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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. My daughters informed me years ago that the piece of plastic is called a "gauge". People who get this type of piercing in their ear start with a small gauge and as the earlobe stretches, they add larger and larger gauges to make the hole larger. I've seen people with holes the size of my wedding band in their ear. They even make decorative jewelry that are solid discs that can be put in the holes. This is not something that I am attracted to, but hey, to each, their own.....
  2. You own a single copy of the game. That doesn't mean that you can go out and get another version without paying for it. It's no different than anything else you own.
  3. Are you saying that you DID or DID NOT find missing faces? Did you check all of the minor league players as well? Another thing to check is to make sure that all the batting orders and pitching rotations are set OK. From the main MVPEdit menu, select Tools->Check Errors to see if MVPEdit finds any errors with your roster.
  4. It doesn't matter when you are running simulations or playing actual games. If a face file is missing from the models.big, the game will crash. If you open your roster in MVPEdit, turn on the option to display faces and then go through every player on every team, looking at the face listed on the "Appearance" tab, you fill find which ones are missing faces. Be aware that if a player has a default face ID (#901 - 915), a face will not show up in MVPEdit. This is normal behavior. Any other face ID should show a face on the "Appearance" tab.
  5. When injuries occur, players are called up from the minor leagues or players are signed from the free agent pool. It's possible that one of your players is getting injured and the player that replaces him is assigned a face that does not exist in the models.big file. That would definitely cause a crash to occur.
  6. Jim825

    Logitech F310

    Search the forums for topics on how to edit the controller button mapping. This mapping is in the controller.cfg file in the My DocumentsMVP Baseball 2005 folder.
  7. This is from the site rules: The no-CD crack was discussed in the past and each time, we've indicated that we do not provide support for any method that tries to get by copyright protection.
  8. Not that I'm aware of, but have you tried the Search feature in the forums? Search for "macbook". You might have to use the Mac application (I can't recall the name of it) that allows you to run Windows applications on a Mac.
  9. It was ar_key's rosters that we fixed last year by reducing the free agent pool. Why it helped, I have no clue, but as soon as I cleaned up the list, the problem went away. Just remember that you shouldn't remove Shane Reynolds. For some reason, if you remove him, I believe that the mini-games crash.
  10. How big is your free agent pool? I remember helping someone last year with a crashing issue and he had around 200 free agents. Once I reduced it to about 50, the crashing disappeared.
  11. The fact that I only deal with the major league rosters and tell people to turn off injuries, trades and suspensions when playing dynasties has a lot to do with it. That way, the rosters never change. Also, cutting the size of the free agent pool down to about 50 players fixed some crashing issues.
  12. Is this the crashing issue that happens on April 11th when running a dynasty? Kyle contacted me asking for help in solving the issue. I gave him some suggestions, but it sounds like you've solved the problem.
  13. That explains it. I figured you just made a typo.......
  14. Careful.... All 3 of my daughters currently work at McDonald's to help pay for college and my wife was an accountant for McDonald's when I met her.
  15. Another satisfied customer.... :D
  16. I knew that there could also be a potential problem with the #1 pitcher, but I couldn't think of the right way to express the issue, nor did I know the solution that you posted.
  17. Did you run the "Tools->Check for Errors" option on the MVPEdit menubar? That will point out whether a batting order or pitching rotation is incomplete, both of which can cause crashes. Also, go to the Roster->Manager tab and look at the faces assigned to the managers of the teams that crash. If these faces are missing from your models.big file, it will also cause crashes.
  18. What rosters are you trying to import?
  19. Some of the uniforms are in the "locked" slots. They only show up if you have a profile with the uniforms unlocked.
  20. You need to unlock all of the uniforms. There are two ways: First, you can use the "Katie Roy" cheat: 1. Open up MVP Baseball. 2. Under the Main Menu > Rosters, Create a Player named "Katie Roy." 3. Save your roster and then save your profile. 4. Your dynasty and any other games you play will now have all the unlockable stuff. Alternatively, you could use a profile that has everything unlocked. You can get one here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1208
  21. As always, a great review. Thanks for the kind words. It was great working with you and Dennis, and as he said in a PM, the images you provided were invaluable.
  22. The only time I remember hearing about rain in the game was games played in Seattle, and even that was rare.
  23. Had today off (Patriot's Day here in Massachusetts), so my wife and I went to see "Olympus Has Fallen". Before our movie, there was a preview for "42". I wanted to see it as soon as I saw the first trailer last month, but my wife had no interest in seeing "another baseball movie." When the preview was over, my wife looked at me and said, "That looks really good. We should see that." I explained to her that it was the movie that I had been talking about and she said that learning more about what Robinson had to go through when he made it to the majors seemed interesting. It looks like I'll get to see the movie after all and I won't have to see it alone. :)
  24. 528 downloads

