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Everything posted by Umachines

  1. 1190 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Los Angeles Dodgers uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are three extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. ***** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Dodgers in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Batting gloves belong to KCCitystars collection. He works in 2X size and I lowered them to just 1:1 props, so they won't look as nice as the original version but they are still very good looking. Custom Nike blue shoes. 5) Three extra uniforms: Road BP jersey, featuring "Los Angeles" instead "Dodgers" lettering. Two extra uniforms. A remake of my black jersey for 2004 set but turned into a road uniform with "Los Angeles" script too and some trim color changes. A new white no-sleeve jersey uniform featuring inverted blue jersey scheme; "Dodgers" script border is also different to the default home uniform. to be able to use front red numbers in this one, I took the desition to move alternate blue jersey to an extra slot. I did this knowing Dodgers haven't used their blue jersey in 2-3 seasons. Anyway, if you want to keep blue jersey with its red numbers as default, just do the safer' installation and "C" slot won't be touched or use MVP Studio 2005 for a custom installation. 6) Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all uniforms, following a picture the way I make them.
  2. 1111 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Arizona Diamondbacks uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are three extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. **** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Diamondbacks in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Batting gloves belong to KCCitystars collection. He works in 2X size and I lowered them to just 1:1 props, so they won't look as nice as the original version but they are still very good looking. Custom Nike shoes. Custom Addidas batting gloves and shoes for retro uniforms. 5) All retro uniforms updated too. Since they are so similar to the current ones, most of the accesories, includen modern manager jacket, are the same. 6) All legs are made in 2xlite size (384x192) to improve pants trim looking. 7) Three extra uniforms: Alternate black jersey now aviable for home games. Two fantasy uniforms. There is a remake of my purple jersey for MVP 2004, but no mesh effect and it is like Mets BP jersey with Dbacks colors with snake biting baseball logo on cap. The last uniform belongs to Cubsfaninflas concept collection with some subctil changes to make it a road gear; Its a purple sleeveless jersey with black trim, snake biting baseball on front left side and black undershirt. Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all uniforms, following a picture the way I make them.
  3. 1134 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the San Diego Padres uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are three extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. **** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Padres in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 3) Retro uniforms updated too. Not full remake, like in other cases but jerseys are made in 2xlite size and sleeves are 2X. Most of the rest is nearly the same stock version since I think it was not bad at all. 4) Alteranate camo uniform changed for the version with new script style. The camouflage pattern I used was not exactly the same of the jersey picture bravesj858 sent me. Instead, I used US-wood pattern, that I think is much better looking. 5) Three extra uniforms. First, you can now use alternate navy blue jersey for road games with beige pants. I added again the fantasy standard gray visitor uniform. And no!, Its not a Black Hawk Down expansion set!, its just my fantasy desert camo uniform. I had a lot of fun making this one. It started just with the jersey, but I couldn't stop, fantasy after all. Although I wouldn't use this one for a dinasty or so, I really spent half of the time invested in this set, just making and fixing this particular uniform. All camo pieces are different from each other and brown or olive green accesories. Please don't ask for the kevlar armor :-P 6) Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all 2005 uniforms, following a picture the way I make them. And also a 'different' jacket for the desert camo uniform.
  4. 1116 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Philadelphia Phillies uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are three extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. **** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Phillies in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Batting gloves belong to KCCitystars collection. He works in 2X size and I lowered them to just 1:1 props, so they won't look as nice as the original version but they are still very good looking. Custom shoes based on a picture of Bobby Abreu in a real game. Hope you like them. I tried several times to find a stripes scheme close enough to the actual model. I'm not sure about these shoes brand, I guess its Reebok. 5) All retro uniforms updated too. Home and away late 70s/early 80s uniforms taken form my 2004 set with sleeves size fixed. Green retro uniforms also updated over the same pinstripes pants of my home version. 6) 2005 season pinstripes legs are made in 2xlite size (384x192) to improve pants trim looking. 7) Three extra uniforms. Red BP jersey now aviable for visitor games. Two fantasy uniforms. One is the same sleeveless jersey I made last year, with an alternate cap I found in Phillies online shop and a small team script like a patch on left sleeve. I also took the star over 'P' logo and made another fantasy red jersey with traditional two colored bands on sleeve borders. both are for home games. Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all 2005 uniforms, following a picture the way I make them.
