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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Right now, I don't have time to work on an installer, so as Homer suggested, your best bet might be to Zip them up and use TIT or at a minimum, Zip them up and include a Readme file telling people what folders to copy the files into.
  2. With that mental picture, I guess I can forget about finishing the rest of my lunch..... :bad:
  3. Duplicate audio/portrait ID's won't make the game crash. Just like you can assign the same face ID to multiple players, you can assign the same ID to multiple players in the game. It just mean that multiple players would have the same portrait and audio.
  4. EAMods transitioned to MLBMods.com last year. You can find the '08 mod there.
  5. You could possibly export the player from one roster using the File->Export command and them import him into the other roster using the File->Import command, however, you'd get ALL the information for the player and not just the ratings. In my experience, I've never really had much luck with importing and exporting individual players. It could be just me, however. I'd more likely use the brute force method you described with the two MVPEdit screens open at the same time.
  6. You can get both of those over at MLBMods.com. You have to register there in order to download mods.
  7. Exactly! That's all I was trying to say. Being a modder myself, I know how frustrating it can be if people are continually asking when you will be releasing something. That's why I develop my mods now in stealth mode. Very few people know what I'm working on at any given time, and the majority don't find out until I release it. This way, I can work at my own pace and don't feel pressure if I have to step away from it for a while (usually to help others with their mods).
  8. Please stop spamming this thread with your posts, continuing to ask when there will be a release and telling us how much you need these faces. Homer will release something when he's ready. Continuing to pester him about it is not going to motivate him to get a release out sooner. If anything, it will have the opposite effect! Try to be patient. Homer's sole purpose in life is not to create mods for you. I'm sure he has other, more important things to do. If you can't back off on your posts, you may give me no choice but to take more drastic measures. Consider yourself warned......
  9. I knew something was being said at the beginning, but wasn't quite sure what it was. Not being a Tigers fan, that's not surprising.... :)
  10. Honesty is the best policy. Send me the name of the other account (the one you want deleted) and I'll get rid of it. No harm, no foul....
  11. I completed an easy-to-use installer for the mod (similar to the installers I include with my mods) and it is now included in the v2.0 version of this mod.
  12. This really is a great mod and I too would like to give it more than 5 stars. I've been lucky enough to be able to play around with it this week. Hearing these 3 legendary broadcasters in the game adds a lot, especially the classic mods. I've already started retrofitting some of my TC mods to use this audio. In addition, I am in the process of putting together an automated installer for this mod, similar to the ones in the other TC mods. It should be finished pretty soon, and as soon as it's done and tested, I'll replace the download link. This shouldn't stop anyone from downloading the mod now. It's not hard to install now. I'm just adding an automated installer for those who aren't comfortable moving files around on their own.
  13. Joel - This is great news and I'm looking forward to retrofitting my 1940's and 50's mods with this! :good:
  14. With today's earthquake in Japan, and the resulting tsunami hitting Hawaii, let's hope that Y4L is OK. From what I've read, the waves that hit Hawaii have been pretty small, although there was a 7-foot wave that entered the harbor in Maui. I'm sure he'll give us a full report when he gets back.
  15. Jim825

    Mvp 08

    The majority of the spam accounts I see have gibberish names with gibberish e-mail addresses. I believe that they are generated through some sort of automated process, rather than an individual person sitting there typing them all in. The same goes for the spam messages I see on the forums.
  16. Jim825

    Mvp 08

    Over here, new user posts are not visible to the general public for a day or two (I can't remember exactly how long Trues set it up for). This was implemented about a month ago and has really helped because when I review the forums, I can delete the spam posts before non-Admins see them.
  17. Jim825

    Mvp 08

    Homer - It's no different over here. I'm spending a few hours in total each day banning spam accounts, cleaning spam messages from the forums, etc. I know that my modding time is being seriously impacted by all this. I try to log on 5 or 6 times a day to keep on top of this issue. If I go one to two days without logging on, it takes quite a while to catch up. I can't imagine what it will be like if I go on vacation for a week or more! I'm going to have to train my trusted lieutenants Sean O and RaptorQuiz on what I do because I'll probably be asking them to help out if I'm away for an extended period of time.
  18. Congratulations Hector! Be sure to take plenty of pictures and post some here.
  19. Jim825

    Mvp 08

    You have to go to MLBMods.com, register there and then get it from their Downloads section.
  20. We've had 4 feet of snow in Central Massachusetts this month according to our local newspaper. We start a new month this week, and what can we look forward to? More of the same! 3-5 inches of snow on Tuesday followed by 6-10 inches of snow on Wednesday!! This is getting ridiculous. It's bad enough when it takes 2 hours to clear the driveway and then another hour when the town snowplow comes by just as you finish and fills the end of your driveway with hard packed snow. What's worse is having to keep raking the snow off the roof to prevent ice dams and water from leaking into the house. Even with all my efforts, I've had two instances over the last two days with water leaking in and I had to get back up on the ladder to clear snow and break 3-inch ice with a hammer and chisel (2-3 hours each time). In the 16 years we've lived in this house, I've never had to do that before. Add to that the fact that the snow is piled so high at the end of the street that you can't see oncoming traffic, so you have to hope no one is coming when you pull out. Global warming?? Not around here..... :mad:
  21. Are you trying to install these uniforms in MVP2005? If so, then it won't work because the uniforms in .iff format are for MLB2K10 and not MVP2005.
  22. Dennis - This is what I have been meaning to send you along with my notes. It's the tool I use all the time for batter walkup music. I apologize for taking so long and I WILL provide more to you soon. Here is a link to the NHL07ASFStudio download here at MVPMods: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3834 I've also attached a Word document that contains a post that was on MVPMods a few years ago (although I can't find it anymore) along with some notes I added at the end. Hopefully this is enough to get you going. I will send along some more comments when I get a chance. How to create your own batter walkup music.doc
  23. I wasn't able to get online yesterday (more snow removal and busy with work I brought home). I've got notes at home on editing walkup music. Let me look through them and I'll see if I can help you. I've gotten to be pretty good at changing walkup music so I'm sure I can help you out.
  24. It isn't for fans of Total Classics. Work is still going strong on those mods....
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