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Posts posted by Lucas

  1. Update:

    4 Seam FB; 70-ish with control, 70+ with more power. Moves like 2 seam if thrown 3/4 delivery or lower. Drops if wrist turned over.

    Cutter-65-70; moves a lot like a slider.

    Knuckleball- 50-55; Nice and slow, not much control anymore. Effective if accurate.

    Spike Curve - 55-60; I dig my index finger into the ball with my middle finger riding along the seam. Moves like Zito's curve.

    "Choke" Curveball- 55-65; I choke the ball, and roll my wrist and it drops.

    Knucklecurve - ???; more of an experimental pitch, really slow, but nice break if the ball spins a bit. I have mastered the elbow/shoulder movements to get it to break.

  2. I've updated my pitches:

    Second year now. AAA Bantam (OH YEA.. MOVED UP!)

    4 Seam FB- 60-65 with control, 65+ with more power. I maxed out at 77 with just whipping it as hard as possible

    Slider- 55-65, more or less a cutter, but it moves a lot like a slider.. hence, I call it a slider

    Circle Change- 50-55 meh.. its, solid..

    Knuckleball- it is my bread and butter.. I have got it clocked now, and it is going from 40-45 consistantly

    The "LBK Cut Fastball" - 65-70 (LBK are my initials, and no, my last name is not Kool) It is a combination of a 4 Seam FB grip and a Slider grip. I made it like this so the ball will cut hard away from righties or sink down and in on lefties. It is the fastest pitch I throw.

  3. First year of organized ball AA Bantam (Im in Canada)

    4seam -pretty slow- 55-65 mph

    slider -hard break 50 mph

    sinker -drops 1-2 1/2 ft- apx 50mph

    curve - not much curve- 43 mph tops so far

    change - good apx 45 mph

    knuckleball- good dances like mad ,never been clocked. too slow


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