  5. 2604 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the New York Mets uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are two extra and one optional uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left seeve on all uniforms in the game. ***** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Mets in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Catcher equipment main/secondary color combination changed to black/orange, the way Mike Piazza wears. I also made a new goaly helmet that matches teams color tendences, although I know Piazza wears traditional mask. 5) All late 80s retro uniforms updated too. 1986 home uniform taken from my 2004 pack and sleeves are fixed. Again I replaced 1986 road uniform for 1987 version that features cursive 'New York' script, one of my favorites Mets uniforms of all times. Alternate late 80s blue jersey remade too. 6) Pinstripes 2005 pants are made in 2xlite size (384x192) to improve stripes looking. 7) Two fantasy exta uniforms: Black jersey with 'Mets sript for home games; no front numbers 'cause they are not aviable in extra uniforms (shame). A fantasy blue and orange spring training-like jersey taken from KLydefrogs Mets concept set. It features blue undershirt, socks, cap helmets, etc. Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all 2005 uniforms, following a picture the way I make them. For blackless uniforms: fantasy blue/orange jacket. 9) Knowing Mets fans are some sort of divided between those who don't like the way the Team is using black in the uniforms and those ones who do like it, or just accept this, I took the desition to make all true uniforms as close as possible to the way players actually wear them. But I've added an option to change pinstripes uniform, thats suppouse to be still the main home gear, to a traditional version with all blue accesories instead black, including the blue cap, thats rarely used (If they have worn it, I haven't seen). To make the change, just extract the file u028a.fsh inside the add-on zip file after the pack is already installed, no matter if you used full or safer' installer. Then copy this file to the game folder, replacing the original one and just run the safer' installer again. Now you have your pinstripes blue cap uniform.
  6. 1169 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Washington Nationals uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are two extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. ***** Notes: 1) This update is based on my 2xlite pack to replace The Montreal Expos for the Washington Nationals in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Catcher equipment new main/secondary color combination is gray/red, the way Brian Schneider wears. I also tried to imitate Schneiders custom goaly helmet, but its a complex design. Anyway I guess Its very close to the real helmet. 5) Montreal Expos uniforms also included in the set. They are the same versions I made last year with the sleeves size fixed. 6) Two exta uniforms: Spring training jersey now aviable for road games too, since this is the nearest thing to an alternate jersey Nationals have. The other extra uniform is a fantasy navy blue jersey for home games, featuring a stars pattern desing on sleeves borders. Well, what can I say? maybe its better for New England, or for an all-star weekend, but I liked the idea :-) . 7) Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for Nationals uniforms, following a picture the way I make them.
  7. 1164 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Florida Marlins uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are two extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. *********** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Marlins in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Catcher equipment color fixed and now its all black. 5) All 1993 uniforms remade too. I've added more teal to catcher equipment and several fixes to scripts in general. Inaugural season patch added to right sleeve. 6) All pistripes legs, including 1993 uniforms are made in 2xlite size (384x192) to improve stripes looking. 7) Two exta uniforms: Black jersey aviable for home games, you know this guys love to wear in black, and teal has turned a secondary color. The other is a concept uniform, developing the idea that the team wants to change the home name to 'Miami' once they get a new stadium. So I just removed every 'Florida' or 'F' script and followed their uniform tendences to make this one. No sleeves and marlin jumping across an 'M' instead 'F' logo. Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all uniforms, following a picture the way I make them. 1993 uniforms also come with teal 2xlite manager jacket.
