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Ari's Achievements

Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. 361 downloads

    Red Sox Pack Used with MVPStudio Consists of - Red Sox Alternate Home Jersey - Red Sox Futures Jersey - Red Sox Red Alternate Away - Red Sox Retro Blue Away
  2. 295 downloads

    All 4 of the mets alternate jerseys. Use with Fuzzs MVP Studio.
  3. 311 downloads

    This package has 4 yankees alternates. Althome is the Yankee logo with striped pants Altaway is the Yankee logo with gray pants Althome1 is the "New York" with the striped pants Altaway1 is the "New York" with the gray pants All these uniforms have the names of the players on the back. If you rather i remove them I can do that.
  4. 312 downloads

    Can be installed using Fuzz' MVP Studio
  5. 395 downloads

    Used with Fuzz' MVP Studio
  6. 483 downloads

    Folks: My SINCEREST apologies for the inconvenience of the broken file, I sent you the wrong file. instead of 027k it should have now u027k. Thanks fuzz, for warning me of this. I owe you one. Ari.
  7. 299 downloads

    Black jersey, with "Los Angeles" Like my previous dodgers alternate away jersey only it replaces the spring training jersey for the dodgers and has no names on the back, only numbers. Enjoy.
  8. 403 downloads

    The new and improved version of the beta 0.2. Now has more visible numbers and text. This will replace the alternate away jersey for the devil rays.
  9. 285 downloads

    2x Lite Yankees Spring Training Uniforms
  10. If you can extract one of the jerseys that are already in the game you can extract that possibly as a BMP and then use photoshop to edit it, but there are no blank jerseys that i know of.
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