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Everything posted by Veesmack

  1. Yo guys! I am still alive and very much modding. I'm sorry I haven't been around but I will always be working with this classic always trying to get myself my favorite all time teams. I was thinking of at least getting at least one current player for each team done but I don't really make these that often. I feel bad focusing on some teams and not others but that's I can't do anything about it because this is just a hobby and nothing more. I might just release this and then another at the end of the year.
  2. 107 downloads

    this release includes MVP Baseball 2005 additions of Koufax, Rose, Aaron, Banks and others
  3. File Name: Veesmack's Koufax, Rose, Aaron, Banks and other legends File Submitter: Veesmack File Submitted: 04 Mar 2013 File Category: Faces Version: 0.123 this release includes MVP Baseball 2005 additions of Koufax, Rose, Aaron, Banks and others Click here to download this file
  4. In the future make a backup of your models.big file. Most likely it is corrupted. You might want to open models.big in BIGGUI and do a rebuild but it will a bit worser than before depending on the size of it.
  5. I am not done with editing this face yet. I got to say this guy is one of the toughest players I've attempted to make due to his penchant for altering his face when he smiles in photographs. I'm glad to see him perservere after an unfortunate death in his family. His 200+ strikeouts are pretty impressive this year.
  6. 198 downloads

    Here are faces, portraits and Kuiper/Krukow PBP audio for: -Bob Brenly - -David Beckham - -Stephen Drew - -Tim Drew - -Wayne Gretzky - -David McCarty - -Damian Miller - -Carlos Quentin - -Mike Trout - -Mark Trumbo - -Jayson Werth - - -Notes: No portraits or audio for Brenly, Werth, McCarty and Tim Drew - -Beckham face is based on FIFA 08 - -Brenly face is based on MVP Baseball 2003 - -Gretzky face is based on NHL 08 - - - -backup models.big, portrait.big, pbpdat.big and pbphdr.big - -installation instructions in readme file or alternatively -install with Krawitham's Total Install Thingy (just zip corresponding files)
  7. File Name: Veesmack's Trout, Trumbo, Quentin, Werth, Brenly, McCarty, Stephen & Tim Drew, Damian Miller, David Beckham and Wayne Gretzky File Submitter: Veesmack File Submitted: 03 Sep 2012 File Category: Faces Version: 1.0 Here are faces, portraits and Kuiper/Krukow PBP audio for: -Bob Brenly - -David Beckham - -Stephen Drew - -Tim Drew - -Wayne Gretzky - -David McCarty - -Damian Miller - -Carlos Quentin - -Mike Trout - -Mark Trumbo - -Jayson Werth - - -Notes: No portraits or audio for Brenly, Werth, McCarty and Tim Drew - -Beckham face is based on FIFA 08 - -Brenly face is based on MVP Baseball 2003 - -Gretzky face is based on NHL 08 - - - -backup models.big, portrait.big, pbpdat.big and pbphdr.big - -installation instructions in readme file or alternatively -install with Krawitham's Total Install Thingy (just zip corresponding files) Click here to download this file
  8. Thanks jogar. You are the greatest cyberface maker on the planet in my opinion so it means a lot to me. My favorite thing about modding is being able make the impossible possible. Like taking a game from a fresh installation, modders make the impossible happen. I just completed recreating this face yesterday. You may know him as Britain's most famous footballer that is a recreation of his EA face from the FIFA series: For the occasion of today, Labor day. I will releasing this face and others ones as well (it might take an hour or so):
  9. I don't know if I'm going to make a lot of faces this season actually. I will probably make faces that have already been made by other cyberface artists only because they are ones that I'm most interested in making. But I'm sure I will make players who don't have a cyberface also. I'm basing my modding on the time I can allocate and what actually inspires me to do. Because I don't play the game as much, it's not as easy making as many cyberfaces. But I think as the season comes to a close and storylines are made, I will probably be my most active in using my creativity for MVP.
  10. I took a break...just to clear my conscience. I felt like the I've had the past few months to be in a better state of mind. I haven't been playing MVP much lately but it's still fun to make cyberfaces. It's always good to have a hobby that promotes creative freedom.
