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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. 4398 downloads

    descriptions: NPB MODS V7.0 this is based on u.r series. all roster is based on October,2007. it's including 12 team of NPB and i've also hidden the rest 18teams of MLB. it makes me easier to arrange the schedule. specially thx for all gamebase teammembers.. including: garfield8 cornny andy5566 Keith0156 muta505 george20051129 a8844552 and all mvpbaseball members of gamebase. without ur support, without this mods! ------------------------------------------------------------------- V8.2 1.add 2 fixed faces and 2 new faces 2.adjust some player's ability and name 3.add more then 100 player's personal crowed audio replace audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big Enjoy this Mods win -------------------------------------------------------------------- V8.3 1.add npb ball mods, thanks for dick2350's help. 2.fix player's first and last name. 3.fix player's ability 4.fix player's skin tone and body. 5.add NPB baseball icon specially thanks: dick2350 for ball mod cobragida for database st19920409 for icon -------------------------------------------------------------------- V8.4 what's new? 1.add some new faces, thanks for salva's faces. 二岡智å®ÂÂÂ(Nioka Tomohiro)580 å°ÂÂÂ笠原é“大(Ogasawar Michihiro)486 ç¦ÂÂÂ浦和也(Kazuya Fukura)656 今江æ•ÂÂÂ晃(Toshiaki Imae)657 å°ÂÂÂæžâ€â€Âå®ÂÂÂ之(Hiroyuki Kobayashi)346 清水直行(Naoyuki Shimizu)639 èâ€â€Âªçâ€Â°安彥(Yasuhiko Yabuta)609 2.whole new NPB icon,and .LOC file that fix team's mistake. thanks for David Crossley's help
  2. 842 downloads

    this is my first Mod... i really like NPB League..especially Seibu Lions. if anyone can help me to modify the NPB's cyberfaces.. that will be great.. see readme.txt to find out the details and installment. special thx: garfield8 andy5566 cornny muta505 and all eamods/mvpmods 's modder
  3. 180 downloads

    this is my first Uniform creation...Garfield8 and A56ndy have already done the other 10 NPB teams Uniforms. so that i finished the rest 2 teams. hope u will like my creation. btw....i'm Taiwanese..not Japanese install: use eagraph import: model file into model.big logo file into fronted>>logo.big uniform file into fronted>>uniform.big done!! any comment will make my next creation greater and greater!! special thx: KC's psd templete TheSpungo's accessories
  4. 1298 downloads

    to install: use Eagraph to open data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big for .dat file use Eagraph to open data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big for .hdr file or use TIT tool to install, but u have to compress both Joba and Shelley's folder into .rar or .zip
  5. i find it at EAMOD....thx a lot Uncle Mo...
  6. i really wanna import the some different 7th inning's songs but i don't have ASF Importer/Exporter program... plz send me the file to my e-mail:win1479@yahoo.com.tw that'll be very appreciate... thx a lot..
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