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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. Thanks Don. It's good to know that I won't have to go back and "re-tweak" all of the mods I released (or currently have in production). :)
  2. Well Don, in all the years I've been using these for my single season mods, I never caught this mistake, and it hasn't had a noticeable effect on the stats when I sim a season. Perhaps when I make individual tweaks to get stats to look good, I am actually making a change to correct the issue. Looking back, I noticed two instances of the mentioned finger check: For pitchers: TA < 6 then TA + 5 For Shortstops: TA < 5 then TA + 4 If the shortstop setting should be changed as you mentioned in your last post, does that mean that the pitcher setting should also be changed so that it is TA < 6 then TA = 5?
  3. Y4L - If it makes you feel better, I've always liked the Wild Wild West. I remember watching it as a kid when when CBS broadcast it in prime time and then later watching it college when the re-runs were broadcast late at night.
  4. With 53 players on the Vikings roster, Brett Favre is only 1.88% of the total team. By hoping that Favre doesn't make the Super Bowl, it means that you are unfairly penalizing the other 98.12% of the team. When you look at the numbers that way, it doesn't seem right, does it? Yea, I know, I'm grasping at straws (as I sit here wearing my Fran Tarkenton Vikings jersey). I just really want the Vikings to win..... :sad:
  5. My father retired in 1994 and a year or two later, the newspaper he worked at (the New Britain Herald) was purchased by a large newspaper syndicate and switched over to morning delivery shortly after that. The newspaper was getting ready to be closed down last year but a new buyer came in about 2 weeks before the shutdown and saved the newspaper and all its employees.
  6. You're showing your age there. Like me, you can remember when they actually had newspapers that came out in the late afternoon. My father worked at one in Connecticut and I remember him bringing home the newspaper every night after work. Do they still have afternoon newspapers any more?
  7. Like you, my first experience with the Yankees winning the World Series was in 1977. I vividly remember many of the events from the summer of 1977 that are covered in this book, especially the news coverage from the hunt to find the Son of Sam killer (and of course the Yankees quest for the World Series title).
  8. Y4L - Did you ever read The Bronx is Burning? You may have seen the ESPN miniseries a few years ago based on the book. It's a very good read that ties together the 1977 NYC mayoral race, the 1977 NYC blackout, the Son of Sam serial killing spree and the turmoil within the Yankees organization. As a Yankees fan, I'm sure you would enjoy it.
  9. I should be all set. I've got all of your parks from my other TC mods as well as 1913 Ebbets Field. I've also got colorized versions of most of the default EA classic stadiums (these were released back in 2005). I will be taking a little artistic license, however, and include some of parks that you and Paul (or just Paul) created. For example, Paul's Crosley Field, Forbes Field and Polo Grounds are extremely close to the EA classics versions of the same parks. I keep going back and forth on which version of Griffith Stadium to use (the EA classic or Paul's). In addition, I'd rather use his 1950's Comiskey Park and Wrigley Field than U.S. Cellular and the 2005 version of Wrigley. For Yankee Stadium, I plan to use the v5.0 Classic Yankee Stadium that the two of you created and for Navin Field, I'll use a modified version of Tiger Stadium. Again, it won't be completely historically accurate and some purists may complain, but somehow, I'll still be able to sleep at night....
  10. That works for me. Send me what you have and we'll go from there. Also, I swapped PM's with Sal and he said that I can make whatever changes I want to the mod.
  11. I'll tell you what - I will take care of adding the remaining pieces to make the mod complete. I was just starting a new project, but I can shelve it for a short period of time to work on this. Consider it my Christmas / Chanukkah / Kwanza / Festivus gift to the MVPMods community. I was toying with doing this anyway (and surprising everybody), but before anyone else gets too far working on it, I'll just announce my intentions now. I know where all the pieces go (uniforms, faces, audio, in-game text, songs, etc.) and have done enough of these mods that I can do most of these tasks with my eyes closed and one arm tied behind my back, especially when I'm simply dropping in pieces from other TC mods. Y4L - I can take care of the jukebox music as well. Amazon has all kinds of MP3's that you can purchase, so I'll simply google some of the top songs from 1927 and purchase some songs. For the walkup music, I can use the music I created for the 1920's teams in the TC Walk Through History mod. All I ask is for a little patience on my getting this done. It shouldn't take me too long to do this, but my definition of "shouldn't take too long" may be different than the definition that others have. Also, for those who have used my mods, you know that I'm not going to rush a mod out before I think it's ready. I'll state now that uniforms and stadiums won't be perfect (I'm neither a stadium nor a uniform modder), but again, they will be closer than what is there today. I'll talk to Sal about this, but I'm sure that he won't have any problems with me adding the additional content for the mod.
  12. There are teams in TC10 with uniforms that could be used: 1909 Pirates 1924 Senators 1927 Yankees 1929 Cubs 1929 A's 1933 Giants 1934 Cardinals 1935 Tigers 1942 Browns 1948 Indians 1949 Dodgers 1950 Phillies EA Sports included a 1929 Braves uniform with MVP2005. Fizzjob created a series of mods that includes every White Sox uniform ever worn and redsox created a similar set of mods for the Red Sox, so accurate 1927 uniforms could be found for these teams. It would take a little work to extract the uniforms and uniform select screens from TC10 or other mods and then import them into the appropriate files for TC1927, but it's just grunt work (i.e. it's not too hard). Would all of these uniforms be exactly historically accurate for TC1927? No, but they would be closer to 1927 than to 2005.
  13. You're going to love HD, especially when it comes to sports. I remember when we first got HD service. I spent the first few days trying to watch a little of every kind of sport I could find on TV to see how good it looked. I also kept switching back and forth between the HD broadcast and non-HD broadcast of the same event to see how much better the picture was.
  14. Palmer finished with 16 complete games that year and a 21-12 record and Caldwell finished with 23 complete games and a 22-9 record. In any other year, they would have been battling for the Cy Young Award, and they did end up finishing 2nd and 3rd in the voting. Unfortunately for them, Guidry had an otherworldly year, finishing with a 25-3 record, 248 strikeouts (almost double what Caldwell and Palmer had) and a 1.74 ERA and was the unanimous winner, being named 1st on all 28 ballots.
  15. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the mod. Those two were great that year, as were Palmer and Caldwell as Y4L mentioned.
  16. Thanks for your kind words. First of all, when I start one of these mods, I know that it is going to take a while (a number of months) to complete the mod, so I take my time and don't set any particular end date. I know that there will be stretches of time where I can work on the mod every night, while there will be others where I can't. I do all the work on a laptop, so I can be in the same room with my family at night. I'm not off in my own cave doing the work, away from everyone else. Secondly, I don't broadcast that I am working on a mod. I will tell a few people, namely those who I might ask for help (e.g. Yankee763 who creates all the team logos for me) and some others on here who I know will not spill the beans. Again, this allows me to work at my own pace and there is no pressure from those asking for updates or when the mod will be done. Thirdly, I tend to be a perfectionist -- It's a gift and a curse. With each mod I do, I am continually asking myself what I can do to make it ever better than the last one. What extra touch can I add to increase the "Wow" factor when people use the mod? This can add to the time it takes to create the mod because I may add something small (that only I might notice) and then continue to adjust and tweak it until it looks just right. This could be something as small as adjusting the size of the border on the portraits or cropping (and re-cropping and re-cropping!) a menu screen image (which may only be visible for 5 seconds) so that it doesn't look too stretched out or distorted. Yeah, I know, I have a problem..... Finally, and most importantly, I really enjoy working on these mods. They relax me and I enjoy learning about the players from the particular era I'm modding. I also enjoy learning new modding skills and trying new things as I develop each mod. As soon as these mods feel more like work than a hobby, it will be time for me to retire from modding. Happily, I don't see that happening for quite some time.
  17. I know the mod you are talking about but I never installed it. I'm tempted to modify the description page for the mod just to get rid of the garbage characters that are displayed, but I'm concerned that if I do that, the mod will appear on the front page again and folks will think that it is a new mod, prompting questions about what has changed in it. I guess I'll just let sleeping dogs lie..... :)
  18. I definitely read them, if for no other reason than to see what the mods I create look like when someone is actually playing them! I'm usually too busy thinking about or working on the NEXT mod to have time to play the one I just released. It's the sacrifice I make to keep the members here happy..... ^_^
  19. Your powers of reasoning are astute as always. That's exactly the reason why I included the '98 Devil Rays in the mod.
  20. Once you convert your mp3 files to asf format, rename them to menu1.asf, menu2.asf, menu3.asf, etc. (up to menu9.asf). Once you have renamed them, copy them to your EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\music folder. If you want the names of the new songs to show up in the game, you must edit the EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005\data\FEENG.LOC file with the LOCLook utility.
  21. Jim825

