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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. You are on the right track. You can rename those files to the number you want, however, you also have to hex edit one of them (the .hdr file, I think), Embedded in that file is the number of the audio .dat file associated with the .hdr file. You have to change that number to the new number. I had to do that when moving audios around as I developed the Total Classics mods. If there is no .dat file, no team name will be announced, as you found, sort of. The renamed 13.hdr file had the number 28 embedded in it, to indicate that the audio file associated with it is 28.dat. Since you renamed it to 13.dat, there is now no longer a 28.dat file, and therefore, no audio available for 13.hdr. That's why the announcers could not say a team name. I will try to dig through my modding notes at home tonight to get the exact information you need to get your Expos audio working.
  2. The 2006 version of MVPEdit is the latest version. The older version came out in 2004.
  3. You can change the ball physics by editing the datafile and I know that some datafiles in the Downloads section have done this. The datafile contains hundreds of lines so I'm not sure which ones would need to be modified to change the ball physics. Try searching the Forums for the word "physics" and see if you come up with anything or check out the descriptions of the datafiles in the Downloads section.
  4. Part of my job here is to keep the Massachusetts-bashing to a minimum....
  5. FYI - fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts as well. You have to go to New Hampshire ("Live Free or Die") to buy them.
  6. Trues is in the process of moving from Texas to Arizona, so he may not be on here very much in the near future. Until the link is fixed, here is the file: MVPedit2006_2sm.rar
  7. There is a problem with the download link. Trues is aware of the problem.
  8. Before anyone asks, there were no changes to this mod. I just fixed the broken download link and cleaned up the text on the download page.
  9. There is a README included with the mod. In addition, there are instructions on the mod's download page: INSTALLATION NOTES Just follow the README file and you’ll be fine. *README for Total Classics Baseball 1915* -After you have downloaded the "Total Classics 1915" zip file; double-click to open it. -Extract the contents of the zip into a folder. -Double-click the "explodeme' 7z file -Find the location of a CLEAN copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract". -Allow the program to extract all of the new content. -Play the new Total Classics 1915 mod. Also, we need a little more information: What operating system are you running - Windows XP? Windows 7? Windows 8? When you say you get "access denied" when extracting the files, in which step above does that happen -- when you extract the contents of the Zip file? when you double click on the explodeme file?
  10. Jim825


    If you downloaded the game, we can't help you. It's against site rules.
  11. Jim825


    Oops, you're right. I just re-read his post. How did I miss that?? I'll blame it on getting back into my normal routine after the long weekend and not having my morning coffee yet.....
  12. Jim825


    Y4L - DeloreanDMC_88's comment says that he downloaded the mod correctly. I'm assuming he meant that he downloaded the MVP13 mod, and not the game itself. Delorean - Is that a true statement? Are you saying that you downloaded the MVP13 mod correctly or are you saying that you downloaded MVP2005 itself from the Internet?
  13. Have you installed any of the other mods (MVP12, MVP13, etc.) that use the explodeme.exe installer?
  14. Don't thank me. Thank kyleb -- he created the mod. I just packaged it up and uploaded it for him.
  15. It shouldn't be a problem. I developed the mod on XP and created and tested the installation package on XP.
  16. You don't want the .7z file in your game folder. Put it someplace else and then double click on it. If nothing happens, it means you don't have a tool like 7-Zip or WinRar. Download one of these tools from the Internet, double click the file again and when asked where you want to extract the files to, specify the game folder.
  17. That's what they thought about MVP2005 too. A lot of people have been waiting for YEARS for those prices to drop....
  18. Are you installing from discs or from a downloaded version of the game?
  19. It looks like he's a few weeks behind in reading your posts. You mentioned something about Jackie Bradley Jr. on April 27th.
  20. Which mod are you talking about? Also, this thread is here to provide help those who are creating mods. The help you are looking for would be in the Support forum.
  21. When you install the patches, you only need to install the last one you want. Every new patch contained everything from all the previous patches (e.g. Patch 2 included patch 1, Patch 3 included patches 1 and 2, etc.)
  22. Jim825

    Finding A Disk

    I thought MVP was valued so highly because of the work we've done here!
  23. In MVPEdit, did you select Tools->Options from the menu bar and then put a check mark on "Show Faces"? If you don't do that the cyberface won't show up on the Appearance tab. If you can get that to work, import the rosters into MVPEdit, and then go through each team one player at a time. On the appearance tab, make sure that a face shows up. Note that the generic faces (IDs 901 - 915) won't show up. Every other face ID should show up. If the player has a face other than 901 - 915 and a face does not show up then that tells you that the face is not in the models.big file and that would cause your crash. Did you try my suggestion of trying to play an exhibition game?
  24. Have you tried just running an exhibition game with different teams in a different stadium to see if that works?
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