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Everything posted by Kccitystar

  1. There should be options in the game to turn down SFX and other sounds so you can probably record the audio the old fashioned way!
  2. Untitled Baseball Game is #1, Dugout Heroes is my #2 and Pennant Fever is my #3
  3. I don't think we'd be able to crack this file. So many tools and utilities are considered lost media given the limited amount of tools from that time. There used to be a roster editor for those games by a guy named El Salsero who left the Triple Play "scene" a little after MVP Baseball 2003 was announced by EA as the next baseball title, for example. I'm just as much of a historian as Yankee4Life with the Triple Play era stuff
  4. I'm still trying to figure out a name. Been using "untitled baseball game" for now but it could be better!
  5. Set the refresh rate to 60 if you have vsync enabled. I think the game doesn't play nice with high refresh rate displays
  6. What we will need to do although it might sound unethical is to use AI to clone the voice of Krukow/Kuiper to generate new names/commentary lines. Elevenlabs can do it but we would need to harvest a lot of PBP commentary which is achievable by just recording PBP audio with the sound effects off, crowd noise off, etc. I can talk about this in more detail but this can be a route we can go to create a modernized soundbank for MVP as we know what to edit and what to replace already. Successfully achieving this will truly immortalize MVP for so many people, and I haven't even gone into having AI Kuiper/Krukow speak in other languages yet
  7. There's additional properties to each slot that isn't accounted for in Vlad's editor, like Inside Edge data, hot/cold zones, etc but REDitor was never really developed further for MLB 2K12
  8. I mean the existing values can be tested, sure, but the dif values for the revamped pitches haven't been adjusted. After adjusting the Dif values, a roster maker would just need to re-calculate every pitcher's pitch rating in the game to accomodate the changes since it would change the weight of each rating and affect CPU behavior
  9. WacoKid and I spent some time working on these new pitch shapes. For these demos, my pitcher, Firstman Lastings, has his arsenal set to their maximum OVR so these are all considered "elite" pitches by the game. I've also adjusted the difficulty slider for Pitch Speed to 100 so you can see the movement in the game's concept of "real world speed". Circle Changeup - We adjusted the trajectory values so there's some fade and the DownImp values were adjusted so there's some downward force applied to the pitch, but not as drastic. Very Devin Williams-esque. Looks phenomenal. Changeup, with fastball followup. The changeup has less drop than the circle change, and the fastball was tweaked slightly to have some small arm-side deviation so it doesn't appear to be laser straight. The speed differences are absurd for someone who clocks their fastball at 104. Sinker with arm-side fade. Jordan Hicks style movement is possible! Two-Seam Fastball - Even though it can be often interchangeable with the Sinker these days in MLB, we wanted to give it some more lateral run like a traditional two-seamer but it's adjusted enough to break late. Looks good. I revamped the cut fastball and it looks absolutely devastating. Mariano Rivera would be proud. Lastly, we spent some time looking at developing a pitch that doesn't exist in the game, the Sweeper. The idea was to have its movement somewhere in between the curveballs in the game and the slider (which is what it is in real life), and I think we got there. While we can't add pitches, I wanted to experiment so I swapped out the values of the Eephus pitch with what a sweeper would look like. Ian Kinsler never stood a chance. Would love to hear some feedback!
  10. The Astros being visible in the AL West column is related to changes to your roster, not through the IFF you're looking to modify
  11. Interesting. I'll continue to tinker with this
  12. So about those Dif values for each pitch...: The DifVeloc, DifUnexp, and DifTraj values are used in combination to contribute to a 100-point scale that determines a pitch's overall rating in the game, and they correlate directly with a player's attributes for speed, movement, and control. The values act as weights for each attribute in calculating the pitch's effectiveness. In this system, the Dif values would effectively scale a pitcher's individual attributes against a league average to determine the pitch's overall rating. This would mean that adjustments to the Dif values need to be made with careful consideration of how they would affect the weighting of each attribute in the overall calculation. Let's take Clayton Kershaw's slider as an example: If his slider attributes are 86 speed, 99 movement, and 98 control, and we're using the DifVeloc, DifUnexp, and DifTraj values as weights, the calculation for the overall rating of a pitch, like the slider in this case, would be something like this: Pitch OVR = (Speed * DifVeloc) + (Movement * DifUnexp) + (Control * DifTraj) Those three values are meant to help the game calculate dominant pitches from individual players.
  13. I'll DM you with the revised pitch values for you guys to test
  14. Tinkering with this tonight, specifically tinkering with the properties of the default slider. I've set the difficulty sliders to 50 which is baseline (or the "Pro" difficulty setting) I chose the slider for two key reasons: If I'm trying to figure out if the wind settings play a factor with pitch movement, the lateral movement a slider has is clearly visible If I'm tinkering with trajectory and lateral movement, I can see that too. Here's the default behavior of the slider. Kershaw has the most elite slider in the game, so thats' who I used to test the pitch. Additionally, the location is static. Just a max-ed out slider down the middle. This guarantees I'm going to have the pitch land in the same spot every time. Here's the modified slider with all of the values adjusted on the right side of the screen. Looks like it's got more bite than the default pitch characteristics! Here's the more complete, final overhaul of the slider with every adjusted value on the side. Can't wait to see what a revamped fastball looks like in the game!
