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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Jim825

    .mbe File

    Nope -- It was the message Ty sent Trues asking him to to take all of his MVP2005 tools off of MVPMods that caused the dat_importer_exporter to disappear.
  2. Jim825

    .mbe File

    How did you create your roster? Did you use the in-game editor? If so, then you can't create a .mbe file, because the in-game editor creates .SAV files and there is no way to convert a .SAV file to a .mbe file.
  3. Ask 5 people and you will get 5 different answers. Search the forums and you will see what I mean. I initially used a Saitek P880 controller, because I had bought it for MVP2004 and it worked great. I then switched to an XBox 360 (designed for PC) wired controller when I bought MLB2K9. I sold MLB2K9 after about a week, but kept the controller and that's the one I've been using for MVP2005. With the Saitek, I had to make a few tweaks to get the sliding to work properly: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=38841 With the XBox 360 controller, there was a bit more tweaking involved with getting the right configuration: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=15434
  4. Jim825

    Widescreen Dilemma

    Mike Z was last active in April 2011, so you probably won't see an answer from him. Perhaps someone else can help.
  5. That's OK. I'm about 5 years into my TC1978 dynasty with the Yankees. I've played every game and am about 130 games into the season. I'm just about into the month of September. I WILL eventually finish the season.
  6. You can never go wrong quoting from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" . . . :)
  7. I never patched past patch #2. That was the patch that fixed some stuttering issues on the graphics. Patches #3 & #5 were just roster updates. Patch #4 was also a roster update, but in addition, they changed the internal structure of a few roster files, which is why the 2006 version of MVPEdit had to be released.
  8. I haven't seen piratesmvp2004 around here for a few years. He was the only person I knew that still created MVP2004 mods. I've used MVP2004 uniforms and faces in MVP2005, but never tried going the other way. MVP2005 faces definitely won't work in MVP2004 since they are a different format.
  9. I just uploaded the WBC Caribe 2013 mod.
  10. I was a teenager in the mid to late-70's, and I vividly remember everything that was discussed in the book -- Reggie Jackson and the Yankees, the power outage and riots in New York, the Son of Sam serial killer, etc. so I had a lot of flashbacks while reading the book.
  11. tsar - #1 should be "Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig". It's a great book -- I read it a few years ago. A friend of mine, who moved just outside of Cooperstown last year, let me borrow "The Echoing Green" by Joshua Prager. It's the story of the New York Giants winning the 1951 National League pennant by using a telescope in the office above the outfield wall to steal signals and send them to the dugout. As a Yankees fan, and a child of the 70's, I really enjoyed "The Bronx is Burning" by Jonathan Mahler and "The Bronx Zoo" by Sparky Lyle.
  12. You could always disable your Anti-Virus software when you want to play the game.
  13. This thread is also going nowhere, so it too is being closed. PLEASE stop this behavior.
  14. Guys - It's time to move on. I'm closing this thread and you can open your own separate threads if you want to discuss your rosters.
  15. Fair enough. We'll consider this matter closed. I don't know why your home IP address does not work. I never banned your IP address. Send me a PM with the IP address and I'll look into it.
  16. Let's stop the back and forth bickering here in this thread. Nobody wants to read this. If you guys have a problem, work it out privately. If you can't, then go your separate ways and produce your separate rosters. Wundabreadz - You said you are still practically a kid. You know what? Reading your posts makes me think you should take out the word "practically" because you ARE acting like a kid. Trust me, I've raised three kids, so I KNOW how they act. Clean up your act and stop with the name calling. You may be a contributor to this site, but that doesn't mean you can violate the rules. You can still be suspended or banned. Consider this your first and ONLY warning. As far as claims of work being stolen: wudl83 - Did you give Wundabreadz this calculator you mentioned? If so, it would be reasonable that he would use it. He SHOULD, out of common courtesy however, at least give you a mention in the description of his rosters stating that he used your calculator. If you didn't give him the calculator, then it does seem suspicious that the numbers in his rosters are similar to yours. Wundabreadz - If there is even a hint that you stole someone else's work, that would be grounds for having your rosters removed from the site and you'd be suspended or banned. I'm done talking about this, however, I will be monitoring this thread to see if further action is required.
  17. Don - I'll echo the other comments and say thanks for everything you've contributed here. I bailed on MLB2K9 after 2 weeks of frustration and have never tried a later version, so like Y4L, I've never used your mods, however, I know the amount of time it takes to put out these mods, so you've got my utmost respect. Let us know if you give MVP2005 a shot. There are one or two good mods here that we can hook you up with... ;)
  18. I too see nothing wrong with Y4L's post. He simply asked why you would want to take the time to move Houston to the AL when an MVP13 mod was being developed. As for your "typical New Yorker attitude" comment, that's out of line. It would be the same as if Y4L came back with something along the lines of your misunderstanding of his post was "typical hillbilly stupidity." There is enough stereotyping in the world. We don't need that on this site and as an admin, I won't put up with it. :mad:
  19. Don't expect much on this for a while, as bctrackboi has been redeployed and shipped out to sea again until this summer.
  20. I believe that MVPEdit only supports up to Lahman version 5.3, which was released in 2005.
  21. I'm sorry to hear what you had to go through, but hopefully 2013 will be a much better year for you. Welcome back! :)
  22. The Neyer James Guide is a great book. I picked up my copy a number of years ago when I first started working on Total Conversion mods.
  23. Excellent work as always Hector. Thanks for the work that you and the rest of the MVP Caribe team do! :good:
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