  11. I tend to agree with you, SESbb30. The main problem is that technology is exponentially better in regards to console specs. However, the games aren't necessarily getting exponentially better at the same rate. Just knowing that these systems are so capable of producing great things, it only leaves to disappointment especially with console games. One can only think their game should be so much better.
  12. RIP Gary Carter. Even as a young baseball fan, I will never forget him even past his prime with the Dodgers. Y4L, Joanne Gair is the amazing body paint expert. The two other women donning body paint as a matter of trivia are UC-Berkeley alumnus. want to get this off my chest: I'm a little annoyed at this Jeremy Lin story. It's a great story and I'm happy for his opportunity. But it just means that racism has permeates American sports over Asian Americans. With media attention, it appears that there has been almost no athletes good enough to have been given any opportunities whatsoever in professional sports. Tiger Woods was a pioneer. But really, since becoming Pro over 15 years ago, has much changed? Lin has only started a handful of games. It seems like either Jeremy Linn is the Jim Thorpe of Asian athletes or perhaps Asian Americans are profiled as not being great athletes in America. And the way he blown up so fast, I feel like he's destined to fail. But then I look at entertainment. As for Asian Americans, I can't even think of 15 celebrities off the top of my head. Most are typecasted or not even American like Jackie Chan. If you pay attention to commericals on TV, you got an Asian American being punked trying to rent a car in Chase commericial, being punked in a Halls cough drop commerical, being an idiot trying to eat from somebody elses' cheerios that are exactly the same, or being a party pooper for guys trying to drive to Vegas. There's Lucy Lu, *John* Cho and Jeremy Lin today. Well, that's all I got to say. I could go on about this but it's pointless. Racism doesn't change over night and I'm not gonna cry me a river about it. But I won't ignore it still exists today after the Chinese Exclusion Act, Mysogyny laws, Gentleman's Agreement, Japanese landowner laws, National Origins Acts and Executive Order 9066. The law of the past has made the perception what it is today. I love American and would die for my country because it's still a great country despite the histories of racism not limited to Asian-Americans. I feel that Latino American and African American athletes face racism but still get more opportunies over Asian Americans where it's not even close to same number of opportunities. I find it hard to believe that it's purely only biological. It took so long for civil rights to be acknowledged in the middle towards the end of the twentieth century. But equality it still truly is a work in progress even in a time where cars drive themselves.
  13. Hey, I'll join. I've never done fantasty anything before. Just give me the details of how to join your league and I'll figure out the rest. Sounds fun. I enjoy making new faces and putting recent creations all on the same team kinda like fantasty style.
  14. In regards to Chicken McNuggets, It was less than ten years ago when they started using "white meat" with Chicken McNuggets. When I was a kid there were two apparent kinds of McNuggets. The variety simulated dark and white meat but it was fake because they didn't actually use white meat. McDonald's is an American embarrassment. Being American and knowing that McDonald's is the biggest fast food chain in the world and completely international embarrasses me. But American fastfood is an embarrassment altogether anyways. It hasn't even been more than two years that Taco Bell revealed that their beef is diluted with other products and is something 20% beef. That pissed me off. I used to like that place as a kid.
  15. Yu lookin pretty good. He looks like he's serious about winning the Cy Young to the point he might actually kill opposing hitters. Yeah, I hate it when i want to make a player and they smile to the point where it's hard to make their face. I wanted to make Max Scherzer and his smile just killed it for me. Usually the eyes are the last thing I do, but I made Max Scherzer's eyes first. Maybe this new year will yield less smiles. It would be nice for face modders if the photographers just antagonated the players while taking their picture rather than trying to make them laugh. I took a photo for background acting at the central company. They said I looked evil (perhaps like Yu looks a bit in your face). And that made me laugh and they took a picture of me basically laughing
  16. Excellent work with Montero! Safeco is such a tough ballpark to hit homeruns. I think this will help Montero develop into a better overall hitter not hitting at new Yankee Stadium (AKA Coors Field East).
  17. The Drews are perhaps the highest paid trio of brothers in baseball with least number of all-star game appearances. Blame it on Scot Borass and not Tim Drew whatsoever. Not quite the DiMaggio's, but J.D. (or really D.J.) and Stephen have had solid careers while Tim appeared in parts of 5 major league seasons as a pitcher. The Drews hold their own because it really is difficult making it to the majors and even harder staying in the show.