  8. 1517 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Atlanta Braves uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are two extra uniforms in this set. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. ******** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Braves in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Catcher equipment main/secondary color combination changed to red/blue, the way it should be. I also made a new goaly helmet that, being not perfect, is certainly more accurate than the stock version. 5) 70s and 80s retro uniforms updated too. Early 70s uniforms taken from my last years pack. Early 80s sky blue uniform replaced for 1980 version, that features lowercase-like initial 'a' in 'Atlanta' script and the lowercase letter in cap logo too. Color has also been fixed and the uniform looks a bit better in gameplay, I guess. 6) All 2005 season uniforms legs are made in 2xlite size (384x192) to improve pants trim looking. 7) Two fantasy exta uniforms: Navy blue jersey featuring 'Atlanta' script with white/red trim for away games. This one is a remake of the same one I made last year, but with some subctil changes in front script and jersey coloring mode. The other extra is a white no-sleeve jesersey with tomahawk across 'A' logo on left side. Both extra uniforms come with 2xlite sized pants too. Manager Jacket made in 2xlite size for all 2005 uniforms, following a picture the way I make them.
  9. 1215 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Pittsburgh Pirates uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there is one more extra gear. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Pirates in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) 1979 retro uniforms updated too. There are not just 3 of them yet all 5. Main change is that I made yellow pants for yellow jersey. Since you can't use all 5 1979 uniforms at the same time, I've added a small zip file with two optional uniforms and a picture taken from Basebal Uniform Database that you can use as a guide to replace the other gears. Just replace the file you want to change in game folder and run the safer' installer to get the changes. Previews and fonts are the same as the default ones. You can also use MVP Studio to put these ones anywhere in the game. See the text file inside the add-on zip for instructions. 5) Legs for alternate pinstripes uniform are 2xlite too to improve pinstripes looking. 6) Manager jacket included in 2xlite size and following an actual picture. 7) One extra uniform thats just the black alternate jersey for home games (line corrected, in readme file it says road games). I'm trying a new style of templates and dark cloring with BP uniform. You will notice that this is not an open full front buttons jersey. Instead, only the two top bittons are shown.
  10. 1014 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Milwaukee Brewers uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format. There are no extra uniforms but a replacement. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Brewers in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Most of the sleeves are 1:1 or full 2x size to avoid the fattys sleeve glitch. 4) Most retro uniforms updated too. late 70s uniforms taken from 2004 version and main Seattle Pilots uniforms remade my way. I have to say that these Pilots uniforms EA version are some of the best stock uniforms I've seen, so just tried to do my best to take them to 2xlite fomat. Late 90s uniforms based on my last years version too. 5) Removed late 90s road uniform to add current alterante navy jersey for road games. I Had to take this choice to include a gear that Brewers wear very often. Anyway, if you want to keep gray 90s uniform and don't want to install alt jersey for road games, or you want to install it in some other slot, via MVP Studio 2005, then use the safer' installer and road 90s uniform won't be touched. 6) I'm trying a texture fill that emulates golden trim on sleeves and legs. Hope it works. 7) Since I started making manager jacket from Astros pack, I just can't stop now. So I made it following an actual picture and in 2xlite size. There are no extra uniforms this time 'cause all 12 slotas are already in use. So I barely could add the alternate navy jersey for road games.
