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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Don - This is another file that I uploaded after getting permission from Kraw. I just listed him as the submitter since he created the mod.
  2. As you've probably noticed, over the last 24 hours, a number of files that had been hosted at EAMods / MLBMods have started to show up here. These include the Installer Thingy, Total Installer Thingy, MVP 08 mod, MVP 1994 mod, Homer's faces, Homer's tutorials, etc. Kraw contacted some of us this past week and said that for personal reason, MLBMods has been shut down permanently. I will not go into the reasons and please do not contact him asking about MLBMods coming back. Just accept the fact that it is gone and appreciate everything that he has done over the years. Luckily for us, Kraw gave us permission to upload the mods that he created. Homer and I have uploaded them, and where appropriate, I have listed Kraw as the submitter to make sure that he gets credit as the mod creator. Homer has also been kind enough to upload his mods that were also hosted at MLBMods. Homer noticed that Hory's MVP 1994 mod was not here, so I uploaded the latest version that I had and again, gave Hory credit for creating the mod. While we have not heard from Hory in quite a while, I made the decision to upload MVP 1994 since it had been hosted on MLBMods. If Hory does show up and asks for it to be taken down, I will abide by his wishes, but for now, I think MVP 1994 should be here since it is so good.
  3. Don - This is the v2.0 patch version of MVP1994 that was on EAMods. I uploaded it, not Hory. I just edited the listing to give him credit as being the creator of the mod. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from Hory in quite a while. I did hear from Kraw the other day and he said that EAMods / MLBMods is permanently shut down, but he gave us permission to upload his mods. That's why you've seen the Installer Thingy, Total Installer Thingy and MVP 08 show up over the last 24 hours. Homer suggested that it would be good to have MVP1994 here as well, so I uploaded the last version I had. If Hory shows up and asks us to remove it, I will, but I don't expect that to happen.
  4. You'll probably need to send a PM to Ty to find out.
  5. You should ask Support questions in the Support forum: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showforum=149
  6. If you look closely, you will notice that the listing says, "Available from these Sellers" and when you click on the link, you are taken to a list of the various people selling the book. In other words, Amazon itself is not selling the book. It's simply acting as a storefront for others who are selling the book. There are a number of different prices listed, based upon what the seller thinks they can get for it. It's similar to the way that the exact same item can be listed on eBay by 4 people, each of them charging a completely different price! If you don't want the book, you should contact AlexTony. He's a big Tigers fan.
  7. PLEASE stop asking the same question over and over. You've posted about this topic twice and you've sent me two PM's about the subject. You asked me to be patient because you're new, but that doesn't mean that it's OK for you to ask the same thing 4 times! Spamming on this site is against the rules and could be grounds for suspension or banishment from the site. As Yankee4Life said, we can't just upload the files without the permission of the guy who created them. And before you ask us to try to contact the modder to see if we can upload them, I will tell you to just let this go for now and ask YOU to be patient. If these mods eventually get uploaded, you will see them. If you feel the need to post further about this, I'm afraid that I'll have no choice but to suspend you (or worse) from the site.
  8. Good to hear. I may not have released anything recently but I am constantly working on my "next" full season mod. In fact, I'm working on two at the same time, right now! True dat.....
  9. danc - I don't believe you can install over an existing dynasty without messing something up.
  10. Jim825

    Mlb Mods

    Some of us heard from Kraw today. Unfortunately, MLBMods has been shut down permanently.
  11. It's not you. None of the categories in any of the projects show thumbnails. You only see the thumbnail when you go into the mod itself. I've looked in the Admin tools but can't seem to find a setting to fix this. Maybe Trues will have an answer.
  12. No problem. After all, I have to do SOMETHING to earn that six figure salary you pay me..... :)
  13. Although a notification did not appear on the front page, stecropper has released a new version of Total Classics 1964. The new version includes the following changes: 1) Added "Legends from the Booth" audio 2) Correct Pitch Types for every Pitcher 3) New / Updated faces 4) New / Updated Uniforms 5) New / Updated Stadiums 6) Minor Player rating tweaks 7) Various other minor changes in Text & Select Screens, etc. In addition, the mod contains 6 different music folders. Swapping out music is just a matter of copying the the music files from one of the music folders to the game's dataaudiocdmusic folder and copying the associated .LOC file to the game's data folder. You can download v2.0 here: http://www.mvpmods.c...s&showfile=4215 Be aware that the size and release date still show the data for the original release. If you click the Download button, you will get the new version. Because of all the music, the file is over 800 Mb, so it will take a while to download. Full installation instructions are included with the mod.
  14. I'm looking forward to trying this out. Thanks a lot!
  15. Trues - I created the 2K12 download sections and added subforums to the 2K12 forum. If I didn't do it correctly, feel free to fix it.
  16. Here's the main issue - In an earlier post, you said, the following: As Yankee4Life said, asking for permission to use someone else's work is a common courtesy around here if you plan to include it in a mod that you release with your name on it. When you get permission, you just give credit to the modder who created the work you include in your mod. Most guys are fine with you using their work as long as you state who originally created it. If you still don't understand what I am talking about, look at it this way -- How would you like it if I released a full 2011 season mod and included your rosters, but did not give you credit for creating them? You wouldn't be too happy if people started telling me how great the rosters were in "my" mod, when you should be the one receiving the compliments. No one is trying to prevent you from releasing a mod. We just have rules here to protect modders from having others take credit for their work. We've had problems like this in the past. If your mod is mainly a roster and portrait update and doesn't include anyone else's work (faces, audios, overlays, etc.), you can release whatever you like. If you do include the work of others without asking them to use it or you don't give them credit for their work, then you won't be allowed to post the mod.
  17. Jim825

    Mvp 08

    I sent a PM to Homer earlier to see if he knows what is going on. The domain hasn't expired, so hopefully it's just down for maintenance.
  18. Y4L - Another nice review. After reading your game summary, it got me to wondering if Chuck Knoblauch could have been related to Rube Oldberg..... :D
  19. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I really would. I'm just taking a wait and see attitude. You know that saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"? What happens when you get fooled three times?
  20. Looks very nice, however, you come in here about this time each year to announce plans for major upgrades (uniforms, stadiums, etc.) based upon new techniques you've developed. After a few weeks of updates with new screenshots, you disappear until the following winter. I'd love to see you deliver on some of your promises, however, until you do, people shouldn't get their hopes up. I know this sounds negative, but I'm just trying to set expectations for others who haven't seen your posts in the past. :sad:
  21. Even worse -- Y4L has to choose between rooting for Tebow or (GASP!!) a team from the Boston area this weekend!! Decisions..... decisions.....
  22. You would have to get the file that contains the stadium dimensions. Usually, it's the appropriate .txt file (e.g. yankday.txt and yanknite.txt) inside the data\datafile\datafile.big file. You would then rename it to the stadium that you want to replace. This is how we replace stadiums in the classics mods. I looked in one of my datafile.big files and found that there is a venuday.txt and venunite.txt. If creating a CAS file also updates the venuday.txt and venunite.txt files inside datafile.big, you could extract those files and rename them to yankday.txt and yanknite.txt (or propday.txt and propnite.txt) and copy them to you data folder. Dennis would have to confirm whether the dimensions are updated in the datafile.big file and whether this would work for you.
  23. Is that because you have to wait until the last scene of the movie to see Olivia Newton-John in that skin-tight outfit? :)
  24. Just be glad that THIS WOMAN didn't steal your wife's idea!!
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