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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. i'm not 100% satisfied with this. but if you'd like it.. thar be it!
  2. glad you understand what you need to do.
  3. sure, i just gotta get myself some hamilton cuts. any details you want covered?
  4. LOL please say that to.. (guys, do i really need to list my walls?)
  5. Lucas' Wallpaper Making Tutorial for Andrewdon 1. Make a good sig first before you attempt a wall. 2. Learn to use pen tool. 3. Render effects are sometimes a nice thing to have. ADD THEM. 4. Lighting? Ever heard of it? 5. Maybe put your text in one spot. Don't just put it here and there. 6. Uninstall photoshop, and start making music or something.
  6. not to be a bother, but what do you do with all the sigs you get? you request a ton of them. and you don't wear them here. its a bit degrading to the sig artists if you do that.
  7. zneal, DAYUUUMMM. progressing well. that last one is tight.
  8. yea lol. a LOT of my recent stuff is all stock work.
  9. When did i make this wall guys?
  10. SWEET. thats all i can say.
  11. [img_l][/img_l] [img_l][/img_l] [img_l][/img_l] These are a few I've done in the non-existent internet era. feel free to use any of them. (except i dibs the bedard one first)
  12. nope, just NHL. =P you're forgetting German, Swedish, Swiss, Czech, Finnish, Russian leagues... all of which field pretty solid teams.
  13. change that red to a warm blue.. almost purple maybe? can you send me the PSD. cause its really incredible. i wanna know HOW the hell you did that.
  14. liking that CR sig T94! text looks a little pasted on, blend more.
  15. yea, i'm liking that one best too... but i put the white one up as an alternative look
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