IDs had to be created and new face image files created and added to the models.big file.  It's possible that some of the face IDs assigned to players in the MVP15 rosters do not have the corresponding face image file in the models.big file.  That might explain your crashes.  I have not used MVP14 or the MVP15 rosters too much, so hopefully some of the guys (kyleb, daflyboys, etc.) who are more familiar with these mods can provide more info or correct me if I've misspoken here.
  9. I don't believe that you are doing anything wrong.  The mini games may not work in some of the Total Classics mods since some of the players it is expecting have been removed.
  10. It sounds like it is a cyberface mismatch, or more likely a missing cyberface.  You should probably check the forums to see if there are any cyberface mods you need to install.
  11. Did you install MVP14 first or did you just install the MVP15 rosters on top of an "out of the box" version of the game?
  12. There never really was an "ask dumb noob questions here" section.  The typical answer is "Did you search the forums (using the Search button at the the top of the page) to see if your question has already been answered?".  The game has been around for 10 years and this site has been around longer than that, so just about any question you can think of has been asked before (and often asked mulitple times).  Searching on your own before asking is usually your best bet. That being said, here are some suggested forums to look at: http://www.mvpmods.com/forum/20-mvp-baseball-2005/ http://www.mvpmods.com/forum/28-support/ And here is a good thread to get started, although, it is 7 years old,  so some of the links in it may no longer work:   
  13. Trues is in the process of updating / reorganizing the website, so some things may not work right now.
  14. I couldn't find Granny Smith apples at the grocery store tonight. It's A-Rod's fault!!
  15. I have an 11 year-old 3.0 GHz Windows XP PC with a 7 year-old AGP video card that I play the game on and it runs fine for me.
  16. I'm guessing he bought it online and downloaded it through a service like Steam. In that case he wouldn't have discs.
  17. You're more than welcome to post what you want as long as it is constructive and relevant to the thread you are posting in. Hijacking threads to complain about issues you've brought up in the past, but which have not been resolved to your satisfaction, is the exact opposite of being constructive. We'll leave your post here for no other reason than to show you we can be fair. And if you look at the thread I started this morning about the online article on MVP2005 and wonder where all the negative comments are, they are hidden because I made the decision to do that. They had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the intent of the thread (celebrating the article about MVP2005 and the fact that MVPMods was mentioned). The thread was not titled "Let's discuss which game is better - MVP2005 or MLB2K". If you want to debate that, feel free, but do it in the proper forum. Don't hijack another thread to discuss it.
  18. About a month ago, a number of us were interviewed by Ben Lindbergh, a staff writer at grantland.com on why MVP2005 is still going strong, ten years after its release. He was particularly interested in the modding community that has refused to let the game die. Grantland is a popular sports and pop-culture blog started in 2011 by veteran writer and sports journalist Bill Simmons. It is indirectly associated with ESPN. I received a message from Ben today letting me know that the article has been posted online. Here's a link to it: http://grantland.com/the-triangle/mvp-baseball-2005-mod-community-mlb-video-games/
  19. Did you install the MVP14 mod first? If you just install the 2015 rosters without installing MVP14, the game will crash because come of the cyberfaces associated with the players on the 2015 rosters will be missing.
  20. That looks great and will be a welcome addition to Total Classics.
  21. Patches can only be installed on "clean", unmodded versions of the game. If you want to install mods, you typically patch your game first and THEN install the mods. It was EA's way of making sure that you were only applying the patches to official released versions of the game.
  22. I just opened MVPEdit and looked at the lineups and this is what I see: This is the way it's always looked for me. When going up against NL teams, you can only assign 8 batting slots because the 9th slot is reserved for the pitcher. Hopefully, we can put this issue to rest.
  23. I've been away from my PC that has MVPEdit on it for a while. I will try running MVPEdit again tonight to see if I see the same thing you did and report my observations.
  24. The last update to the Total Classics mod was almost 6 years ago. If anyone did experience an issue like you had, it would be in the Classics forum: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?/forum/30-classics/
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