  11. 1099 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Cincinnati Reds uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are two more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Reds in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) Now I found a way to fix the annoying fattys sleeves graphic glitch. What I do is not using 192x192 files for the sleeves but 1:1 or full 2x textures, according to the sleeve. Some few uniforms don't need this fix 'cause the sleeves are too simple to notiece it, but some others do. 4) all retro uniforms updated too. I've remade 1985 "Pete" uniform my way. For the 1970 uniforms, they're just gone, and replaced for the 1936 alternate uniforms. I did this 'cause I really think those ones are very boring and I needed the room for the leg style of the 1936 ones. Anyway, if you want to keep the 70s ones, just use the safer' installer and they won't be replaced at all. You can also use MVP Studio 2005 ;-) to install them wherever you want. Remember that all you need to use the studio always comes in my sets. Hope you like them, Benny!. 5) Legs for pinstripes, alternate home and BP uniform are 2xlite too to improve pinstripes looking. 6) Catcher equipment totally black, like the way Larue actually wears, including current new goaly helmet design, made by Rambully. Thanks to him, McDiddy, The H and all the guys with the feedback on this part. 7) Since I started making manager jacket from Astros pack, I just can't stop now. So I made it following an actual picture and in 2xlite size. Two extra uniforms. Black BP jersey is now aviable for road games. The other uniform is a black fantasy jersey for home games featuring 'REDs script on full chest plus sleeves and neck red trim. I tried to make somethig different, mixing retro with postmo elements. I don't know how many people will recieve this one, but I'm sure there is at least one guy who would love to wear it: Jason Larue! 9) RedLeg (the famous runnig mascot) patch is not aviable by default for both main uniforms, just for alternate and fantasy black jerseys. But I've included a small zip file where you will find the patched left sleeves. If you want to use them (I guess you're one of those Reds fans...), Just install the pack, then use EAGraph.exe to open Models.big and look for the files u020a.fsh (pinstripes) and u020b.fsh (gray). Then, use EAgraphs option to export the full files, decompressing them. Open each file with EAgraph, once they are out of models.big and locate a graphic called slvl' (left sleeve) and use the import wizard option to replace the sleeve for the fixed one. Now copy both patched files to the game folder and run the safer installer. The patched files are not compressed anymore, so you may want to use BigGUI (download it at www.mvpmods.com) to fix this too.
  12. 1777 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Chicago Cubs uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are two more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Cubs in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so it is not the same thing at all. 2) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 3) I'm trying to emulate the way pistripes jersey is built. There is a part that goes from shoulder to the sleeve, instead just connecting front with back part, like in Yankees uniform, for example. So I tried to paint these horizontal pistripes on shoulder, but its not been easy at all lining them up with the ones of the sleeve. This could be irrelevant for many people, but I know some few fans agree with the idea. Anyway, it still needs some fixes so please Cubbies fans and intrested people let me know if its worty or I better leave things as they were before. The problem is because of the so many different body sizes. 4) 1978 retro uniforms updated too. They're both 2xlite including legs to improve pinstripe look. I've tried to fix road version color following a couple of pictures. 5) Two extra uniforms. Now, alternate jersey is aviable for road games too. I added a fantasy jersey with 1994 'Cubs script like the one Iowa (AAA) still wears but with double colored trim pattern, like new Devil Rays design. I know how traditional Cubbies uniforms are and maybe some conservative guys won't like it, but remember its just a concept and I really got bored of all those pinstripes :-P . 6) Legs for pinstripes, alternate home and BP uniform are 2xlite too to improve pinstripes looking. 7) Since I started making manager jacket from last pack (stros), I just can't stop now. So I made it following an actual picture and in 2xlite size. This is the ideal team to try again with Yammers texturized scripts. So I replaced my last years both main uniforms scripts (the satinated ones) for his versions. The seams texture has desapeared, due to size reduction, but they keep most of that nice 3D effect. Notes For v1.5 ********************* 1) Removed (at last) names from jersey backs in home uniforms. 2) Fixed pinstripes sleeves to avoid tha fatty's sleeve glitch. 3) Fixed jersey back in baby blues uniform. 4) Added another fantasy home uniforms based on MVP Baseball forum users concepts an in 'Magallanes' jersey.
  13. 1176 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Houston Astros uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are two more extra gears. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Astros in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some few changes and updates, and there is something really new to me. 2) 70s retro uniforms updated too. I've changed the road version for my Nolan Rayans card one. The same than last year ;-P 3) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 4) Two extra uniforms. Not many surpises. The white one with maroon cap and the black jersey for road games. 5) Legs for pinstripes and BP uniform are 2xlite too to improve those stripes looking. 6) Ok, the new thing is about the managers Jacket. A couple of people have already ask me to do something this year about this. So manager jackets are totally different from the default version. They are made in 2xlite size and following an actual picture. Some details are hard to achieve 'cause there is only one sleeve file. Hope to make it better in the future.
