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  1. I think we need to all pitch in and take up a donation so that uMachines can work on the City Connect unis... Thoughts?  Im not kidding... :)

  2. Hola soy nuevo en los mods para 2k12, me gustan mucho tus uniformes, veo que sigues activo y me he estado fijando en que algunos cascos y gafas se muestran con reflejos, que mod necesito para lograr eso? gracias de antemano mi pano.

    Ya tengo la respuesta, gracias.

  3. Se hace para que el juego no los suba automáticamente al equipo grande.
  4. friend the nike city uniforms 2023?

  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hello and thanks for downloading my 2023 Minnesota Twins uniform set for MLB 2K12. This is my first 2023 release, and I hope to be making at least the main uniform updates this season. The Twins have made the most important change in their uniforms since 1987 and I’ve tried to be as accurate as posible, in order to recreate those 5 uniforms. Also, some of my uniforms until 2022 are still in this set and some few changes in other files, in order to reflect team’s new look. So all 9 stock Twins uniforms have been replaced this time: New uniforms: - White home uniform with White panel “TC” cap - New pinstripes visitor uniform with “M” cap - New “Twin Cities”alternate home uniform - Home version of the new navy blue jersey uniform with “M” cap - Road version of the same navy blue jersey uniform. My old uniforms still in this set: - 2022 version of baby blue 80’s style uniform - WSH Senators pinstripes with zipper 1959 cream uniform - “Kirby Puckett” 90’s pinstripes road uniform - Kasota gold home uniform until 2022 Other Changes: - Crowd file updated to wear some current jerseys - Manager Jacket updated - Broadcasting logos updated too. Main logos are in a global file. For 2023 uniforms, I used the same of City Connect Cubs. But I’m not sure about the original base. I made a couple of pictures myself for this Twins uniforms that I could not find in good quality somewhere else, like the new map pach and the twin cities flags patch. If anybody needs these files, just ask for them. This is a brand new download, so 2022 set is also avialable, in case you want to use those uniforms, or you want to know more about the extra uniforms in this file. Here is the link: Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2023-UM-TwinsColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. Remember I lost all my files prior to 2022 because of a faulty HDD. Only the lastetst ones were in another place. So, thanks to MVP Mods, I still can download some of my sets, in order to modified them. But most of my source files and my original work with MVP Baseball 2005 is lost. I still have hopes of fixing that Barracuda 1TB disk, since that seems to be a known Bios fail. VERY IMPORTANT: If you want tu support me, there is a very useful way. In case you are upgrading your hardware, or for any reason you still have some unused but working spare parts, you can contact me to send me some old gen memory modules, processors video cards and stuff like that, via regular mail. It would be really helpfull to me. So, please have that in mind. There is still the old PayPal http://paypal.me/umachines umachines@netscape.net account. But it has never worked at all with the mods. Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the unies....
  6. thanks also the caps are wrong its w with the capitol in the back

  7. friend uniform minnesota 2023?

    1. Umachines


      I'm on it... 👍

  8. hello friend teach me how to create uniform for mlb 2k please can you make me a tutorial

  9. Hello friend, I'm from Cuba, I would like to talk to you this is my user @dlc9108  on Telegram. There in Telgram I have a mlb channel and a bot.


