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Everything posted by Umachines

  1. Version 2022-1


    Hello, guys. This is my second 2020 and Nike uniform set for MLB Baseball 2K12. Again, I've put a lot of care in this set. Much more than I expected, once I decided to work with the A’s. I thought it was going to be an easy update of my 2017 set with a simple addition, but at the end I actually rebuilt a lot of things. For this set I've made 5 uniforms: - Home white uniform (uniform base is now original Rockies pinstripes uniform) - Road gray uniform (same uniform base as the white one) - New (2018) kelly green jersey home alternate (same uniform base as the white one) - Dark green jersey alternate home uniform (uniform base is now original White Sox pinstripes uniform) - Dark green jersey alternate road uniform (same uniform base as the home version) I’m not the only author of all these files. @pickelbrad has told me to use his great high socks set in my uniforms. Also @kccitystar has given me some great advices, in order to improve several aspects of my uniforms. I took his advices, and some of his files too. Our common goal here is making the best possible A’s uniform versions, and extending it to all MLB. Name patches or tabs have been removed. And that’s the main reason for the uniform base change. I had to rework all the letterings, and even apply slight deformations to some elements, in order to make them look more accurate in the game engine. Even the front buttons have been relocated, according to the letterings, KC... XD. Please, remember to update the colors by importing "0-Athletics2020.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. So, I hope you like this set. I think the final result is much better than I expected, thanks to KC and picklebrad. Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game: And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM. Well, that's enough for now. Hope you like them. BE SAFE!!!, STAY AT HOME!. I'M AT HOME THESE DAYS AS YOU CAN SEE XD.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is my first uniform set for MVP Baseball 2005 mods in some few years. I had forgotten that making these uniforms is way harder than making the 2K12 Baseball versions. There are six uniforms in this set: -Home pinstripes -Road sand pinstripes -Alternate brown jersey road version -Desert digital camo home alternate -Jungle digital camo road alternate -Spring training jersey, home version I wanted to make a conversion of my 2k12 2020 set, but it took more time than I expected. BUT: What are these '320p Uniforms'?: Back in 2015, I was looking for a way to have even more details in MVP 2005 uniforms than with our known 2X files. The logical step was going 4x, but it was too much for the game engine, I guess. So, since I've always liked using intermediate size files in my mods, whenever it's possible, I tried some with the most important part of any MVP 2005 uniform, the jersey front. 2X jersey files are 256x256 pixels. What I did was adding 64 extra pixels to both sides, and I got 320x320 sized bitmaps. This simple change geve me a lot more room for the jersey details. In order to compensate this new bigger jersey size, I even downsized some other parts of the uniforms, like the batting gloves and the catcher leg (1.5x, instead 2x). The rest of the main files (Cap, jersey back, sleeves, etc), remain 2X size. I'm sure these uniforms are really safe to use, but since they are heavier than most of other uniforms, you may experiment sometime crashes with very high res stadiums, for example. Try not to use them if your specs are not really above those ones needed when the game was new. SO, AGAIN, PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLING THIS MOD. My personal advice is: Make copies of "...data/models.big" and "...data/frontend/uniforms.big" files. Now you can install my uniforms via Total Installer Thingy tool. It's just the best way. I want to thank all MVP mods comunity for hosting and using my files. And personally Yankee4Life, KCCityStar and all the modders and contributors of mvpmods.com Special thanks to BallFour for his constant effort in keeping these uniforms up to date, and this time for letting me use his names and numbers font for the Padres Uniforms. Well, enjoy. And you know, guys: Please support me via PayPal, in order bring all this updates to all the MLB teams as soon as possible: paypal.me/umachines . Just let me know about yor donation via PM. ******************************************
  3. Version 2021-1.5


    Hello, guys. This is my first 2020 and Nike uniform set for MLB Baseball 2K12. I've put a lot of care in this set, since it's the base of what I want to be an important project this new year for me, and for those who follow my modding updates. I've been preparing many things in the off season for this game and for MVP Baseball 2005 too. For this set I've made 5 uniforms: -Home pinstripes -Road sand pinstripes -Alternate brown jersey road version -Desert digital camo home alternate -Jungle digital camo road alternate This is also the first time I update Jacket and broadcasting logo file, and crowd file too. so, there are 7 .iff files in this set to copy to your game folder. Also remember to update the uniform colors by importing "2020-UM-PadresColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. I tried to use all the avialable info for this update. But you know many things can happen in the coming season to add eventual changes. Anyway, what I did with this set is a flag ship of what I pretend to do for all the MLB teams. Anyway, I personally like all about Padres uniforms this year. Even those Ronald MacDonald's shoes look great with this color scheme. I also spent a long time with a camo generator, until I got the two patterns I finally used. So, I hope you like my first set. And expect more updates in the next days. I Actually want my next project to be a 320p MVP 2005 version of this set itself, for those who still enjoy our beloved game, and in order to practice a good and fast convertion process. It's been a long time since I don't make MVP uniforms, and it may take a while, but I hope it will worth the try. Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game: And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM. Well, that's enough for now. Hope you like them.
