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Everything posted by Jim825

  1. 10/10, 34 seconds. Happy Friday!
  2. 7/10, 75 seconds. 2 questions on NASCAR along with questions on Australian Rules Football, Olympic Basketball and Portuguese soccer. Not what I would consider easy!
  3. 6/10, 87 seconds. Not great but not terrible for this category.
  4. Not embarrassing at all. That’s a great score for this category. Time matters but getting correct answers is more important. Welcome aboard.
  5. I mostly guess on those. Sometimes I do know the college questions or can at least throw out one or two possible answers.
  6. I’m still nervous. I expect that you’ll pick up another point today to cut the lead to 6. 😬
  7. As I do every month, It looks like I’ve entered my mid-month slump where any lead I have slips away. I just need to stay close to Yankee4Life if I want to get my first monthly victory.
  8. 6/10, 95 seconds. Lots of tough questions today -- cycling, figure skating, cricket, English soccer and Australian rugby. I'll take this result.
  9. Good job. I’m looking forward to the General questions . . . 😄
  10. 3/10, 90 seconds. Impossible questions today. I was lucky to get that many correct.
  11. 10/10, 34 seconds. A nice bounce back after yesterday's low score.
  12. 5/10, 67 seconds. Ouch. I was due for an off day. You guys broke up my “no-hitter”.
  13. Like pitchers in the middle of a no-hitter, I try not to think about how well I am doing for fear of jinxing it.
  14. 8/10, 50 seconds. I got tripped up by questions on skateboarding and cricket.
  15. 6/10, 71 seconds. I'll take it.
  16. 9/10, 89 seconds. With questions on taekwondo, cricket, Australian rugby, college football teams and 1992 golf tournament results, I was shocked to get that many correct.
  17. 8/10, 81 seconds. I'm very happy with that result.
  18. 10/10, 36 seconds. Another good day.
  19. 9/10, 76 seconds. Mine actually weren't that difficult today. There were only two I wasn't sure of. I guessed correctly on one and the other I narrowed down to two answers and picked the wrong one.
  20. 10/10, 35 seconds. Happy Friday!
  21. 4/10, 86 seconds. Very tough questions today.
  22. 6/10, 99 seconds. On three of the questions, I narrowed down the answer to two possible choices. I picked wrong all three times.
  23. 7/10, 62 seconds. It should have been 8/10. I broke my #1 rule and second guessed myself and changed an answer. My original answer was the correct one.
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