  15. the sweet sweet art of pitch physics my friend
  16. Pitches Tab: Took a while but I was able to understand what these values were that we were so stumped on for some time that weren't explained completely through Vlad's documentation for REDitor, like these values: DownImp1 DownImp2 Param4 DifVeloc DifUnexp DifTraj Since they're shorthand names for global pitch attributes/characteristics, this is kind of what I've been able to breakdown, and I may be wrong to an extent. I will note that sliders in the game can impact pitch characteristics and how the CPU behaves: DownImp1 and 2 might represent two different aspects of the downward impulse applied to the pitch. This could relate to how the pitch's speed or trajectory is affected by gravity or the pitcher's motion over two different phases of the pitch's flight (initial release from the hand vs arrival to home plate) HorizImp would suggests Horizontal Impulse, which would affect the pitch's movement left or right. This could be a measure of the pitch's ability to break or move horizontally, influenced by the spin and the angle of the pitch as released by the pitcher. For a curveball, sinker or a slider, a higher value might indicate a greater break. The default is 0 for these pitches. Param4 was the big one I was trying to figure out, but because it only has decimal values going from 0.5 to 0.8, it's probably a coefficient related to one of the pitch attributes, so I'm going to tinker with this a bit DifVeloc, DifUnexp, DifTraj (or as I call them, "The Dif's") are meant to simulate the dynamics of facing different pitch types from the perspective of the hitter/cpu and it's scaled from 0.0 to 1. I'll use the fastball in the game as a baseline: DifVeloc would represent how difficult a pitch is to hit because of the velocity variation (difference between MinSpeed and MaxSpeed). A value scaling up from 0.0 to 1 affects how hard it is for you or the CPU to time a fast pitch. So if a pitch has a 0 value, there's no additional challenge from velocity variation, but if a pitch has a 1 value it's extremely hard to get solid contact on a pitch. The pitch speed is predictable or doesn't significantly impact how you can time the pitch. A fastball has a default value of 0.5 for example, so it's still challenging to time but you're able to square it up. DifUnexp might represent how difficult a pitch is to hit due to unpredictability in when you or the CPU are sitting on one. A value scaling from 0.0 to 1 would affect how predictable the pitch is for you or the CPU to anticipate. So a value of 0.0 means the pitch is easy to read or anticipate in a certain count, but if a pitch has a 1 value it means it's extremely unpredictable, so either the pitch is not often used, it moves closely to another pitch until it's final approach to the plate or its movement can fool you. A fastball has a default value of 0.5, for example, so it might be used in certain counts or it's deceptive enough to make you or the CPU lookout for one. DifTraj might represent difficulty due to trajectory, so a value scaling from 0.0 to 1 means a pitch might be hard to hit based on how clear the pitch's path is to you or the CPU. So a pitch with a 0.0 value would mean it's a completely flat pitch or its movement is predictable for you or the CPU, but if a pitch has a value of 1, it means that the pitch's trajectory is challenging, either there's significant break, drop, or unexpected movement that you or the CPU need to adjust to. A fastball has a default value of 0, for example, so you would only need to worry more about timing and speed of the pitch. Let's use the baseline Dif values of a fastball (0.5, 0.5, 0) and compare that to two other pitches, a 2-seam fastball, and a Curveball. It's an example of a pitch that doesn't deviate much from the in-game fastball vs a pitch with completely different characteristics. Compared to the fastball, the 2-seam fastball's Dif values have a slightly higher variance from the fastball (0.4, 0.4, 0.2). What does that mean for you? This means that you or the CPU can anticipate and adjust to 2-seamers but the DifTraj being 0.2 means it's more challenging to hit it squarely. Which 2K attempted to have reflect real life, because two-seamers have different degrees (default is 260 for the game's 2FB) of armside fadeaway so they induce grounders, like sinkers. A Curveball in the game has Dif values of (0.05, 0.5 and 0.45). What does that mean for you? It means that it's not hard to time (DifVeloc) but it's speed is fairly consistent. It's got the same level of unpredictability as a fastball (a value of 0.5 means that it can surprise you in any count, and there's a 50/50 chance the CPU will take the pitch), but the high DifTraj value (0.45) means that it's much harder for you or the CPU to hit because of the big break (default is 150 for the curveball).
  17. I was researching how to accurately build out a physics system within Unity for a baseball sim, and it led me to look into MLB2K12 regarding specific attributes from that Pitches tab on REDitor
  18. wake up gang, there's work to do thanks to chatgpt
  19. This is fine, these are all AAAA fringe guys
  20. They mentioned they were playing the game through a Mac and AetherXS2 which is a PS2 emulator for Mac
  21. Firstly welcome aboard! Second, I've got some sad news. This game doesn't have that many PS2 mods, let alone PS2 mods compatible with an emulator. You'd be hard pressed to find any content in that capacity here unfortunately.
  22. While the exe bypasses the disc check, it's for the launch copy of MVP Baseball 2005 (the one that is installed off the disc). The game was patched several times to address several bugs and choppiness, so the exe was modified by those EA patches in that process, and a disk bypass exe for that version of MVP Baseball 2005 does not exist. I don't know what to do at this point to help, honestly.
  23. I did, and I removed the fixed exe off the site. The community can figure this out.
  24. (deleted) -KC
  25. I've been taking some courses on Unity's learning site, which have been super helpful. It's all entirely free if you want to pick it up and learn the engine I have played it all. Front Page Sports I think is the spiritual successor to TLR in terms of how well it can sim
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