  4. Version 1.5


    This is the result of two ideas I had while working for 2K Caribe 2019 mod. You can find the explanation in this other post: So, these are the MLB and public versions of those mods for fielding and base running. One is ready for MLB mods and the other one is avialable to be used in any other mod, by adding the pictures to the right .iff files. I guess the fielding mod is a good improvement to help players in this aspect. Although the runners mod is not so important to me, we, the testers, agree one tends to be more "agressive" with the runners. I find it kind of funny, btw. - If you just want to test my fielding guide and runners icos in any MLB mod, just download "Fielding+Runners.rar" and replace "gamedata.iff" for the fielding mod and "overlay_static_preload.iff" for the runners icons mod. These files feature the generic "MLB 2K Series" art I made for my jersey wrinkles global.iff file. - If you want to use them for your own mod, then download "Fielding+Runners for modders.rar" and use any editing tool to replace the pictures in the right file. Hope you like them.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I've been working on this since a while ago. With this file, I'm trying to add some different, and more natural, I think, wrinkles to the jerseys. They try to copy the way a jersey looks on an athletic body. I'm also trying to clean some spots that can be seen in the jerseys when using current mods. You can consider this still an experimetal mod. I had to avoid including some other changes already present in the global.iff files we are used to have in our mods, in order to avoid unwanted secondary effects. So please backup your current global.iff file before trying this one, and just make me know anythig you like or don't like about it for further versions. Just read this post, if you don't know what this is about: What there is in this GLOBAL.IFF file: -My jersey wrinkles mod. -All batting gloves, shoes and equipment made by other modders and present in 2019 global.iff MVPmods avialable versions. -Some little fixes in the ball. -A new 2K Baseball, not related to any specific year, logo. -Maybe some easter egg. What THERE IS NOT in this GLOBAL.IFF file: Since I had some troubles trying to move all I could from an old modded global.iff to my own file, I had to choose not to mess with any skin tone, eye color or hair files. So all those pictures are exactly the original ones. This file keeps the original 43MB file size. So i'ts still compressed. Please have in mind that the logo says 2KSeries, but this file is ONLY FOR MLB BASEBALL 2K12.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    FINALLY, This is my version of the Atlanta Braves uniforms. I made them to add the new alternate jerseys. I know we are in the off season now, but, well, a gift for loyal baseball fans anyway. Hope you enjoy them. I think these ones are the last Majestic brand uniforms I'm uploading. Nike MLB agreement is showing it's first uniforms, and I'm planing to keep this stuff updated as long as I can. There is an issue with the new navy cap, the one of the tomahawk logo. Since this logo is extra wide, there is no uniform that support it in the game, the way it should be made. So I deleted the HR logo and put the logo right on the cap file. The problem is that the cap file is a very low res one, so it will not look nice if you see it closer. We have many problems with these kind of caps in the Caribe 2K mod that I'm helping to make this year. So I'm not resting at all when it comes about uniforms. My next MLB uniforms will feature Nike swoosh, since it comes to stay around a long time. So, expect more of my updates in the off season, I hope. Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors. Use the MLB Roster tool for this. You can download it with most of 2k12 uniform updates, my own sets included.