  14. 1269 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. All uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are two more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. Changes in V 1.1: Corrected the full installer...I guess Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Rays in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make several changes, so please don't think its just the same thing. 2) Both retro uniforms updated too. The away version matches 2000 season accesories colors and patches instead 1998. So it is not so much pruple anymore. 3) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 4) Two extra uniforms. One is the black fantasy jersey for home games. The other is the black jersey retro for road games. I say that if certain team should wear black jerseys, those are the Rays. 5) I've made some changes to no-sleeve jerseys and I think the border trims look even more accurate. My way to paint these lines is on the sleeve files instead on the front/back files. 6) Black batting helmet for all gears.
  15. 1306 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the St. Lous Cardinals uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. All uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are three more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs add-on to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. ***************** Notes: 1) This update is based on my lastest 2xlite pack for the Cardinals in MVP Baseball 2004. Anyway, I had to make some changes and updates, so please don't think its just the same thing. 2) All retro uniforms updated too. 1979s sky blue uniform color fixed. 1934s uniforms resized to 2xlite props, including legs to add a soft Rolie style canvas texture. This is my first attempt to make such an ancient unform, so I hope to improve in the future. 3) Fonts are taken from Capns new 2005 version and I think they are much more accurate than the default ones. 4) Three extra uniforms. One is the navy fantasy jersey for road games. There is also a new red jersey for home games, combined with a cutom cap. Both caps are supposed to reduce cartain color dominance in the uniforms. The last one is my own version of St. Patricks day uniform, but the BP version with mesh effect. Look for Bigbullys version for the non-mesh one. 5) Busch Stadium final season patch on left sleeve for main uniforms and alt fantasy ones.
  16. 1173 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Baltimore Orioles uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Main and Spring training uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there are three more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs addon to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. ************** Notes: 1) This update is based in my lastest 2xlite pack for the Orioles in MVP Baseball 2004. 2) Black jersey now aviable for road games too. 3) Fonts are taken from Capns 2004 version and I think they are more accurate than the default ones. Some fonts have ben mixed or modified by myself. 4) No retro uniforms updated yet for the Os, maybe in the future. 5) Mesh effect is back in spring training jersey. Hope the new downloaders like it. If not, It can be fixed in the future too ;-p 6) Black batting helmet to everybody. 7) There is a couple of fantasy uniforms. I really hope Os fans like them, mainly the white vest jersey. I delyed the update just to make this one, once I the idea came to me. Legs are 2xlite too just in this one, in order to keep the trim ala-Atlanta pattern.
  17. 1201 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Toronto Blue Jays uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Main, retro and Spring training uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there arae two more extra uniforms. I recommend installing JPGs addon to remove default Majestic Athletic logo from left sleeve on all uniforms in the game. *************** Notes: 1) This update is based in my lastest 2xlite pack for the Blue Jays in MVP Baseball 2004. 2) I've added a fantasy Spring Trainig-like uniform with blue jersey and two colored cap. 3) Fonts are taken from my lastest 2004 version and I think they are more accurate than the default ones. 4) All retro uniforms also included. Early 90s taken from last years pack, and I decided to remake EAs 1997 alternate. The font is fixed and I waisted some work remaking the catcher helmet, that is not used in this uniform :-( . 5) Black jersey now aviable for road games too. 6) I'm trying Yammers scripts in white jersey uniform. I haven't used them in any other ones 'cause of my jerseys are still too small to keep the effect well, but I thinks some scripts still show some good 3D textures. So I hope to be using more of these. 7) For uniforms with graphite cap, I've kept the black batting helmet and the far view is also black. Patch added to right sleeve for all main current season uniforms.