      Total Classics 1941 By Jim825 & dennisjames71   Special thanks Yankee4Life who provided music and images for the mod.   During the 1941 baseball season, the New York Yankees won the 1941 pennant by 17 games over Boston, but the pennant race was overshadowed by the personal heroics of two superstars. New York's American League MVP Joe DiMaggio put together a record 56-game hitting streak, and Boston's Ted Williams batted .406.   In the summer of 1941, Joe DiMaggio hit safely in a record 56 consecutive games.  DiMaggio, who had shown a predilection for hitting streaks since his minor league days, started his 1941 streak with a hit against the White Sox on May 15.  On July 2, a DiMaggio homer broke Wee Willie Keeler's 44-year-old major league hitting-streak record of 44.  And on July 17, his streak was ended at 56 by two terrific back-handed stops by Indians third baseman Ken Keltner.   DiMaggio finished the season third in the American League in batting at .357, first in RBI with 125, second in doubles with 43, and fourth in home runs.  But his season was dwarfed -- statistically, at least -- by that of Williams, who led him in runs 135 to 122, homers 37 to 30, on-base average .551 to .440, and slugging average .735 to .643.  Williams also batted .406, the highest batting average in either league since Rogers Hornsby's .424 in 1924.   At one point in June, Williams was hitting .436 but then began to fade.  On the final day of the season, he found himself at .3995 -- technically .400 by baseball scoring rules.  Nevertheless, Williams refused to play it safe and played both ends of a doubleheader.  He went 6-for-8 to finish the season with a .406 average.   -------------------------------------------   The Total Classics 1941 mod brings you the sights and sounds of the 1941 baseball season. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos, 1940's jukebox music, 1941 batter walkup music, an accurate 1941 schedule and correct 1940's era stadiums for every team.  The mod also includes OTBJoel's great Legends from the Booth audio.   -------------------------------------------   *** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ***   - After you download the total_classics_1941.7z file, double-click to open it.   - Extract the contents of the file into a folder.   - Double-click the explodeme.exe file   - Find the location of a CLEAN (or patched) copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract".   - Allow the program to extract all of the new content.   - Play the new Total Classics 1941 mod.   -------------------------------------------   *** VERSION HISTORY ***   v1.0   Initial release
  25. File Name: Total Classics 1941 File Submitter: Jim825 File Submitted: 14 Apr 2013 File Category: Total Conversion Mods Version: 1.0   Total Classics 1941By Jim825 & dennisjames71 Special thanks Yankee4Life who provided music and images for the mod. During the 1941 baseball season, the New York Yankees won the 1941 pennant by 17 games over Boston, but the pennant race was overshadowed by the personal heroics of two superstars. New York's American League MVP Joe DiMaggio put together a record 56-game hitting streak, and Boston's Ted Williams batted .406. In the summer of 1941, Joe DiMaggio hit safely in a record 56 consecutive games.  DiMaggio, who had shown a predilection for hitting streaks since his minor league days, started his 1941 streak with a hit against the White Sox on May 15.  On July 2, a DiMaggio homer broke Wee Willie Keeler's 44-year-old major league hitting-streak record of 44.  And on July 17, his streak was ended at 56 by two terrific back-handed stops by Indians third baseman Ken Keltner. DiMaggio finished the season third in the American League in batting at .357, first in RBI with 125, second in doubles with 43, and fourth in home runs.  But his season was dwarfed -- statistically, at least -- by that of Williams, who led him in runs 135 to 122, homers 37 to 30, on-base average .551 to .440, and slugging average .735 to .643.  Williams also batted .406, the highest batting average in either league since Rogers Hornsby's .424 in 1924. At one point in June, Williams was hitting .436 but then began to fade.  On the final day of the season, he found himself at .3995 -- technically .400 by baseball scoring rules.  Nevertheless, Williams refused to play it safe and played both ends of a doubleheader.  He went 6-for-8 to finish the season with a .406 average. ------------------------------------------- The Total Classics 1941 mod brings you the sights and sounds of the 1941 baseball season. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos, 1940's jukebox music, 1941 batter walkup music, an accurate 1941 schedule and correct 1940's era stadiums for every team.  The mod also includes OTBJoel's great Legends from the Booth audio. ------------------------------------------- *** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *** - After you download the total_classics_1941.7z file, double-click to open it. - Extract the contents of the file into a folder. - Double-click the explodeme.exe file - Find the location of a CLEAN (or patched) copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract". - Allow the program to extract all of the new content. - Play the new Total Classics 1941 mod. ------------------------------------------- *** VERSION HISTORY *** v1.0 Initial release Click here to download this file
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