    Site Issues

    Trues - The new front page of the website looks great. I noticed one glitch and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced it. When I first enter the website, everything loads except for the forum posts listed under the "Recent Topics" header. There are no posts listed. If I click the refresh button on my browser, the page reloads and the posts then show up. I've seen this with both Internet Explorer and Firefox. I can live with this trivial issue but figured I'd see if anyone else has seen this.
  22. Jim825

    Site Issues

    Just noticed that if you click on the Total Classics section in the upper right hand corner of the main page, an error message is displayed.
  23. 1523 downloads

    The Total Classics Best of the 80's and 90's mod brings together some of the best teams of the 1980's and 90's for dynasty play. Each major league team has a 1980's or 90's team selected from Total Classics Phase 10 or a newly created team. The following teams are included: AL East 1983 Baltimore Orioles 1986 Boston Red Sox 1992 Toronto Blue Jays 1998 New York Yankees 1998 Tampa Bay Devil Rays -- NEW TEAM AL Central 1983 Chicago White Sox 1984 Detroit Tigers 1985 Kansas City Royals -- NEW TEAM 1991 Minnesota Twins 1999 Cleveland Indians AL West 1986 California Angels 1990 Oakland A's 1996 Texas Rangers 1997 Seattle Mariners NL East 1986 New York Mets 1993 Atlanta Braves 1993 Philadelphia Phillies 1994 Montreal Expos 1997 Florida Marlins NL Central 1980 Houston Astros 1982 Milwaukee Brewers 1987 St. Louis Cardinals 1989 Chicago Cubs 1990 Cincinnati Reds 1991 Pittsburgh Pirates NL West 1988 Los Angeles Dodgers 1989 San Francisco Giants 1995 Colorado Rockies 1998 San Diego Padres 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks ------------------------------------------- *** VERSION HISTORY *** v1.0 Initial release
  24. Jim825

    1998 Mlb Mod

    eBay is also a great resource, since there are so many cards for sale there.
  25. Jim825

    1998 Mlb Mod

    eBay, Google image search, Altavista image search - I've used all of them when looking for portraits and images for loading screens, menu screens, license and CTS screens, etc.
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