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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 3/10, 61 seconds. I was lucky to get that many correct. Ouch.
  2. I grew up in Connecticut and we didn't have access to New York TV channels, so my Yankee game viewing was limited to when the Yankees were on ABC Monday Night Baseball or the NBC Game of the Week on Saturday afternoons. For those too young to remember, this was before cable TV, so you were limited (at least in my area) to four channels - ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS. The town I grew up in central Connecticut was along the "Munson/Nixon" line, meaning that most people were either Yankees fans or Red Sox fans, with a few outliers who were Mets fans. In school, there was always a lot of trash talking between Yankee and Red Sox fans. I remember in the Spring of 1978, my junior year of high school, how much trash talking and boasting my friends who were Red Sox fans did, especially by the end of the school year when the Yankees were 6 games behind the Red Sox. This eventually grew to 14-1/2 games by July. Over the summer, the Yankees clawed their way back and when my senior year started on Sept. 5th, the Yankees were only 4 games back. The following weekend was the famous "Boston Massacre" where the Yankees swept the 4-game series, outscoring the Red Sox 42-9. That Monday, I was the one doing the trash talking. I still vividly remember racing home after school on October 2, 1978 to watch the one-game playoff between the Yankees and Red Sox. By the time I got home, the game was in the 2nd inning but I was able to watch the rest of the game. It turned out to be a real nail biter but in the end the Yankees prevailed and my Red Sox friends were pretty quiet the next day at school. The Yankees went on to win their 2nd consecutive World Series and this is still my favorite Yankees season of all time. That's why I decided to make it my first total conversion mod. With this mod, I am able to re-live a great season but also a simpler time in my life when I was only 17 years old with no pressures of being an adult (bills, mortgage, etc.). Here are highlight from that tie breaker game for those who are interested:
  3. 10/10, 33 seconds. After two not so great days, it was nice to get this result today. Laroquece - great effort going for the record.
  4. 5/10, 69 seconds. Very tough questions today.
  5. I was definitely off my game today. I missed a question asking for Casey Stengel’s full name and a question asking which pitcher is the all time leader in strikeouts.
  6. Not so fast. 7/10, 46 seconds. It should have been 8/10. This answer was correct but marked as incorrect! I think the only fair thing to do is to invalidate all scores today and start over again tomorrow.
  7. 7/10, 74 seconds. Two questions on World Cup, two on European soccer and one on the 2002 NHL playoffs . I'll gladly take this score.
  8. 1/10, 72 seconds. My lowest score ever! My questions were impossible today!!
  9. 8/10, 64 seconds. I got lucky today. Two questions each on boxing and European soccer as well as questions on F1 racing and college football.
  10. Thanks, but I wouldn't count on that! There was a lot of luck involved. The fact that you didn't play the entire month helped me as well.
  11. I was suddenly reminded of this thread that is pinned in the MVP2005 Support Forum: I’m wondering if this was the cause of your startup problem.
  12. It was great to finally get over the hump last month and get my first victory. Now we start all over again. 6/10, 56 seconds. Plenty of tough questions today.
  13. No there is not. The game is hard coded to have a maximum of 25 players per team. If you try to add more in MVPEdit, it won’t let you export the rosters.
  14. Have you installed any mods to the game - rosters, faces, etc?
  15. 10/10, 33 seconds. A great way to end the month.
  16. 4/10, 75 seconds and I was extremely lucky to get that many correct. Those were very difficult questions today!
  17. 10/10, 35 seconds. A great way to start my day.
  18. Thanks guys. Technically the month isn’t over but I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of getting my first win. 😊
  19. 8/10, 69 seconds. I'm happy with this result.
  20. 6/10. Not great but not terrible considering the category. It could have been 8/10, but I changed one answer and after narrowing down one question to two answers, I picked the wrong one.
  21. 9/10, 47 seconds. I somehow left one answer blank but still very happy with this result.
  22. 5/10, 71 seconds. Some tough questions today.
  23. 10/10, 38 seconds. Took too long to read one question but I'm satisfied with this result.
  24. 7/10, 74 seconds. I'll take it. Keeping pace with Yankee4Life.
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