  10. Version 1.1


    It’s been a long time without updating my Marlins Uniforms, back in 2019. I spent this week checking my old files and watching several Marlins videos from current season and from the past and working in my files at the same time. The result is this really big update. Even City connect 2021 uniform has been updated here. All of them feature the latest changes and improvements. There are 10 uniforms in this set, including those from current season and 4 throwbacks: - Home white uniform. - Road gray uniform. - Alternate black jersey home uniform. - Alternate black jersey visitor uniform. It replaces BPA. - Spring Training light blue jersey home uniform. Located in 2nd home alternate slot. - 2003 World Series Champions black jersey uniform. It replaces BPH. - 1997 World Series champions vest home uniform in CL1 slot. - My own version of 1993, inaugural season road uniform. - 2017 alternate orange jersey home uniform. Slot 480. - Nike City Connect uniform updated in slot 482 (same slot of Nike CC 2021 set). Current season uniforms also feature Stance high socks and “Pablo Lopez” style stirrups. Blue jersey uniform features updated Spring Training cap. Blue color of these uniforms is much stronger than in v2019. I also added the updates you may know so far, like cooling mesh and fixed alpha files. ChWS road uniform is the host for all “Teal Period” uniforms (2003 is my favorite, Young Miggy, Rookie Dontrell Willies, the old guys…). The orange one features those 2017 colorful Stance Socks of the ASG. There are so many details in this set that I couldn't mention most of them. So, if you are curious enough go ahead and check the files. Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2022-UM-MarlinsColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms and to activate the extra slots. This is very important, in order to avoid funny colors, mainly in numbers. NO OLVIDES IMPORTAR LOS COLORES DESDE "2020-UM-AngelsColors.txt", PORQUE SI NO, NO TENDRAS LOS COLORES CORRECTOS Y LOS NUMEROS SE VERAN MAL. USA ESTE LINK PARA BAJAR EL EDITOR DEL ROSTER: __________ Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game: And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Long time without releasing a full set, and without writing so much. This is the result of something I’ve been planning for a long time. Brewers currently have, hands down, the best colors and logo in MLB world. And they are having a great season, so I had to make these ones. Back in 2020, KCcitystar released his new look Milwaukee uniforms for MLB 2K12. They are so good that I played myself with them for two seasons. But in that time, I Also forgot about updating the rest of their uniforms, like I’ve been doing all this time with the rest of the organizations. So I asked for his permission, in order to continue with his work and adapt those pieces to the changes I’ve been making to my own uniforms. I wanted to keep some elements he does different than the way I do. So, Nike swoosh is on main chest picture, that makes it look sharper, and I tried to replicate the way he locates front buttons too. I also tried to copy the colors he used in as many pieces as possible. Numbers and names fonts have been rebuilt too, using KC’s files and modifying “College Block 2.0 D.otf” characters. At the end, I could release a public ttf/otf Brewers-like font with the result. This set is completed with three retro uniforms I made myself. The only pieces I left untouched are KC’s batting practice uniforms, since I guess that was a lot of work, for now. So, there is a lot of care in this new set, as I hope you will see. You will find a total of 9 uniforms for the Brewers in this set: - Home cream uniform. All the named changes. - Road gray uniform. Same changes. - Alternate pinstripes home uniform. Same changes - Alternate navy blue jersey visitor uniform. Same changes. - 1982 Pinstripes home pullover. My own version of this uniform. - 1982 road baby blue uniform. Same changes than for home uniform. - 1970, inaugural season home cream uniform. It replaces 3rd home uniform. - KC’s original batting practice 2020 home uniform. - KC’s original batting practice 2020 road uniform. Current season uniforms also feature Stance high socks. I switched the host file to CHWS road, because its huge cap logo space is great to place Milwaukee’s ball in glove “mb” logo. I also added the updates you may know so far, like cooling mesh, satin effect for the numbers and fixed alpha files. Current uniforms are so cool and classic, that I thought it would be very hard to make people want to use the throwbacks of this team again. So I spent a while watching 1982 World Series footage, in order to copy as many details a possible, including those so 80’s stirrups, and the blue tones that actually were lighter than navy, but darker than royal. Even the numbers font was made only for these ones. I hope you enjoy watching these two uniforms in gameplay again, as I did. BTW, I used stock Orioles uniform as host for these ones. Finally, 1970 uniform is very similar to Seattle Pilots uniform. Remember they were the same franchise. Anyway, I introduced some changes to this uniform too. Host for this one is stock Brewers pinstripe. NOTE: If you are installing on a fresh version of the game, without any updates, or you still have old Milwaukee's logo in your game, I suggest you to first install KC's original 2020 file, since tehre are updates for the team's logo, manager jacket and stadium crowd in it. Then, install this 2022 file. here is a link to KC's 2020 file: Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2022-UM-BrewersColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. This is very important, in order to avoid funny colors, mainly in numbers. NO OLVIDES IMPORTAR LOS COLORES DESDE "2022-UM-BrewersColors.txt", PORQUE SI NO, NO TENDRAS LOS COLORES CORRECTOS. LOS NUMEROS SE VERAN RAROS. ESTAS AVISADO, YA TE DIJE, NO TE QUEJES. HAZME CASO. USA ESTE LINK PARA BAJAR EL EDITOR DE ROSTER: Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game: And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.
  12. Version 7.1