  18. In case nobody got my joke above, the above player is Damian Miller. he appears in MVP 2005 as Roger Chamberlain because he was a replacement player during the 1994 Strike. His fake name as a replacement player was Don Cross. Below, is Ducky Schofield's grandson, Jayson Werth. He hit 20 home runs last year but had a pretty dismal slugging percentage at .389. Come on, Jayson! his uncle Dick Schofield, had a slugging percentage of .397 in 1986! And nobody would think he was athletically gifted as Jayson. But Ducky, Dick and Jayson all have World Series rings. Albeit, Dick didn't play in the 1993 post season with the Blue Jays. Ducky was Bill Mazeroski's teammate with the 1960 Pirates. And Jayson, of course, was a member of the 2008 Phillies. Three generations of Winners!
  19. Well, the damage is done with Selig. He'll never be able to shake off the whole steroid issue that occurred in baseball. And that's something he will have to live with. If I recall, players caught using steroids before 2005 initially weren't even reported publically with the first steroid policy, now there's the whole testing of HGH thing. It's HGH Testing* with an asterisk because it only happens in spring training at this point. Well, the bright side is that steroid and PED testing is better now. It's a travesty after the fact of the post 1994 steroid era. It's like that ADT commericial: "the first time you should act is not after something bad happens; it's before." If Selig was a great commisioner, he would have enacted something way before Jose Canseco and Ken Caminiti admitted to using steroids. as for umpires, I really don't like Joe West. I hope a foul ball hits him outside of his patented Joe West umpire gear. But Joe does play guitar, so I give him a pass for being a biased umpire who has a job.
  20. Veesmack random thoughts: Let's get rid of the the Central Divisions. Get rid of teams from the same division not playing each other in the first round (if Central Divisions are not eliminated). Who cares if they are from the same division? It should be record based. BASEBALL is all bout STATS not technicalities. Get rid of the All-Star game deciding homefield advantage. Wild Cards should never get home field advantage, EVER. Veesmack rant about Selig: Bud Selig = horrible commisioner because: -looked away from steroid use to improve declining attendance after strike as "chicks dig the long ball". -he only got tough on steroid use because the image of baseball got so bad because of him "looking the other way" in the first place. -I thought he had done a great job with steroid policy but I realize it's because he had initally done a bad job. -Personal Interest: He moved the Brewers from the American League to National League. It used to be his team. Then when Astros were vulnerable in the post Biggio/Bagwell years, he jumps on the opportunity to force the new Astros owner to move the team to the National League as a condition of obtaining ownership. -The natural rivals argument is baseless. Are the Rangers and Astros gonna play each other 80 times a year? -What next? Is Selig gonna move the Marlins to the American League or Rays to the National?
  21. Here is Roger Chamberlain or Don Cross or replacement brother to Kevin Millar, Damien Millar :rofl:
  22. Unfortunately, MVP 2005's engine is essentially ten years old dating back to MVP 2003. And the 07/08 Mods were put together at a golden age for MVP 2005. It was a perfect situation. EA lost out on MLB license rights which forced people to either go with 2K or Sony. and this is before the Show became the best baseball game franchise. A lot of People stuck with MVP 2005. And a lot of modders were still active at that time as the game was only a few years old. I honestly think I wouldn't be making any mods anymore if I hadn't taken a long year break from it. It's not impossible but it seems like the stars are not aligned for this one. But someone can take initiative and just complile whatever is available, go forward with it. I honestly, would just buy the latest version The Show for a current incarnation of MLB. and I will play MVP 2005 for a fix of what money cannot buy. For example, there's no substitute you can get for Dennisjames' Negro League Mod, or the all time mods here with Total Classics. Personally, I will always have a place for MVP 2005 because it's a creative outlet for a classic game. I also still play Sierra's NASCAR Racing season 2003 on occasion. I actually stopped playing that game, too for five years just like MVP '05. Then I started recreating paint schemes of current cars. Not too long after that, I wanted to work with more than just the textures and MVP '05 faces was what I wanted to do. Perhaps, somebody can have a MVPMods reunion and get something together. The bottom line is that somebody can't do a MVP '12 alone.
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