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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. You realize that the last message in this discussion before yours was 6-1/2 years ago, right? It's pretty unlikely that you'll get any answers, since the people who posted the other comments have not been on this site in at least a year. Also, I doubt that you find very many, if any, people still playing MVP07 when newer mods (MVP12, MVP13) are available.
  2. Included with the mod is an Excel spreadsheed named LegendsIDs.xls. Open the file in Microsoft Excel and look for the name of the player you want. If you find the name, take the ID listed with the name and change the player's portrait/audio ID to the ID from the spreadsheet. Be aware that many of the modern players, especially young players, will not be in the mod. For example, I just did a quick check and found that Mujica and McCann are not listed. There are a few Blanco's and Freese's listed, but I don't think they are the players you want.
  3. Jim825

    Mvpedit Help

    The first thing is to stopping typing in all capital letters.
  4. Without knowing exactly which faces he wants, I'll bet that a lot of them are in Total Classics 10.
  5. You could edit the roster in MVPEdit, get the audio / portrait ID of the incorrect player and reassign it to the correct player. While your audio would now be correct, your portrait would probably be incorrect (since audios and portraits share the ID). To correct this, you'd have to export the portrait from MVPEdit (or from the datafrontendportrait.big file, where the portraits are), rename the portrait to the proper ID number and then assign the portrait to the player in MVPEdit or reimport it into the portrait.big file. It's not hard work to do all this. It's just probably more than the simple solution you are looking for.
  6. Jim825

    Mvpedit Help

    The roster files are in the datadatabase folder.
  7. Jim825

    Schedule Issue

    Editing schedules is not something that can be done quickly.
  8. Jim825

    Schedule Issue

    The schedule file contains 3 years worth of schedules. Typically, the full season mods only contain and updated schedule for the first year. You would have to extract the other two years, modify them and then reimport them back into the schedule file.
  9. Jim825

    Mvpedit Help

    Did you search the Forums for an answer? It's pretty easy to open the roster files. On the main menu: File->Import->DAT files OR Click the "Import" button just below the menu
  10. It's because Jogar said he created the face in a 2005 forum post: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=10473&hl=timo
  11. The download link was not working earlier. That has now been fixed.
  12. The download link has been fixed.
  13. Jim825

    Mvp 13

    @bctrackboi - You're right about there being too many threads, so this one is being closed.
  14. Jim825

    Mvp 13

    Please do not bump your posts so that the thread moves to the top of the list. Doing this is against the MVPMods site rules. You asked this question once already. If anyone has an answer, they will give it to you. Asking the same question again will not get you an answer any quicker.
  15. nani - Just because I release on mod on this site, it doesn't mean that I automatically give others permission to use my work in their mods. Out of common courtesy, I would want to be asked if my work could be included. Mods are put on this site for others to download and use for themselves. If modders want to allow others to include their work, that's their choice. Most will have not problem sharing their mods if they are just asked. Let me ask you this -- How would jeferomer feel if I downloaded his MVP13 mod, changed a few menu screens and then released my own Spanish MVP13 mod here, which included all of his work and the other modders' work without asking their permission first? Even if I include his name on the credits page, I have a feeling he wouldn't like it too much.
  16. Look in the credits for MVP12 to see who the modders were. Contact each one and if they all agree that you can use their work, you can release your mod here.
  17. This was not necessarily an oversight. Very few of the Total Conversion mods actually contain the mvp2005.exe file, since they only change the auxiliary game files (models, uniforms, rosters, audios, etc.) but not the actual game executable itself. It was only the mods that Kraw created (e.g. MVP2008) and those based upon MVP2008 (MVP12, MVP13) that included the mvp2005.exe file. Kraw re-engineered the file somehow, and that's why, for example, your personal files (saved dynasty, controller config, etc.) go into a separate My DocumentsEAMods folder rather than the normal My DocumentsMVP Baseball 2005 folder. Other than this one item, I agree with everything else you stated in your critique.
  18. Jim825


    Did you insert CD #2 before you started the game or do you have a downloaded copy of MVP2005?
  19. Jim825

    Mvp 13

    Search the forums for topics on how to have multiple installs of the game.
  20. The Search function is your friend. Searches for "Hough" and "Heath" quickly produced the following results: TC1988 and Charlie Hough: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=51071&hl=hough TC1988 and Mike Heath: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=35912&hl=heath The problem is that both players are assigned faces that are missing from the models.big file. Both of the above posts include new faces that can be installed in the TC1988 models.big. Alternatively, you could edit the rosters with MVPEdit and assign them generic face IDs (in the range 901 - 915).
  21. I think it's the particular picture that was put on the cover that got people upset more than the story itself. If they had used a picture of him being led away in handcuffs after his capture, bloodied and disheveled, rather than the clean cut "boy next door" image, people would not have been as outraged. It's been 3 months since the bombing, but it's still fresh in a lot of people's minds here. How would you have felt if Rolling Stone did an article in early December 2001, with the smiling, "normal", faces of the 9/11 hijackers on the cover?
  22. You won't find different pitch meters in the overlays. You want to look at the datafiles. Here's a combo datafile that I put together that contains a number of different tweaks, including a pitch meter with a smaller sweet spot. It makes pitching a bit more challenging. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4574
  23. We got a 3D printer at work recently. One of the Mechanical Engineers has been using it to create sample parts for our products. These parts are then sent off to a company that will create plastic injection molds and then create the final parts for us. It will only take a few of these parts to pay back what it cost the company for the printer because it saves the company from having the Mechanical Engineer create part details on an AutoCad system and then send them to a different company to create the part template.
  24. You realize that you were responding to a thread that was 7-1/2 years old, right?
  25. Portraits need to be 128 x 128 pixels.
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