    This is the natural extension of my attempt to bring Nike’s MLB City Connect uniforms to MLB 2K12. Here you can download my 2021 City Connect uniforms too: As with 2021 uniforms, I’m planning to be updating this set, according to the way The teams are revealing their respective gears. I’ve assigned extra slots coded “CTY” for every uniform. These are the uniforms so far: 1) Washington Nationals Cherry Blossom flowers inspired uniform. Slot number 457 and uniform file “uniform_wan_cty.iff”. A lot of research and learning to bring this uniform. Remember I don’t have access to the official files for these uniforms. So I downloaded lots of cherry blossom and sakura flowers pics, in order to make my own patterns. 2) Houston Astros “Space City” all navy blue uniform. Slot number 458 and file “uniform_hoa_cty.iff”. It features NASA like font for the chest script, players’ names and numbers too, yellow and orange gradients everywhere and a nice twist for the cap logo. This uniform looks great to me, with that “tequila sunrise” resemblance. But, to be honest, I guess this one represents exactly what Nike wants to do with MLB uniforms in the future, going away from the traditional scheme of white for home and gray for visitor. So, I’m not sure about how good that could be. It only misses the leg numbers. 3) Kansas City Royals “Waterfalls” themed Navy blue jersey with sky blue accessories uniform. Slot number 424 and uniform file “uniform_kcr_cty.iff”. A bit tricky to make my own version of both main graphics, but I’m happy with the final result. Two details about this uniform: Front numbers are a bit smaller and located in a place higher than in the real uniform and cap logo is not HR, I had to make it on the cap graphic itself. These two issues are related to the uniform format limitations. * I found the jersey blue tone was too dark. I've fixed this in V3.1 beside helmets bills that are sky blue. 4) Colorado Rockies “Colorado License Plate” themed christmas green with white uniform, slot 433 and file name "uniform_cor_cty.iff”. Another one more challenging than expected. I made my own version of the Colorado plates numbers and used stock Astros road uniform as host, because of its thin and tall numbers. 5) Los Angeles Angels “Classic Surfing” themed cream uniform, slot 435 and file name uniform_laa_cty.iff”. The little numbers on the front with that diamond background were the hardest part here. I forced Cubs road uniform low front numbers to their limit. That's why they look so separated. Nice color scheme for the Angels. I fixed the cap white panel, in order to make it work better for this and other projects too. 6) Milwaukee Brewers "Brew Crew" powder blue jersey uniform. Inspired on Barbeque, beer and Baseball weekends. Slot 462 and file name "uniform_mib_cty.iff”. Uniform host is CHWS road. My recent Brewers update helped me a lot to make this one really fast. Cap logo is too wide to fit cap HR graphic. Therefore, this cap logo is low-res and there are some stains, because of the compression process. This release version comes with regular batting helmets, since I guess they suit this jersey very well and there won’t be any custom helmet for this jersey. Anyway, I am updating it if needed, after watching this uniform in play. 7) San Diego Padres “Vibrant” colorful uniform. Slot 443 and file name “uniform_sdp_cty.iff”. Whatever you think about this one, I agree. There are still some inaccurate numbers shapes, but I had to rest my sight. Host file for this uniform was Brewers stock pinstripes. To install these uniforms, just decompress all files in your game’s folder. And don’t forget to update the colors, from “2022-UM-CityConnectColors.txt”, in order to activate the uniforms, or you won’t even see them in the game. By the way, I recommend you to use exactly the version of “MLB2K12 Roster Editor 1.1.exe” that comes in the RAR file, because there is another version that looks exactly the same (1.1), but It crashes when importing some files. Hope You like them.
  13. Yes. Team names can be changed. I'm not sure about the tool. But the Caribe team modders have replaced all the team names for that mod.
  14. Version b0.9


    Well, it's done. Cleveland team has a new identity, and I just wanted to upadete my uniforms for this team. This is kind of a beta version, based on late 2021 "official" mockups, and kind of an exercise to me, in order stay on shape with the uniform making stuff. All my 2021 throwbacks are exactly the same. And, to be honest, these "new" uniforms are about the same thing too. These are the included uniforms: - Guardians home white uniform - Guardians road gray uniform - Guardians aternate red jersey home uniform - Guardians alternate navy blue jersey road uniform - 1995 Indians World Series white uniform. It replaces BPH - 1995 Indians World Series road uniform with navy blue jersey. It replaces BPA - 1963 Indians home uniform. My own version of vest and zipper gear. - 1992 Indians Road uniform. It replaces 1963 visitor uniform. I've also removed Lindor's like high socks, BTW. This is pasted from my 2021 Indians set: Both 1995 WS uniforms represent the best moment in this franchise history. One of my favorite teams of all times. Shame that… you know the story. 1992 uniform was very nice too. I like this visitor version more than the home version All these 90's Indians uniforms were made by Russell Athletic. 1963 uniform is kind of my personal tribute to Victor Davalillo. My father used to tell me amazing stories about his bunting abilities. I used the handful ChiSox files for these two last uniforms. * I forgot to update manager's jacket. It will be in next version. Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2022-UM-GuardiansColorsV09.txt" with the included tool, MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. It’s necessary, to avoid strange colors in some number. NO OLVIDES IMPORTAR LOS COLORES DESDE "2022-UM-GuardiansColorsV09.txt ", PORQUE SI NO, NO TENDRAS LOS COLORES CORRECTOS. EL EDITOR DE ROSTERS ESTA INCLUIDO. __________ Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game: And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about your donation via PM.
  15. Hi, friend!! you could make the mets uniforms, the one that is black t-shirt? that this season came out in the middle of the season !! Thank you!!

    1. Umachines


      Hi!. I'm gonna have a look. Español, BTW?

    2. Rainel Novoa

      Rainel Novoa

      ah ok gracias jj!!

      como aqui todo dicen qeu debe ser en ingles jj!!

      y gracias amigo ,  ese uniforme de los mets asi negro es popular!!

    3. Elchino


      Hola querido hermano espero que se encuentre bien, me gustaría saber si pudiera hacer los uniformes más actualizado.

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