  7. Thanks, LouisvilleLipp. Yes, just overwrite all files and load the txt with MLB2K12 Roster Editor 1.1 again.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, there. This is my special set of uniforms for the WS 2019 finalists, The Houston Astros And the Washington Nationals. In this set you will find 14 uniforms: 8 for the Nationals and 6 for the Astros. Most of the uniforms were already released few days ago for the post season series. But I spent a lot of time fixing as much as I could for this. These are the changes in this set: -General fixes in the color schemes. -All current season uniforms feature right sleeve and cap WS2019 patches. You know cap patches are not something I used to do. And that's cause in 2k12 uniforms, Take Two downsized the cap textures from 512x512 to 256x256. So caps lost a lot of quality and they look worse than those from previous versios. I've spent a lot of time trying to take them back to 512 size, but with no results... yet. I made these ones anyway for the party. There are also two extra uniforms in the set, one for each team. I decided to include two Turn Back the Clock uniforms. Trowbacks are some of my favorite uniforms. Shame I had no time to make more, for several teams, like back in 2017. For the Nationals, I made 1969 Monteral Expos powder blue uniform. They wore it on june the 6th. This uniform features right sleeve 100th MLB anniversary patch, wich all teams wore that year. It's also my personal trubute to the Expos, btw. The Astros extra uniform is the one they wore on august the 9th. It features the rainbow pattern from shoulders to sleeves. I've always really liked all this Astos' Raibow stuff. Please, remember to update the uniforms colors by applying UM-WorldSeries2019Colorfix.txt file. This is important to have the right accesories colors and to enable a couple of extra uniforms in the set. You can use the supplied MLB Roster Tool for this. ADDITIONAL INFO: Guys, in the next days I'm willing to take more seriuosly this modding stuff. I'm going to keep submitting my public files, But I'm also accepting personal requests to make uniforms. I'm also accepting donations via PayPal, so I can spend more time making these pieces. I still have a lot of projects to do with these uniforms, and I guess this is the right way to manage it. I think there is still room to improve 2K12 uniforms even more. But I also feel the time I'm going to spend in this has to worth more than my personal pleasure for making them. I have plenty of projects to keep this alive, so I hope users understand me and support me too. Thanks, Yankee4Life for letting me announce this. So, for now I'm openning a thread for the feedback. If you want to help me with this project, my paypal link is: paypal.me/umachines My name is Vladimir Altuve Let's keep in touch, and Happy World Series.
  9. Hello. I have plans to have more presence and coverage on uniform making. For that reason, I'm accepting donations via PayPal ( https://www.paypal.me/umachines ) and taking uni requests. If you have any particular request, please send me a PM.

