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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Don't confuse portraits with cyberfaces. Having incorrect or missing portraits will not crash the game. Having missing cyberfaces, however, WILL cause it to crash.
  2. I went with the quick and dirty approach to get something that wouldn't crash. As you suggested, you could sort by skin tone and then assign the face IDs a block at a time. You'd probably also want to edit the manager.dat file to make sure that missing manager faces didn't cause a crash.
  3. It wouldn't be that hard: Make a copy of the attrib.dat roster file and name it attrib.csv. Open that attrib.csv in Excel. Find the column that contains the face IDs Set the first face ID to 901. Copy that cell. Highlight all of the other cells in the column and paste that 901 value into them. Now every player has a face ID of 901. Save the file and exit Excel. Rename attrib.csv to attrib.dat (after you delete or save the original file). Open MVPEdit and import the .dat files. You now have a set of rosters where every player has a face ID of 901.
  4. People will typically only respond to posts if they have an answer. If you don't see a response, it's not because they are ignoring you. It's because they have nothing helpful to offer. Have you tried searching the forums to see if someone else has had this issue in the past? This site is 10 years old, so it's possible that someone else had the same issue. As for unanswered PMs, that could be because the member you sent the PM to hasn't logged back on or hasn't had time to respond.
  5. Jim825

    Video Problems

    It's a mod he's been developing himself.
  6. The Youngblood audio may be wrong, but Randy Johnson is not. Here's the Braves' 1984 roster by position: http://www.retrosheet.org/boxesetc/1984/UPATL01984.htm
  7. Jim825

    Mvp 14 Crashes

    So I guess he'll never know why MVP14 crashes for him!
  8. TC1984 v3.0 is now available that fixes the reported issues.
  9. Jim825

    Mvp 14 Crashes

    It could be the fact that MVP 14 doesn't exist. Are you using the game discs or a downloaded version of the game?
  10. That's usually the way I do it if I know whose face I want to find. If I want to find out if a particular face (or portrait) ID is in use, I use the Excel method.
  11. One way to do it is to go into the datadatabase folder and make a copy of the attrib.dat file. Change the file extension of the copy from .dat to .csv and then open up the file in Excel. Look at the column that has the header "11 playerattrib_face2004style". This column contains all of the cyberface numbers. Don't worry that the column header is labeled "playerattrib_face2004style", while the column just to the left of it is labeled "10 playerattrib_face". For some reason, EA Sports has the column headers off by one row. You can see that the values in the playerattrib_face2004style" column have values from 1 - 915, which is the range of valid cyberface IDs.
  12. If you want to use the face with that roster, you need to rename the files and then install them.
  13. Jim825

    Jim825 & Eazip

    Another satisfied customer......
  14. Jim825

    Jim825 & Eazip

    You interpreted this correctly. I meant to say to copy all of the c823 files, not just the .fsh file. Your screenshot showed that you have a copy of models.big in your MVP13BIGUI & EY Jr. Files folder. That's where I thought you were copying everything from. If the models.big in your MVP Baseball 2005data folder is the one you want to modify, then that is the one to copy to the MVP_work folder. After you've added the face with eazip, copy the modified models.big file back to the MVP Baseball 2005data folder (making sure to backup your original file first!).
  15. Jim825

    Jim825 & Eazip

    Have you ever used the Command Prompt before? As I mentioned in my PM, you have to copy the eazip.exe file to folder that contains your models.big and .fsh files. It doesn't look like you did that. You can do that from Windows Explorer. When you do that, go back to the command prompt and issue the change directory (cd) command to go to the folder where your eazip.exe, models.big and .fsh files are. It would be something like this: cd <path where the files are> It would probably be easier if you just created a new subfolder named something like "MVP_work" in your main C drive folder. You can do this in Windows Explorer. After that, copy the eazip.exe, the models.big and the .fsh files to the MVP_work folder. Go to the command prompt and issue the command: cd c:MVP_work Now you can issue the command I gave you before: eazip +a models.big c823.* I don't know how much simpler I can explain this.
  16. That explains it. As Yankee4Life indicated, we can't help you here.
  17. The instructions do not say that. This is what they say: - After you have downloaded the "MVP13.7z" file, double-click to open it. - Extract the contents of the MVP13.7z file into a folder. <-- This does not say "in the same folder as a fresh installation" - Double-click the "explodeme.exe' file - Select the folder that contains a CLEAN copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract". Note that a CLEAN copy is a fresh install or a patched, non-modded install of the game. <-- This is where you extract the files to. It is NOT where you copy the explodeme.exe. - Allow the program to extract all of the new content. If the installer asks for your permission to overwrite files, select "Yes to All" - When installation is complete, start the game and play the new MVP 13 mod! Try again, doing what the instructions say to do. Also, you never indicated whether you are using the actual game discs or trying to install on top of a downloaded version of the game.
  18. Here's a link to BigGUI: http://forums.nba-live.com/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=14 Personally, I use a DOS (aka command prompt) utility called eazip, because I've had issues with BigGui and EAGraph causing file corruption. For what you want to do, you could issue the following eazip command to add those files to models.big: eazip +a models.big c823.* This compresses the files and adds them to models.big Here's some more information on the subject from a post I made 3 years ago: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=52167&p=622947
  19. Plenty of people have run the game under Windows 7. We need more information (PC specifications, Are you using discs or a downloaded version of the game, etc.). Just saying "the game won't start" doesn't tell us much. It's like someone telling you "My car won't start."
  20. If you re-read the post and look at all of the things that are considered off-topic, you will see that Y4L wasn't being serious.
  21. Based upon Yankee4Life's comment and the fact that Bucbull16 removed this piece of information from his post, this thread is now being closed.
  22. I've tried to stay on the sidelines with this whole conversation after making my previous post, but I feel I need to step back in and say something. Why should anyone have to explain to you whether erix was suspended or banned. It's not your business. As I clearly stated in my last post, NO ONE is above the rules. Anyone who breaks the rules will be held accountable. He broke the rules and he was suspended. If you'd like to read the rules, which you clearly haven't done, here they are: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Here's one you might find interesting: Oops. I guess you missed that one. Here's another one: Uhhhhh..... I guess you forgot that one too when you decided to step on your soapbox and hijack this thread. As for erix, here's why he is not here right now: The rules are clearly spelled out. People just don't take the time to read them when they join. If you don't like what we do here, no one is forcing you to come here. This site is supposed to be a place where those with a common interest can come to discuss a game they enjoy and share information and mods. Let's try to keep it that way.
  23. Did you put the explodeme file in the MVP2005 folder and then run it from there? If so, that might cause a problem. Put the explodeme file somewhere else (some guys have put it on their desktop) and then run it.
  24. Here you go. Rusty_Staub_c881.rar At some point, I will release another version of TC1984. I want to hear about the LOC issues that kyleb mentioned before releasing a new version.
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