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Everything posted by Totte

  1. Yes, it does work with the 07 mod. Write down the name of the file that the program tells you is missing and then google it, download it and add it to your MVPedit-folder :)
  2. Frikkin sweet! Amazing job Spungo (and Ichiro for hitting that HR )
  3. I agree with you SS. Having a list that's universal much like the Audio/Portrait thing Hory started way back.
  4. It wouldn't work because some modders deny certain people the rights to use their mods.
  5. How about "Extra", "Pro" or "Supreme"?
  6. They're not stupid, they just lost the MLB license to Take2 so they bought the NCAA rights instead.
  7. Plus. Difference is it got the updated cyberface ID's you need with the 07 mod.
  8. It was mentioned in a Padres article about Jake Peavy and his off-season workouts or something over at mlb.com
  9. There are several ways to grip a regular curveball and that picture just shows one of them. Out of all the pitchers on my baseball team, only me and this other guy grip our curve the same.
  10. 1. No, unfortunately not. 2. If you use the Total Portraits download by Hory and KG, the portraits will be updated everywhere in the game (menus, in-game etc.)
  11. I must admit that I used this list today. One person can't know everything and even though I'm an experienced member and modder, I fall back on this list now and then. Today, I was adding a new song to my EA jukebox and forgot how to do it. I know people doesn't like readmes and FAQ lists but this list is something every member should read because it gives you such good and basic knowledge of the game and the modding that it's scary. Thanks to the mighty people behind the big, nasty, all-encompassing FAQ :hail:
  12. Glad we could help you out :D
  13. Well considering that we speak about "a whole new ballgame" when we talk about the 07 mod, stop to think about that for a while. We're modding about every part of the game that's possible and that's some pretty heavy stuff my friend. Think about how game developers (EA) work in teams with say like 100 people and a timetable of 8 months or so to complete a game. In this case, we have like 10 guys expected by the users to do this in 4 months...or something like that but I hope you get my point
  14. You download the rosters and read hthe instructions in the readme.doc. Got any further questions on how to do it, ask again :)
  15. The UR-project and KG's overhaul are two completely different set of rosters. I'll let KG answer the rest of your questions since it's his thread but I can say that I've been approached by people who think that the UR-project is what it's called.
  16. Welcome to the boards http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads.html
  17. I expect JJ Hardy to be healthy and finally live up to his rep. His solid glove should help the Brewers a lot this year :wtg:
  18. Just look at Morgan Ensberg. Always tweaking his swing looking for a hit :alright:
  19. :lmao: Never heard that one before :D
  20. Yeah it really makes one wonder where it's gone hiding. Come out come out wherever you are :D
  21. The only thing you need in order for the patches to work is to havethe default rosters by EA in your data/database folder.
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