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    Stoneham, MA

63impala's Achievements

Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. 254 downloads

    This audio will update the Skydome audio to The Rogers Centre. Use BIGgui to delete the files 14a and 14b. Then open EAgraph editor and open audio/cd/spch_pbp/stdnmdat.big Import with the wizard add files to existing TAR archive click add then wait until it is finnished then click done. exit out then go play the game and the audio should be there.
  2. 280 downloads

    Here are some audio files for players that didnt have it before that were reqquested by various forum members. This is the first in many more to come as time permits. Hope you enjoy it. Use EAGraph editor to install. The DAT files are to be installed in the audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big The HDR files go into the audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big Asdrubal Cabrera Franklin Gutierrez Goose Gossage Jeremy Sowers Joe Inglett Jon Lester Kevin Kouzmanoff Lastings Milledge Michael Aubrey Ryan Garko Shin-Soo Choo Trevor Crowe Casey Kotchman Clay Hensley Dustin Mcgowan Dustin Pedroia
  3. 662 downloads

    Download contains Wav files for previews and HDR and DAt files to install into the game. Use EAGraph editor to install. The DAT files are to be installed in the audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big The HDR files go into the audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big This is the first of many audio name packs to come. Hope you like it
  4. 126 downloads

    Already compressed. Just use EAgraph editor to install.
  5. 210 downloads

    Use MVPedit to install. All Pics and Alphas are here just install.
  6. 146 downloads

    Complete roster. Just use MVPedit to install. Each player has a photo and alpha.
  7. 246 downloads

    Cyberface for Andy Phillips. All 3 files are compressed. Use Eagraph editor to install. Assign number in MVPedit
  8. 63impala

    Mike Myers


    Mike Myers cyberface. 3 files are already compressed just use Eagraph editor to install. Use MVPedit to assign the number to the player or rename it to one you want.
  9. 225 downloads

    Here is a cyberface for Kevin Thompson. The 3 files are already compressed so use eagraph editor to install.
  10. 126 downloads

    Here are some portraits of the MVP Heroes team. They are like the mid 70's "In Action" style.
  11. 194 downloads

    Here are some portraits based on mid 50's TOPPS baseball card type photos for the MVP Legends roster.
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