  18. 1396 downloads

    In this pack you will find some updates for the Boston Red Sox uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. Main, Spring training and St. Patricks day uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus thre are 2 more extra uniforms. ******************************************************* Notes: 1) This update is based in my lastest 2xlite pack for the Red Sox in MVP Baseball 2004. 2) Pants have been remade for more accurate socks and pinstripe color 3) Black shoes for all uniforms, the way it should be (sorry for using red shoes for home unforms last year :-P) 4) The extra uniforms are fantasy ones. For home, no-sleeve jersey with socks logo on left side. For visitor, navy blue jersey, based on Ted Williams Cooperstown vintage jersey. 5) Green cap but navy blue batting helmet for St. Patricks day uniform, the way they actually wear. Some of you may remember the wrong helmet bug. So for far distances I chose the blue cap graphic (llod file). I guess I can live with this minor glich, cause far textures are used closer in the runners view than in fielding view. Anyway, I need some feedbak in this point, 'cause some other teams, like Toronto or Minnesota used to wear caps that are very different to the helmet for certain uniforms. If St. Patricks day uniform is not aviable in your game yet, just create a player named 'Neverlose Sight' (with the upercases) to unlock it.
  19. 1345 downloads

    This pack contains the graphic changes to replace The Montreal Expos team for the new franchise team The Washington Nationals in MVP baseball 2004. Here you'll find 6 uniforms plus the logo set. No rosters or team name changes in this file.
  20. 530 downloads

    ENGLISH: This file contains the graphic changes to replace Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons AAA team for 'Cardenales de Lara BBC' in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the Venezuelan league. Here you'll find 6 uniforms plus the logo set. No rosters yet. ESPAÑOL: En este archivo están los cambios gráficos necesarios para reemplazar el equipo AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red barons por los Cardenals de Lara en MVP Baseball 2004. El paquete contiene el set de logos y seis uniformes. No hay rosters en este pack.
  21. 493 downloads

    ENGLISH: This file contains the graphic changes to replace Columbus Clippers AAA team for 'Tigres de Aragua BBC' in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the venezuelan league. Here you'll find 4 uniforms plus the logo set. No rosters yet. SPANISH: En este archivo están los cambios gráficos necesarios para reemplazar el equipo AAA Columbus Clippers por los Tigres de Aragua en MVP Baseball 2004. El paquete contiene el set de logos y cuatro uniformes. No hay rosters en este pack.
  22. 310 downloads

    English: This file contains the graphic changes to replace Pawtucket Red Sox AAA team for 'Tiburones de La Guaira BBC' in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the venezuelan league. Here you'll find 5 uniforms plus the logo set. No rosters yet. ESPAÑOL: En este archivo están los cambios gráficos necesarios para reemplazar el equipo AAA Pawtucket Red Sox, por los Tiburones de La Guaira en MVP Baseball 2004. El paquete contiene el set de logos y cinco uniformes. No hay rosters en este pack.
  23. 290 downloads

    English: This file contains the graphic changes to replace Albuquerque Isotopes AAA team for 'Aguilas del Zulia BBC' in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the venezuelan league. Here you'll find 5 uniforms plus the logo set. No rosters yet. Español: En este archivo están los cambios gráficos necesarios para reemplazar el equipo AAA Albuquerque Isotopes por las Aguilas del Zulia en MVP Baseball 2004. El paquete contiene el set de logos y cinco uniformes. No hay rosters en este pack.
  24. 397 downloads

    ENGLISH: This pack contains the graphic changes to replace New Orleans Zephyrs AAA team for 'Leones del Caracas BBC' in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the venezuelan league. Here you'll find 5 uniorms plus the logo set. No rosters yet. ESPAÑOL: En este pack están los cambios gráficos necesarios para reemplazar el equipo AAA New Orleans Zephyrs por los Leones del Caracas en MVP Baseball 2004. El paquete contiene el set de logos y cinco uniformes. No hay rosters en este pack.
  25. 620 downloads

    This pack contains the graphic changes to replace Memphis Redbirds AAA team for MagallanesBBC in MVP baseball 2004. this is one of the 8 teams in the venezuelan league. Here you'llfind 5 uniforms plus the logo set. There are no roster updates ins this pack.
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