  10. Hi, Markus. What's new in Blue Jays uniforms?. I mean they are already included in this set: I guess they have no major changes, Only the 150year patch is missing. I guess even Canada Day uniform is well updated. And primary home uniform comes with the two cap versions.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    A lot of work these last days to finish these ones. In this set, there are 8 uniforms, 3 for the Yankees and 5 for the Astros. Less uniforms than in NLCS set, but a lot more content, I guess. Astros uniforms are part of my own set that I never released here. So most of their material have 2 years saved in a folder of my computer. I fixed the colors and finished some few things more. Yankees uniforms are an update of my 2017 version, but with several color fixes and tweaks too. I've also included Yenkees black uniform for Player's Day. I think it really suits the Yenkees. I know they don't wear alternates, but they really should keep this. This is the only uniform in the set that does not feature 'POST SEASON' patch. Please, remember to update the uniforms colors by applying UM-ALCS2019Colorfix.txt file. This is important to have the right accesories colors and to enable a couple of extra uniforms in the set. You can use the supplied MLB Roster Tool for this. This time I had plenty of time to write about the file while I was uploading it, because of my way, so slow connection. Hope you enjoy this set. And I guess that was my MLB contribution for 2019.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Well, Nationals didn't give me a chance to update this at least a couple of days before the end of the Series, but here it is anyway. In this set, there are 7 uniforms for the Nationals and 4 for the Cardinals. The really new one is the navy blue Nationals wore in most games. I know several users have been waitig for this new jersey, so it comes in both, home and visitor versions. I already uploaded the powder blue uniform for the Cardinals some days ago. This is the lighter version I made. The rest of the set actually come from my 2017 uniforms, with some few fixes and updates. All these 11 uniforms feature 'POST SEASON' patch on right sleeve, no matter if they were worn or not in the series. I did it 'cause they are all official uniforms. Please, remember to update the uniforms colors by applying UM-NLCS2019Colorfix.txt file. This is important to have the right accesories colors and to enable a couple of extra uniforms in the set. You can use the supplied MLB Roster Tool for this. This time I had plenty of time to write about the file while I was uploading it, because of my way, so slow connection. Hope you enjoy this set, and expect some cool stuff from my ALCS set, if I say so myself.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This is my version of the Cleveland Indians uniforms. I made them to add the new alternate jerseys and because of the Wahoo Chief logo removing. All-Star event patch is on left sleeves too. Hope you enjoy them. If you have already installed my Indians set from 2017, cream uniform will be replaced by the red jersey one. So you will have to manually fix this, if you want to keep that uniform. Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors. Use the MLB Roster tool for this. You can download it with most of 2k12 uniform updates, my own sets included.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This one was almost ready since several days ago, but I had some troubles finding the right host uniform, in order to make all the elements look the way I wanted. I re-used my own version of Marlins double outlined numbers and put all the elements in a Boston uniform. Hope you enjoy it. Shame the Twins are already out of race. Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors. This uniform replaces the BP home gear. Use the MLB Roster tool for this. You can download it with most of 2k12 uniform updates, my own sets included.
  15. Version 1.2


    This is some sort of tribute for Cardinals season. It is also a kind of lazy work, since I already had almost all the files I needed XD... Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors and to enable the uniform, since it's in an extra slot. Use the MLB Roster tool for this. You can download it with most of 2k12 uniform updates, my own sets included.
  16. No, I guess you mean the navy one. Here's a WIP pic.
  17. Ok, Taking notes. I've been desconected from MLB world this year, but I guess you mean the new red jersey.
  18. Gracias, Guaro. Ayúdame a recuperar mi usuario de Caribe. Olvidé todo 😛
  19. Version 1.0.0


    A long time again guys.... Well, I made this set to warm up again. There are seven uniforms for the Marlins in this file: -Home white uniform -Away gray uniform -Home blue jersey uniform -Home black Jersey uniform -Away black jersey unform -2019 Throwbak uniform. It replaces 1993 original home version -An extra custom BP-like jersey with mesh cap Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors and to enable the black jersey road uniform, since it's in an extra slot. Use the MLB Roster tool included in the file. I'm updating this info later.
  20. ... You're right. Check v1.2. Thank you again.
  21. Let me see that. I sometimes forget those details.
  22. They are too many. I only made them for a few teams. Mostly teams with only 4 or 3 official uniforms: Dodgers, Angels, Phillies and military version for Tigers.
