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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. lol, your not alone in that department 59FIFTY.
  2. But whats with the sigs? I always thought they were ok. But noooo, they don't like 'em.
  3. love it. turn down the contrast on the mets script on the jersey, but other than that.. BAM. Definitely your best.
  4. Wrigley, I suggest using the default fonts. By using effects you can change how they look A LOT.
  5. damn, ask if he can re-upload it.
  6. try sportsgfx.net. theres some good tutorials there.
  7. Pujols for pujols. HFLR, I'm still working on your Rivera sig. Should be done tomorrow.
  8. lol, dl the megaresouce pack from sportsgfx.net I dl'ed the first to stock packs and I'm set.
  9. http://textures.forrest.cz/ I haven't actually used any from here, but I have it bookmarked. I saw it once and BAM, I thought it could come in handy.
  10. coming soon, its on my to do list.
  11. AJ Styles Wall. Matching sig:
  12. everything. like what you just did. this is a post here.
  13. sweet. and awesome, start posting there.
  14. wrigley, did you join sportsgfx? someone named wrigley joined yesterday, so I figure its you.
  15. looks like sparkle brushing.
  16. next time, replace the taskbar with a black bar. It looks much more professional.
  17. well done! Not that great font, but still pretty solid job my friend.
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