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  2. TMac48

    Quick Help...

    Ha, well I guess that explains it. Thanks for the reply.
  3. TMac48

    Quick Help...

    I downloaded these uni's : (http://www.mvpmods.c...s&showfile=7634) but I am having trouble figuring out how to install them. The zip contains 16 files that all end with .fsh. How do I get from .fsh to .iff files that I can add to my game? Thanks, Mac
  4. I think these are my favorite Stros unis.
  5. Anybody feel like making a legit uni modding tutorial...or at least pointing me in the direction of a good one? I'm having a hell of a time following the existing tutorial. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me for whatever reason. I need something with more screens I think.
  6. I'd like to sort of add to this question without creating a whole new thread. Is it possible to change the league affiliation of a team? If I want to go ahead and put the Stros in the AL, can it be done?
  7. Sweet, thanks.
  8. The under-shirt on the Astros road uni should also be red. -Tim
  9. Has anyone used GIMP to edit unis before? When I try to open the "05" file in GIMP, it opens with seperate layers called "mipmaps" that appear to be just smaller versions of the main layer. Also, I'm having a hell of a time trying to learn to mod unis. Is there anyone that has a video or a different tutorial that could help me out? i have tried the 2 part tutorial on that I downloaded on this site but for whatever reason (probably because I'm in no way "computer savvy") I am having a tough time following it. Thanks, Tim
  10. I was messing around with this idea and created a set of concept uni's for the Astros move to the AL next season. Since I'm still learning how to mod, I thought I'd post these here just in case anyone is looking for a little project to work on and wants to give it a shot. I have included the necessary logos as well as a few extra sleeve logos with the state of TX behind the star that you can place as you see fit. Let me know if I left anything out that you might need. Basically, I took the old H-Star logo and replaced the old star with the new, open star. I also moved back to the orange and blue colors we used to have and gave the uni a more classic look. Let me know what you guys think about the design and thanks in advance to anyone who might give this a try. I'd love to see it "on the field". -Tim Home (White) White jersey White pants Blue hat with orange star, outlined in white and white "H", outlined in blue Jersey Logo - Blue Star, outlined in orange with a white "H", outlined in blue Orange piping, outlined in blue Blue numbers, outlined in white/orange Blue under-shirt Black belt Blue socks Road (Gray) Gray jersey Gray pants Blue hat with orange star, outlined in white and white "H", outlined in blue Jersey Logo - "Houston" arched text, blue, outlined in orange Blue piping, outlined in orange Blue numbers, outlined in white/orange Blue undershirt Black belt Blue socks Alternate #1 (Blue) Blue jersey White pants with blue piping, outlined in orange Blue hat with orange star, outlined in white and white "H", outlined in blue Jersey Logo - Orange Star, outlined in white with a white "H", outlined in blue White piping, outlined in orange White numbers, outlined in blue/orange White under-shirt Black belt Blue socks Alternate #2 (Orange) Orange jersey White pants with orange piping, outlined in blue Blue hat with orange star, outlined in white and white "H", outlined in blue and an orange bill Jersey Logo - Blue Star, outlined in white with a white "H", outlined in blue White piping, outlined in blue White numbers, outlined in orange/blue White under-shirt Black belt Blue socks
  11. Thanks a ton man. I appreciate the help. -Tim
  12. Well, I have been trying to learn to mod myself because I have some cool concept ideas for the Astros move into the American League next year but I can't figure out how to get the mod tool to work. So, I am here to ask if someone can please change the Astros away uniform for me. They no longer wear the black hat, black socks and black under-shirt with their road grays. They started wearing the red hat, socks and undershirt with the road gray uni's about mid-way through last season. It's bothering me that the game didn't update it. Also, can anyone tell me what im doing wrong with the mod tool? I am following the tutorial i found here and when I get to the step where I am to start the mod tool by clicking NBA2kXModTool.jar, my pc doesn't recognize the file-type. Thanks, Tim
  13. TMac48


    Oh, ok. Thanks for the reply.
  14. I got it. I was trying to use a wireless controller plugged in and I just found out that doesn't work...hooked up the wired one, bingo...
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