  23. Version 1.2


    NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST DIVISION UNIFORM SET 2017 In this file you'll find 26 uniforms. All of them include the features shown in my Uniform Rework Preview and Templates: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9693-mlb-2k12-uniforms-rework-and-public-psd-templates They are made to replace main, and alternate uniforms of NL-East Division Teams. There is also a couple of extra uniforms. By working in this set, I've found some problems, and I've also done some few tricks and improvements to the way I developed my Uniform Templates. All these changes will be released in further versions of my templates. All 6 division are done. There are two new features in this set. First of all, Since pinstripes behave different in the three parts of the uniform, I've made them with diferent thickness and separation for legs, chest and sleeves in Phillies and Mets uniforms. This way they actually look more uniform in the game. And there is better version of the Majestic logo in all uniforms. I'm adding this in my revisions and new templates version. I't been nice coming back to MVP mods to bring you my uniforms after several years. Hope you enjoy plying with them, as much as I anjoyed making them. Although it was exausting, btw. THESE ARE THE INCLUDED UNIFORMS: ATLANTA BRAVES: 5 Uniforms: - Regular Home Uniform - Regular Away Uniform - Alternate Cream Home Uniform. Made as I use to do, with a slighter color. - Alternate Navy Blue Jersey Away Uniform - Alternate Red Jersey Home Uniform PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES: 5 Uniforms: - Regular Home Uniform. Check the pinstripes. - Regular Away Uniform - Alternate Cream Home Uniform. Made as I use to do, with a slighter color. - Alternate Red Jersey Home Uniform - Special Juy the 4th Weekend Visitor Uniform. Replaced BP Away MIAMI MARLINS: 5 Uniforms: - Regular Home Uniform - Regular Away Uniform - Alternate Black Jersey Home Uniform - Alternate Black Jersey Away Uniform. Uniform was desabled. I Activated it in slot 480 - Alternate Orange Jersey Home Uniform NEW YORK METS: 6 Uniforms: - Regular Home Uniform - Regular Away Uniform - Alternate Blue Jersey Home Uniform - Alternate Blue Jersey Away Uniform. Uniform was desabled. I Activated it in slot 482. - Alternate Pinstripes 1986 Vintage Uniform. V-neck pullover - 1987 Cursive "New York" Lettering Road Uniform. just bring it back!. Replaced classic away. WASHINGTON NATIONALS: 5 Uniforms: Removed "DC" logo and fixed batting helmets logos, according to the colors. - Regular Home Uniform - Regular Away Uniform - Alternate Navy Blue Jersey Home Uniform - Alternate Flag Background "W" Modified Home Uniform - Alternate Red Jersey Road Uniform. Replecd BP Away Always remember to back up your original files before replacing them. To install the uniforms, just extract all the files in MLB 2K12 game folder. I've also included the file "NL-East-ColorFix.txt" in order to fix the uniforms accesory colors using the Roster Editor tool. In case you have any problem importing the color fix file, try using the Roster Editor version aviable in this post. Thaks again to KCcitystar for helping me with this. DON'T FORGET TO IMPORT THE COLOR-FIX FILE IN ORDER TO SEE YOUR UNIFORMS THE RIGHT WAY. Umachines, May27-2017. Other Divisional sets: AL-EAST: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9718-american-league-east-division-uniform-set-2017/?_fromLogin=1 NL-WEST: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9739-national-league-west-division-uniform-set-2017/ AL-CENTRAL: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9756-american-league-central-division-uniform-set-2017/ NL-CENTRAL: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9791-national-league-central-division-uniform-set-2017/ AL-WEST: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9832-american-league-west-division-special-uniforms-set/
  24. Thank you, MLB. Gracias. But this is something I really learnt downloading uniforms from KC, TheWizirdsBaker, mcoll86 and raidersbball20 before starting to do my first 2K12 pieces and templates. Guaro also told me how to use MLB Roster Editor. I used to do this with my MVP files, but this tool saves a lot of work. Something I always do is downloading Jerseys and caps pictures from MLB official online shop and capturing their color with the eye dropper tool of my photo editor. This way I have something very close to the real color, most of the times. Another advantage of doing this is that not all the navy blue, royal blue, red, etc tones are the same thing in the real MLB merchandise. Every team has slight difference between similar colors. I try to copy these slight difference as much as possible. The best way to see this is by playing in afternoon games. This is by far the best envirometal light to enjoy the uniforms real colors and details. Night enviromental light is very poor compared to afternoon, at least in my machine.
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